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  • 2020-10-08 09:39:01首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。

    If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 09:44:14美东时间10月7日晚9时,美国副总统彭斯和民主党副总统候选人卡玛拉•哈里斯在盐湖城犹他大学举行唯一一场副总统候选人辩论。辩论刚开始,法新社报道称,哈里斯就抨击美国对新冠疫情的应对是美国总统历史上“最大的失败”。「哈里斯抨击美国疫情应对是总统史上最大失败」[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 09:44:27中国近两百年以来,一直被列强欺凌,欺辱,战乱不断,多灾多难!请问除去港独,台独的几代人,一直居住在大陆的同胞们,有谁是在蜜罐里[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 09:52:27美国K型结构,贫富差距
    So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.
    2020-10-08 09:39:01

    首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 10:06:44哈里斯是印裔人,亚洲国家是否有好感?[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 10:10:32本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇
    And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.
    2020-10-08 09:52:27

    美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.

    2020-10-08 09:39:01

    首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 10:12:40Thank you, Vice President. Thank you, Vice President. 这可能是副总统辩论主持人说的最多的一句话了。 彭斯确实学到了川普的精髓。[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 10:22:49美国大选副总统候选人辩论,主持人问民主党副总统候选人哈里斯会否接种新冠疫苗,她回应表示如果是由专家建议,她会第一个接种疫苗,但如果是特朗普建议,她便不会接种。
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 10:30:05美国需要革命,法国大革命
    he French Revolution is a much better analog.
    The French had tolerated Dukes and Dutchesses and all manner of feudalism and drastic wealth inequality for centuries. And then, like now, there was a natural disaster that blew up society and accelerated the already rampant inequities of their system into an intolerable extreme
    2020-10-08 10:10:32

    本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇 And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.

    2020-10-08 09:52:27

    美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.

    2020-10-08 09:39:01

    首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 10:33:19革命后,才能实现人人美国梦
    Unless we find a way to re-employ and re-enfranchise the millions of people who have essentially fallen out of the economy, through no fault of their own. Unless we find a way to bind ourselves together again, as one workforce, one economic reality, and one vast opportunity set where everyone has a shot to pay their bills and pursue their dreams. Right now, this ain’t it. The K doesn’t end well.
    2020-10-08 10:30:05

    美国需要革命,法国大革命 he French Revolution is a much better analog. The French had tolerated Dukes and Dutchesses and all manner of feudalism and drastic wealth inequality for centuries. And then, like now, there was a natural disaster that blew up society and accelerated the already rampant inequities of their system into an intolerable extreme

    2020-10-08 10:10:32

    本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇 And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.

    2020-10-08 09:52:27

    美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.

    2020-10-08 09:39:01

    首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.

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  • 2020-10-08 10:40:17拉拉快闻闻白宫上空so2浓度上升了多少?
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  • 2020-10-08 11:13:18不靠谱为为了挽回首场辩论失败吸引眼球,不惜诈病。。
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 11:31:59可见白宫上空so2浓度太高了,
    2020-10-08 11:13:18

    不靠谱为为了挽回首场辩论失败吸引眼球,不惜诈病。。 彭斯辩论为了吸引眼球,不惜头上涂上臭屎引来一只苍蝇。 真是一对活宝。 大众看辩论,一般喜欢看美女,没想到,美国人喜欢看臭老头

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 12:06:38等米下锅
    Black and Hispanic women held many of the restaurant, retail and hospitality jobs that were badly hit by lockdowns. Black women held 11.9% fewer jobs in September than in February, and Hispanic women held 12.9% fewer, according to the Labor Department. White men have been the group least affected, with 5.4% fewer jobs…
    By September, workers with bachelor’s degrees or higher had nearly fully recovered jobs lost in early spring. But those with just a high-school diploma held 11.7% fewer jobs in September than in February, according to Labor Department data, and high-school dropouts had 18.3% fewer. The two groups combined were down by 4.4 million jobs—amounting to around 40% of the employment that remains lost since the pandemic began—although they are only 27% of the labor force…
    Nearly 30% of white employees held jobs they could do from home in 2017 and 2018, according to the department, compared to 19.7% of Black workers and 16.2% of Hispanic workers did.
    The same Labor Department report found that 61.5% of the upper quarter of earners could work from home, compared with 9.2% of the bottom quarter.
    2020-10-08 10:10:32

