Omicron变异株被证实,传染能力极强,但是重症率却降至与重流感接近的水平。美国与英国政府拒绝再施封关措施,疫情对经济的冲击似乎可控。部分人士甚至提出Omicron是以轻微症状获取免疫能力的“天然疫苗 疫情,美国 United States Yesterday's data (1/8/2022) New Cases: 900,832 Deaths: 2,615(几个操场)
不能只看重症率,因为分母大了 要看重症病例数,医疗资源是有限的,一旦被打穿,后果。。。。。
Omicron变异株被证实,传染能力极强,但是重症率却降至与重流感接近的水平。美国与英国政府拒绝再施封关措施,疫情对经济的冲击似乎可控。部分人士甚至提出Omicron是以轻微症状获取免疫能力的“天然疫苗 疫情,美国 United States Yesterday's data (1/8/2022) New Cases: 900,832 Deaths: 2,615(几个操场)
Long COVID could become one of Finland’s largest new groups of chronic diseases, warns minister
Speaking at a news conference, she referred to a Finnish expert panel’s summary of more than 4,000 international studies which showed one in two adults and around 2 per cent of children may experience prolonged symptoms connected to COVID-19.
FOX报道:Almost half of reported NY COVID-19 hospitalizations are not due to COVID-19 Over half of COVID-19 hospitalizations in NYC were not due to COVID-19
疫情,美国纽约州: 90132 (纽约市47591),阳性率21.17% ,住院总数接近1万2(纽约市11843) 纽约医院,非紧急手术暂停。
FOX报道:Almost half of reported NY COVID-19 hospitalizations are not due to COVID-19 Over half of COVID-19 hospitalizations in NYC were not due to COVID-19
疫情,美国纽约州: 90132 (纽约市47591),阳性率21.17% ,住院总数接近1万2(纽约市11843) 纽约医院,非紧急手术暂停。
FOX报道:Almost half of reported NY COVID-19 hospitalizations are not due to COVID-19 Over half of COVID-19 hospitalizations in NYC were not due to COVID-19
Long COVID could become one of Finland’s largest new groups of chronic diseases, warns minister
Speaking at a news conference, she referred to a Finnish expert panel’s summary of more than 4,000 international studies which showed one in two adults and around 2 per cent of children may experience prolonged symptoms connected to COVID-19.
美国媒体报道新冠后遗症 ME/CFS omicron没有什么大不了? San Francisco Chronicle(旧金山纪事报):Think ‘mild’ omicron is no big deal? Here’s what long COVID symptoms feel like Long COVID is common following even mild cases of COVID-19, and its symptoms can be far more severe than the mild case it came from. It can lead to devastating illnesses with symptoms that wreak havoc on every part of your life, including a condition called ME/CFS (also called myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome), a usually lifelong debilitating disability.
Long COVID could become one of Finland’s largest new groups of chronic diseases, warns minister
Speaking at a news conference, she referred to a Finnish expert panel’s summary of more than 4,000 international studies which showed one in two adults and around 2 per cent of children may experience prolonged symptoms connected to COVID-19.
柳叶刀已经有研究新冠后遗症文章 The majority of people with long COVID past six months are reporting that ME/CFS symptoms are their main concern, according to a study in the Lancet, and as many as 50% of people with long COVID qualify for an ME/CFS diagnosis, according to an article in the Mayo Proceedings. Researchers are predicting that more than 4 million Americans could develop ME/CFS following COVID-19, nearly tripling the number of people with the disease.
美国媒体报道新冠后遗症 ME/CFS omicron没有什么大不了? San Francisco Chronicle(旧金山纪事报):Think ‘mild’ omicron is no big deal? Here’s what long COVID symptoms feel like Long COVID is common following even mild cases of COVID-19, and its symptoms can be far more severe than the mild case it came from. It can lead to devastating illnesses with symptoms that wreak havoc on every part of your life, including a condition called ME/CFS (also called myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome), a usually lifelong debilitating disability.
Long COVID could become one of Finland’s largest new groups of chronic diseases, warns minister
Speaking at a news conference, she referred to a Finnish expert panel’s summary of more than 4,000 international studies which showed one in two adults and around 2 per cent of children may experience prolonged symptoms connected to COVID-19.
新冠后遗症,如果确实存在 疫情,长期不搞清零养蛊,老百姓隐形代价还是很大的。
柳叶刀已经有研究新冠后遗症文章 The majority of people with long COVID past six months are reporting that ME/CFS symptoms are their main concern, according to a study in the Lancet, and as many as 50% of people with long COVID qualify for an ME/CFS diagnosis, according to an article in the Mayo Proceedings. Researchers are predicting that more than 4 million Americans could develop ME/CFS following COVID-19, nearly tripling the number of people with the disease.
美国媒体报道新冠后遗症 ME/CFS omicron没有什么大不了? San Francisco Chronicle(旧金山纪事报):Think ‘mild’ omicron is no big deal? Here’s what long COVID symptoms feel like Long COVID is common following even mild cases of COVID-19, and its symptoms can be far more severe than the mild case it came from. It can lead to devastating illnesses with symptoms that wreak havoc on every part of your life, including a condition called ME/CFS (also called myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome), a usually lifelong debilitating disability.
Long COVID could become one of Finland’s largest new groups of chronic diseases, warns minister
Speaking at a news conference, she referred to a Finnish expert panel’s summary of more than 4,000 international studies which showed one in two adults and around 2 per cent of children may experience prolonged symptoms connected to COVID-19.
Omicron变异株传染能力极强,美国公共服务瘫痪 救护车送病人去医院,到了医院,人满为患,赶快另找医院 纽约收垃圾和地铁。。。 航班停飞机场关闭 医护人员教师确诊,总不能叫国民卫队上岗,看病上课 ABC:Omicron explosion spurs nationwide breakdown of services Ambulances in Kansas speed toward hospitals then suddenly change direction because hospitals are full. Employee shortages in New York City cause delays in trash and subway services and diminish the ranks of firefighters and emergency workers. Airport officials shut down security checkpoints at the biggest terminal in Phoenix and schools across the nation struggle to find teachers for their classrooms.
美国公共服务瘫痪 美国北卡罗来纳州76名校车驾驶员感染新冠,学校停课 AP:High school students in two North Carolina cities won’t be able to ride school buses for at least two weeks because a large number of drivers are temporarily out of work after testing positive for COVID-19.
Omicron变异株传染能力极强,美国公共服务瘫痪 救护车送病人去医院,到了医院,人满为患,赶快另找医院 纽约收垃圾和地铁。。。 航班停飞机场关闭 医护人员教师确诊,总不能叫国民卫队上岗,看病上课 ABC:Omicron explosion spurs nationwide breakdown of services Ambulances in Kansas speed toward hospitals then suddenly change direction because hospitals are full. Employee shortages in New York City cause delays in trash and subway services and diminish the ranks of firefighters and emergency workers. Airport officials shut down security checkpoints at the biggest terminal in Phoenix and schools across the nation struggle to find teachers for their classrooms.
苏州 今年前三季度,苏州以30053.3亿元规上工业总产值超越上海(28229.39亿元,深圳未公布),同比增速大增20.5%,远超上海(13.3%)和深圳(7.8%)。2021年,苏州工业规模将正式迈过4万亿台阶,也意味着基本锁定“工业第一城”。
绿豆 2022-01-07 02:11:43 冬奥会倒计时,是否要捧场? 绿豆 2022-01-06 11:29:08 是不是可以炒韭菜molamola246底啊?