美国终止紧急救援安排 英伦寻求贸易谈判突破
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  • 2020-11-21 22:24:53波浪大湿
    2020-11-21 18:35:25
    2020-11-21 17:52:50

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-21 22:36:23由于个别公司信用债违约,中国的信用市场十分动荡,一级市场发行几乎中断,但是高息率对海外资金具有诱惑,资金流入推动RMB汇率上涨

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-21 23:28:13中国企业债
    Investors have been selling high-rated state-owned-enterprise (SOE) bonds in provinces where local governments have poor reputations, according to Gavekal.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 00:52:42疫情上,直至美国财政部要求停止部分流动性紧急救援安排。
    The 美国 Treasury is pulling the plug on some of the emergency programs it put in place with the Fed (red arrows below).
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 01:31:43粥少僧多
    华盛顿邮报:Coronavirus vaccines are coming. Who should get them first?
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 01:35:46中国疫情控制,可以不需要大规模疫苗
    In China, the calculation of who gets vaccinated first has been different than in the West, as the main risk is imported cases. China has largely quashed the domestic spread of the virus through exhaustive measures, such as testing every resident in a city when a new cluster emerges.
    China has put citizens with overseas travel plans among the groups prioritized for emergency-use vaccines. Aside from preventing its citizens from bringing the virus back home, it also reduces the risk of Chinese nationals becoming carriers of the virus overseas,
    2020-11-21 22:24:53

    波浪大湿 2020-11-21 18:35:25 疫苗不是出来了吗?医院的人先打呀!!!一针200,两针400.不用搞得这样被动嘛!! a1b2c3d401 2020-11-21 17:52:50 上海和天津 哈哈哈!!! 又兴奋了吧! 上海新增2例本地确诊病例,外来输入病例

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 01:46:32哦,RECP
    China’s major Indo-Pacific trade deal a 'wake-up call' for US and Europe
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 02:20:05佐治亚州州,拜登赢
    FOX:Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp certifies election results, calls for another hand recount
    The Trump 2020 Campaign can request another recount following the certification
    Kemp told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution it was “completely unacceptable” that stashes of thousands of uncounted ballots were found in several counties during the manual hand recount after the initial results.
    After the hand recount, President Trump gained 888 votes, shrinking Biden’s lead slightly to 12,670 votes.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 02:28:56选票 信封
    Kemp also asked Raffensperger to do a sample audit to compare voters’ signatures on mail-in ballots but the secretary of state has said that’s impossible at this point because the ballots are separated from the outer security envelope during the counting process, according to CBS News.
    Both officials have suggested adding a voter ID requirement for mail-in ballots in the future.
    2020-11-22 02:20:05

    佐治亚州州,拜登赢 FOX:Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp certifies election results, calls for another hand recount The Trump 2020 Campaign can request another recount following the certification Kemp told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution it was “completely unacceptable” that stashes of thousands of uncounted ballots were found in several counties during the manual hand recount after the initial results. After the hand recount, President Trump gained 888 votes, shrinking Biden’s lead slightly to 12,670 votes.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 09:25:07波浪大湿
    2020-11-22 08:37:40
    2020-11-22 08:36:42
    上海浦东医院4015人被隔离 全部核酸检测 11月21日上午9点,上海市举行第87场上海市新冠肺炎疫情防控系列新闻发布会,市卫生健康委主任邬惊雷介绍:已对在院的4015名员工和患者及陪护人员进行隔离观察,并全部进行了核酸采样送检,截至今日8时30分,已完成检测3233人,结果均为阴性。另采集该病例工作场所环境样本进行核酸检测,结果为阴性。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 09:30:17波浪大湿
    2020-11-22 09:05:15

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 11:43:44波浪大湿
    2020-11-22 11:28:29
    2020-11-22 11:24:54
    账面货币资金513亿元,去哪儿了?   在10月26日债券停牌公告中,华晨集团坦陈,目前公司流动性紧张,

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 12:04:5723日美国密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州公布大选结果
    Michigan (Certification date: Nov. 23)
    Biden 50.6% 2,806,899
    Trump* 47.8% 2,651,270

    Pennsylvania (Certification date: Nov. 23)
    Biden 50% 3,458,312
    Trump* 48.8% 3,376,499
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 13:09:19看了一下华晨集团旗下股票金杯和申花欢快,都涨停
    2020-11-22 11:43:44

    波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:28:29 513.76亿是不是都存银行定期了??拿不出来??等老公割肉股票转帐过来了!!! 波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:24:54 账面货币资金513亿元,去哪儿了?   在10月26日债券停牌公告中,华晨集团坦陈,目前公司流动性紧张, 哈哈哈!!! 华晨,那位出走美国想回国啊! 另外华晨有没有固定资产啊?

