首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.
首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇 And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.
美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.
首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
美国需要革命,法国大革命 he French Revolution is a much better analog. The French had tolerated Dukes and Dutchesses and all manner of feudalism and drastic wealth inequality for centuries. And then, like now, there was a natural disaster that blew up society and accelerated the already rampant inequities of their system into an intolerable extreme
本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇 And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.
美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.
首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
不靠谱为为了挽回首场辩论失败吸引眼球,不惜诈病。。 彭斯辩论为了吸引眼球,不惜头上涂上臭屎引来一只苍蝇。 真是一对活宝。 大众看辩论,一般喜欢看美女,没想到,美国人喜欢看臭老头
本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇 And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.
美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.
首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
[cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。 这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 [/cp]
拉拉快闻闻白宫上空so2浓度上升了多少? 怎么白宫比以前更白了?是熏得吗? 好像里面的工作人员都是白的工作服。只有一个金毛没穿,一直在发推
美国大选副总统候选人辩论,主持人问民主党副总统候选人哈里斯会否接种新冠疫苗,她回应表示如果是由专家建议,她会第一个接种疫苗,但如果是特朗普建议,她便不会接种。 彭斯則指责拜登和哈里斯正在削弱公众对疫苗的信心。
首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
拉拉快闻闻白宫上空so2浓度上升了多少? 怎么白宫比以前更白了?是熏得吗? 好像里面的工作人员都是白的工作服。只有一个金毛没穿,一直在发推
太伟大了,我为祖国感到骄傲。 美国森林大火怎么样了? 中国一直在努力,一直在进步,真的没功夫像美国那样装蒜。
[cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。 这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 [/cp]
太伟大了,我为祖国感到骄傲。 美国森林大火怎么样了? 中国一直在努力,一直在进步,真的没功夫像美国那样装蒜。
[cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。 这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 [/cp]
现在美国股市只靠“不靠谱”发推苦苦支撑了,黔驴技穷了 不靠谱清楚的知道,美股崩了,天台上会挤满了人,远远大于新冠肺炎人数。。。 他只有显示他能让股市泡沫一直吹下去,能混就算一天,直到新冠病毒自己消失。。 谁说中俄的疫苗不能用? 那是民主党的伎俩。今日副总统辩论已经暗示了,特朗普总统如果让打中俄疫苗,美国人民一定要听话啊!可惜啊,哈里斯只听医生专家的。