    本来,第二轮经济刺激法案8月就完成,到今天还辩论,太离奇 And in the meantime, the next stimulus bill, which ought to have been done by August, is still being debated. It’s really outrageous.

    2020-10-08 09:52:27

    美国K型结构,贫富差距 无论特朗普和拜登之后的情况都会更糟 So if you think we’re polarized politically now, if nothing changes in the next few years we’re going to be unrecognizably so for the next cycle. And with the Boomer candidates having all aged out by then, whatever movement comes next is going to be angrier, more energetic and significantly less patient with the status quo.

    2020-10-08 09:39:01

    首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.

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  • 2020-10-08 12:09:10[cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。
    这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 ​​​[/cp]
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  • 2020-10-08 12:12:02太伟大了,我为祖国感到骄傲。


    2020-10-08 12:09:10

    [cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。 这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 ​​​[/cp]

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  • 2020-10-08 12:18:01几天特朗普没有露面,只有特朗普发推特

    2020-10-08 10:40:17

    拉拉快闻闻白宫上空so2浓度上升了多少? 怎么白宫比以前更白了?是熏得吗? 好像里面的工作人员都是白的工作服。只有一个金毛没穿,一直在发推

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  • 2020-10-08 12:37:03陶博好,大家好。[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 13:02:29在一名去过白宫的海军上将确诊后,自美军参谋长联席会议主席马克·米利以下,美国国防部至少14名高级军官当地时间周二(6日)开始自我隔离。五角大楼发言人则强调,美军的战备能力未受到影响。
    2020-10-08 10:22:49

    美国大选副总统候选人辩论,主持人问民主党副总统候选人哈里斯会否接种新冠疫苗,她回应表示如果是由专家建议,她会第一个接种疫苗,但如果是特朗普建议,她便不会接种。 彭斯則指责拜登和哈里斯正在削弱公众对疫苗的信心。

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  • 2020-10-08 13:04:59资本代言人,哪有温和的?大陆学生都知道资本是啥。
    2020-10-08 09:39:01

    首先,拜登属于民主党温和派,尽管民主党本身变得越来越左倾激进,。。。。 一位美国分析员: If the K-shaped recovery continues on its present course, the next Democratic nominee will basically be the ideological descendent of Che Guevara. And the reaction on the right will be who knows what – but certainly something of an extreme in order to counter-balance. Because what’s going on right now in terms of economic inequality is so utterly unsustainable that it’s a miracle we don’t have ten more Portlands on our hands already.

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  • 2020-10-08 13:10:13特朗普回到鬼城
    Trump returns to a West Wing ghost town
    Wednesday may have seemed normal at first glance. It was anything but that.
    2020-10-08 10:40:17