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 13:10:35申华
    2020-11-22 13:09:19


    2020-11-22 11:43:44

    波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:28:29 513.76亿是不是都存银行定期了??拿不出来??等老公割肉股票转帐过来了!!! 波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:24:54 账面货币资金513亿元,去哪儿了?   在10月26日债券停牌公告中,华晨集团坦陈,目前公司流动性紧张, 哈哈哈!!! 华晨,那位出走美国想回国啊! 另外华晨有没有固定资产啊?

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-22 23:12:002019年至今,沪深300与标普500走势
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 12:11:13申华曾叫华晨集团
    2020-11-22 13:10:35


    2020-11-22 13:09:19


    2020-11-22 11:43:44

    波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:28:29 513.76亿是不是都存银行定期了??拿不出来??等老公割肉股票转帐过来了!!! 波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:24:54 账面货币资金513亿元,去哪儿了?   在10月26日债券停牌公告中,华晨集团坦陈,目前公司流动性紧张, 哈哈哈!!! 华晨,那位出走美国想回国啊! 另外华晨有没有固定资产啊?

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 15:33:07波浪大湿
    2020-11-23 13:48:51
    2020-11-23 13:48:22

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 15:35:54那位出走美国吧。
    2020-11-23 13:13:49


    2020-11-23 12:11:13

    申华曾叫华晨集团 上世纪90年代老妈买华晨股票,赌华晨与宝马合作,引进宝马生产线。 那时老妈每年出席华晨股东大会(上海万体),出席者每人100元;最后一次每人100元出租车车票。

    2020-11-22 13:10:35


    2020-11-22 13:09:19


    2020-11-22 11:43:44

    波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:28:29 513.76亿是不是都存银行定期了??拿不出来??等老公割肉股票转帐过来了!!! 波浪大湿 2020-11-22 11:24:54 账面货币资金513亿元,去哪儿了?   在10月26日债券停牌公告中,华晨集团坦陈,目前公司流动性紧张, 哈哈哈!!! 华晨,那位出走美国想回国啊! 另外华晨有没有固定资产啊?

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 15:41:06给这货波浪大湿上上课
    2020-11-23 15:33:07

    波浪大湿 2020-11-23 13:48:51 这股东不一般!!! 波浪大湿 2020-11-23 13:48:22 每月拿600多块去开股东大会?? 哈哈哈!!! 少见多怪吧!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 15:47:29近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    南方轴承 59.46%
    ST金刚 43.38%
    晨曦航空 41.92%
    小康股份 41.50%
    宏创控股 41.39%
    东安动力 34.27%
    会稽山 34.26%
    中远海控 34.05%
    金枫酒业 31.87%
    巨力索具 30.34%
    中远海特 28.72%
    青青稞酒 28.57%
    北京君正 28.54%
    *ST华讯 28.03%
    上海凤凰 26.24%
    古越龙山 23.56%
    北汽蓝谷 23.51%
    老白干酒 23.12%
    ST步森 22.87%
    金种子酒 22.73%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 22:15:39老苹果
    2020-11-23 17:28:50
    2020-11-23 15:47:29

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  • 2020-11-23 22:18:27新冠,全球失业率
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-23 22:27:06海外抛售美债
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 10:13:15美国密歇根州宣布,拜登赢
    Michigan certifies Biden's win as Trump efforts to challenge election slip
    2020-11-22 12:04:57

    23日美国密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州公布大选结果 Michigan (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50.6% 2,806,899 Trump* 47.8% 2,651,270 Pennsylvania (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50% 3,458,312 Trump* 48.8% 3,376,499

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 10:28:15佐治亚州,特朗普竞选团队加戏,付费300万,再次重新计票
    Georgia recount set to start Tuesday
    2020-11-24 10:13:15

    美国密歇根州宣布,拜登赢 Michigan certifies Biden's win as Trump efforts to challenge election slip

    2020-11-22 12:04:57

    23日美国密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州公布大选结果 Michigan (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50.6% 2,806,899 Trump* 47.8% 2,651,270 Pennsylvania (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50% 3,458,312 Trump* 48.8% 3,376,499

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 10:57:35信用债违约 比例
    Recently defaulted debt is in the $6 billion range, which, within the $13 trillion onshore bond market, is only a drop in the bucket.
    2020-11-21 22:36:23

    由于个别公司信用债违约,中国的信用市场十分动荡,一级市场发行几乎中断,但是高息率对海外资金具有诱惑,资金流入推动RMB汇率上涨 债券市场

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  • 2020-11-24 12:37:10700年利率
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  • 2020-11-24 12:39:50现代利率
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  • 2020-11-24 12:44:41截至2020年第一季度,全球债务,占全球GDP的331%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 15:44:152007年至2020年初,政府债务,占GDP
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 15:48:05美国消费者举债消费
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 15:52:42近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    金枫酒业 43.86%
    南方轴承 43.04%
    小康股份 41.67%
    晨曦航空 40.19%
    禾望电气 36.79%
    澳洋顺昌 33.63%
    巨力索具 33.43%
    ST金刚 31.70%
    宏创控股 31.63%
    粤宏远A 29.86%
    郑州煤电 28.51%
    东安动力 28.45%
    会稽山 25.79%
    富瀚微 25.54%
    ST舍得 24.30%
    北京君正 24.00%
    鹏辉能源 23.83%
    双杰电气 23.57%
    德方纳米 23.41%
    金种子酒 23.13%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 22:05:35波浪大湿
    2020-11-24 19:34:28
    2020-11-24 18:43:45

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  • 2020-11-24 22:12:381964年,标普500公司的平均寿命为33年,但据咨询公司Ingnosight预测,到2027年,这一年的平均寿命将下降至平均12年。
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 22:15:14上海医生张文宏说,无论何种抗疫策略,只要能够跑赢病毒,就能在病毒蔓延的今天过上最接近正常的生活
    2020-11-24 22:05:35

    波浪大湿 2020-11-24 19:34:28 对,对,对,美国屠宰场的工作人员也得优先打疫苗!!特朗普赶紧下总统令!! bennydu 2020-11-24 18:43:45 哈哈哈!!! 中国屠宰场,现成答案都不会抄啊!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 22:22:31新冠,美国死亡人数
    2020-11-24 263799
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-24 22:25:06现在北半球,冬季流感爆发期
    2020-11-24 22:22:31

    新冠,美国死亡人数 2020-11-24 263799 过26万

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  • 2020-11-25 01:05:07美国家庭债务
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  • 2020-11-25 01:15:32疫苗,辉瑞
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 01:23:542019年至今,沪深300与标普500走势
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 01:34:03近期道指与纳指,走势分化
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 01:42:09自从领导先走
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  • 2020-11-25 01:51:33美国利率几乎为零
    Based on my research, the average student loan interest rate is around 6% while credit card rates remain pegged at closer to 15%
    2020-11-25 01:05:07


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 01:57:21特朗普与律师·鲍威尔切割
    As you’ve probably heard by now, over the weekend the Trump campaign attempted to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell, claiming in a statement posted to Twitter: “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” In response, Powell said she planned to continue litigating her claim of election fraud, writing: “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth. I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud or our votes for President Trump and other Republicans to be stolen by foreign interests or anyone else.”
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 02:04:48鲍威尔,没有证据,被特朗普抛弃。
    2020-11-25 01:57:21

    特朗普与律师·鲍威尔切割 鲍威尔正在自己执业。她不是特朗普法律团队的成员。她亦不是总统以个人身份的律师 As you’ve probably heard by now, over the weekend the Trump campaign attempted to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell, claiming in a statement posted to Twitter: “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” In response, Powell said she planned to continue litigating her claim of election fraud, writing: “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth. I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud or our votes for President Trump and other Republicans to be stolen by foreign interests or anyone else.”

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 11:16:27宾夕法尼亚州和内华达州宣布拜登赢
    Pennsylvania, Nevada certify Biden wins as battlegrounds make 2020 results official
    2020-11-24 10:13:15

    美国密歇根州宣布,拜登赢 Michigan certifies Biden's win as Trump efforts to challenge election slip

    2020-11-22 12:04:57

    23日美国密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州公布大选结果 Michigan (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50.6% 2,806,899 Trump* 47.8% 2,651,270 Pennsylvania (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50% 3,458,312 Trump* 48.8% 3,376,499

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 11:23:59给这货MOLAMOLA172带来一丝安抚

    North Carolina (Certification date: Nov. 24)
    Trump* 50.1% 2,758,775
    Biden 48.7% 2,684,299
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 11:43:21特朗普竞选团队主攻战场密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州,连重新计票机会都没有
    2020-11-25 11:16:27

    宾夕法尼亚州和内华达州宣布拜登赢 Pennsylvania, Nevada certify Biden wins as battlegrounds make 2020 results official

    2020-11-24 10:13:15

    美国密歇根州宣布,拜登赢 Michigan certifies Biden's win as Trump efforts to challenge election slip

    2020-11-22 12:04:57

    23日美国密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州公布大选结果 Michigan (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50.6% 2,806,899 Trump* 47.8% 2,651,270 Pennsylvania (Certification date: Nov. 23) Biden 50% 3,458,312 Trump* 48.8% 3,376,499

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-25 11:44:24明年看MOLAMOLA172抱拜登大腿。
    2020-11-25 10:54:03


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