    拉拉快闻闻白宫上空so2浓度上升了多少? 怎么白宫比以前更白了?是熏得吗? 好像里面的工作人员都是白的工作服。只有一个金毛没穿,一直在发推

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  • 2020-10-08 13:21:15特朗普弱点:新冠疫情,税单。[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 13:28:16哈里斯指出了这一大流行病造成的人力和经济损失。她说,美国全国有21万多人死亡,700多万人染上这种疾病,五分之一的企业已经关闭,在几个月内,有3000多万人申请失业。
    Harris pointed to the human and economic loss of the pandemic. Across the country, more than 210,000 Americans are dead, over 7 million have contracted the disease, one in five businesses have closed, and over 30 million people have filed for unemployment in the past few months, she said.
    Harris accused the Trump administration of covering up the seriousness of the virus as far back as January.
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  • 2020-10-08 13:37:17[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 13:38:22[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 13:51:06美媒:美国疫情“吹哨人”布莱特最终辞去公务!被美国媒体认为是美政府内疫情“吹哨人”的里克•布莱特(Rick Bright)此前质疑羟氯喹、反对美国政治凌驾于科学,没有附和特朗普当局瞎搞,因而被拿掉生物医学高级研究与开发局(BARDA)局长职务。此后工作这大半年来很不好受,被当局束手束脚,经常无事可做。当地时间6日,忍无可忍的他终于辞去公职“解甲归田”。
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  • 2020-10-08 14:02:06黄河中下游已经接近二十年河床下切了,也就是说不但没有泥沙淤积,还带走了不少本来淤积的泥沙。小浪底水库有很大的库容是给泥沙淤积用的,结果因为黄土高原绿化增加太多,进黄河的泥沙太少,估计能多淤积很多年。
    2020-10-08 12:12:02

    太伟大了,我为祖国感到骄傲。 美国森林大火怎么样了? 中国一直在努力,一直在进步,真的没功夫像美国那样装蒜。

    2020-10-08 12:09:10

    [cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。 这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 ​​​[/cp]

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  • 2020-10-08 14:12:28土匪川说:彭思干得漂亮,贺锦丽就是台胡扯机器! ​​​哈哈!
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  • 2020-10-08 14:38:12zf一直在做不少实事,网络舆论也正反馈;事实改变毕竟大部分群体都感受到了。
    2020-10-08 12:12:02

    太伟大了,我为祖国感到骄傲。 美国森林大火怎么样了? 中国一直在努力,一直在进步,真的没功夫像美国那样装蒜。

    2020-10-08 12:09:10

    [cp]太牛了,陕西省森林覆盖率从13%升到43%!在西北简直就是奇迹,原因就是陕西把毛乌素沙漠快灭完了。 这个覆盖率在大陆排在福建、江西、浙江、广西、海南、广东、云南、湖南、黑龙江之后,第十位,超过很多南方和东部省份。 ​​​[/cp]

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  • 2020-10-08 14:40:39先生好![回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 15:15:10现在美国股市只靠“不靠谱”发推苦苦支撑了,黔驴技穷了
    谁说中俄的疫苗不能用? 那是民主党的伎俩。今日副总统辩论已经暗示了,特朗普总统如果让打中俄疫苗,美国人民一定要听话啊!可惜啊,哈里斯只听医生专家的。
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 15:19:21是的,特朗普感染新冠后,美国动用直升机把他送到最好的军事医院,给他用了最好的药,瑞德希伟、激素、双抗体全部上了,

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 15:20:13而在今年6月,美国制药公司“吉利德”宣布了瑞德西韦的定价:在美国,该公司对购买私人保险的患者每瓶药收费520美元,一些政府项目的价格更低,但目前还不清楚没有保险的病人会为此支付多少。

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  • 2020-10-08 15:20:47 特朗普一次使用的8克鸡尾酒双抗体价值曼哈顿的一套房子,三天的治疗,花了一百多万美元。美国的医疗水平确实高,为白宫领导服务的时候,不计成本。[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 15:23:08太离谱没等到副总统辩论会结束,就发推我们大胜。
    2020-10-08 15:15:10

    现在美国股市只靠“不靠谱”发推苦苦支撑了,黔驴技穷了 不靠谱清楚的知道,美股崩了,天台上会挤满了人,远远大于新冠肺炎人数。。。 他只有显示他能让股市泡沫一直吹下去,能混就算一天,直到新冠病毒自己消失。。 谁说中俄的疫苗不能用? 那是民主党的伎俩。今日副总统辩论已经暗示了,特朗普总统如果让打中俄疫苗,美国人民一定要听话啊!可惜啊,哈里斯只听医生专家的。

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  • 2020-10-08 15:27:00美国老百姓讲实惠,谁伤害我,就用脚投票

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  • 2020-10-08 15:28:36诈死,,,厚黑套路,川普学不会的,他像钢铁侠,有啥讲啥藏不住,只有阳谋,没有阴谋
    2020-10-08 14:12:28

    土匪川说:彭思干得漂亮,贺锦丽就是台胡扯机器! ​​​哈哈!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 15:31:38贺锦丽一出来就有中文名,很明显大力支持
    2020-10-08 14:12:28

    土匪川说:彭思干得漂亮,贺锦丽就是台胡扯机器! ​​​哈哈!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 15:32:47哈里斯,学法律,律师,加州总检察长


    2020-10-08 13:37:17


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  • 2020-10-08 15:47:17波浪大湿
    2020-10-08 15:20:47

    2020-10-07 216784
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  • 2020-10-08 15:49:30本月中旬,死亡人数过22万。
    2020-10-08 15:47:17

    波浪大湿 2020-10-08 15:20:47  特朗普一次使用的8克鸡尾酒双抗体价值曼哈顿的一套房子,三天的治疗,花了一百多万美元。美国的医疗水平确实高,为白宫领导服务的时候,不计成本。 哈哈哈!!! 美国的医疗水平确实高 新冠,美国死亡人数 2020-10-07 216784

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  • 2020-10-08 16:01:31可惜了这22万伟大的美国人民,生活在第一富强的国家里,竟然喝不起8克鸡尾酒
    2020-10-08 15:49:30


    2020-10-08 15:47:17

    波浪大湿 2020-10-08 15:20:47  特朗普一次使用的8克鸡尾酒双抗体价值曼哈顿的一套房子,三天的治疗,花了一百多万美元。美国的医疗水平确实高,为白宫领导服务的时候,不计成本。 哈哈哈!!! 美国的医疗水平确实高 新冠,美国死亡人数 2020-10-07 216784

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 16:07:02台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司10月8日公布9月营收报告。9月合并营收约为新台币1275亿8500万元,较上月增加了3.8%,较去年同期增加了24.9%。累计1至9月营收约为新台币9777亿2200万元,较去年同期增加了29.9%。
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 16:08:36抑制生化能源使用,对石油加税,那是不是原油要涨呢?[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 16:11:43彭哈辩论后
    Betting Odds Data
    Betting Odds Date Joe Biden (D) Donald Trump (R)
    RCP Average 10/8 63.8 35.4
    Betfair October 8th 67 34
    Betsson October 8th 62 36
    Bovada October 8th 62 38
    Bwin October 8th 64 37
    Smarkets October 8th 64 32
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 16:32:49特朗普承诺:我所接受的新冠病毒治疗将免费提供给美国人
    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 17:31:32庄家也可以控制舆论,捉鱼盘,杀大赔细,利用民主党控制舆论的优势借力,98年法国对巴西,中国的报纸一边倒看高巴西,结果一地眼睛,赌仔全部poor guy,庄家早早封盘都猪笼入水赢到开巷,这次我看是翻版[回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 17:46:47我不明白信仰是什么,我好像没有信仰,只靠一点点良心守住底线
    2020-10-08 15:28:36


    2020-10-08 14:12:28

    土匪川说:彭思干得漂亮,贺锦丽就是台胡扯机器! ​​​哈哈!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 17:51:29若当选,抑制生化能源,注重环保,这个是利好新能源?注重基础设施建设,公路桥梁重新维修建设,利好钢筋水泥等基建材料?
    2020-10-08 16:08:36


    [回 复]
  • 2020-10-08 18:09:01嘻嘻 所以这辈子你也甭想住高干病房
    2020-10-08 17:46:47


    2020-10-08 15:28:36


    2020-10-08 14:12:28

    土匪川说:彭思干得漂亮,贺锦丽就是台胡扯机器! ​​​哈哈!

    [回 复]
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