脱欧谈判终见结果 救援计划未蒙支持
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  • 2020-12-26 20:36:27先生好![回 复]
  • 2020-12-26 20:54:032021年英国正式脱离欧盟,真正的问题才开始升起,1)英国能否保持金融业竞争力?2)铁三角中缺少英国这只角,欧盟在德法主导下会不会成为独立于美国的一股全球势力?3)欧盟能不能以此作契机推进政治和财政一体化?4)英国房地产市场是不是见底?都是大问题[回 复]
  • 2020-12-26 21:40:09先生好![回 复]
  • 2020-12-26 21:46:39大西洋另一边的美国紧急救援法案就有些搞笑。

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  • 2020-12-26 21:52:292021年英国正式脱离欧盟,真正的问题才开始升起

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  • 2020-12-26 21:56:42当初卡梅伦想用脱欧,敲诈欧盟,没有想到弄巧成拙
    2020-12-26 21:52:29

    2021年英国正式脱离欧盟,真正的问题才开始升起 英国前首相卡梅伦闯的祸结束 脱欧:欧盟和英国,没有赢家

    [回 复]
  • 2020-12-26 22:03:16博主好!大家们好!周末愉快!(^_^)[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 08:03:39共和党到底怎么回事,没有比这个更搞笑的了,几千亿元的法案制定讨论表决之前都没和自己人的总统沟通一下吗?[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 09:22:56洪灏老师好像开了标指的看跌期权?[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 10:32:02本来民主党要大的刺激,特朗普不同意。
    2020-12-27 08:03:39


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  • 2020-12-27 10:41:28美国急了
    国会山:China expected to surpass US economy in 2028: analysis
    The Chinese economy is expected to surpass that of the U.S. in 2028 — five years earlier than previously forecast — following fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, according to an analysis released Saturday.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 10:47:51篱笆比美国扎得紧,加拿大,首次出现变异新冠病毒感染者
    国会山:Canadian officials confirm two cases of new COVID-19 strain seen in 英国
    Officials in the Canadian province of Ontario on Saturday said they have detected two confirmed cases of the new coronavirus strain that first appeared in the United Kingdom .
    [回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 10:50:08美国对英国航班新规定要28日执行
    2020-12-27 10:47:51

    篱笆比美国扎得紧,加拿大,首次出现变异新冠病毒感染者 国会山:Canadian officials confirm two cases of new COVID-19 strain seen in 英国 Officials in the Canadian province of Ontario on Saturday said they have detected two confirmed cases of the new coronavirus strain that first appeared in the United Kingdom .

    [回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 11:01:10美国急了
    国会山:China expected to surpass 美国 economy in 2028: analysis
    The Chinese economy is expected to surpass that of the 美国 in 2028 — five years earlier than previously forecast — following fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, according to an analysis released Saturday.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 11:14:49在特朗普与国会对峙期间,数百万人将在周六失去联邦失业救济金。
    国会山:Millions set to lose jobless benefits amid Trump standoff with Congress
    Millions of people will lose federal unemployment benefits on Saturday as a result of the standoff between Congress and President Trump over the COVID-19 relief measure passed by the House and Senate this week.
    2020-12-26 21:46:39

    大西洋另一边的美国紧急救援法案就有些搞笑。 弱势群体遭殃 今年圣诞节不好过,缺钱

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  • 2020-12-27 11:23:53看看美国人有多无耻!居然在FUCHSIA中文社区下强行建立了鸿蒙中文社区(如附图),给出的理由是:“据悉,鸿蒙操作系统可能是一个基于 Fuchsia OS 的操作系统(目前没有任何证据表明这一点,只是部分推测),Fuchsia 中文社区很多伙伴也在关注来自华为的新操作系统,大量伙伴同时关注这两大操作系统,遂同步建立鸿蒙操作系统社区,以方便关注华为鸿蒙 OS (HarmonyOS)的伙伴。”
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  • 2020-12-27 11:27:28怎么又上传不了图了?[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 11:29:21陶博好,大家好。[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 11:29:59这个社区从美国镜像过来的,在中国没有注册。另外这种社区一般不是由谷歌直接运维,但会得到谷歌公司的授权和技术支持。
    2020-12-27 11:23:53

    看看美国人有多无耻!居然在FUCHSIA中文社区下强行建立了鸿蒙中文社区(如附图),给出的理由是:“据悉,鸿蒙操作系统可能是一个基于 Fuchsia OS 的操作系统(目前没有任何证据表明这一点,只是部分推测),Fuchsia 中文社区很多伙伴也在关注来自华为的新操作系统,大量伙伴同时关注这两大操作系统,遂同步建立鸿蒙操作系统社区,以方便关注华为鸿蒙 OS (HarmonyOS)的伙伴。” 据悉个锤子啊,都是开源软件,你比较一下代码不就知道了?极端无耻!

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  • 2020-12-27 11:30:21下周二,特朗普政府可能提早关门
    The government is set to shut down on Tuesday unless Trump signs the package or Congress approves another measure before Tuesday that keeps government operations funded. 
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  • 2020-12-27 12:12:27上传图片没问题的,可能尺寸太大,无法上传。
    2020-12-27 11:27:28


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  • 2020-12-27 12:17:26【统计局:需求增加、价格上涨 带动煤炭行业利润加速修复】国家统计局工业司高级统计师朱虹解读工业企业利润数据:部分传统行业盈利状况有所改善。随着采暖季到来,动力煤需求增加、价格上涨,带动煤炭行业利润加速修复,11月份当月利润同比增长9.1%,增速年内首次实现正增长;1—11月份,煤炭行业利润同比下降24.5%,降幅较1—10月份收窄3.2个百分点。[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 13:13:37据说英国变异病毒感染率增加主要体现在儿童易感。这就可怕了。
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  • 2020-12-27 14:07:32美国田纳西州纳什维尔抱诈案,一名63岁白人男子安东尼·华纳被警方锁定为嫌疑人之一,联邦调查局正在搜索其住所。
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  • 2020-12-27 14:11:45笑死了,美国疫苗和玻尿酸相斥。看来韩国废了,不能用了。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 15:38:59在特朗普手下当官挺难的
    His demand for $2,000 stimulus checks is a direct rejection of the $600 checks that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had personally proposed and negotiated with Democrats and Republicans. Now, Trump’s rejection of the deal has confounded many leaders on Capitol Hill because they had thought Mnuchin negotiated the package on behalf of the president. The treasury chief’s standing with many lawmakers is now in tatters just days before a full-blown crisis is set to occur.
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  • 2020-12-27 15:46:18国会通过救济协议
    At 12:59 p.m., Mnuchin tweeted a congratulatory message to congressional leaders, thanking them for their vote to approve “additional critical economic relief for American workers, families and businesses.”
    “I want to thank President Trump for his leadership,” Mnuchin wrote in a news release accompanying the tweet.
    2020-12-27 15:38:59

    在特朗普手下当官挺难的 财政部长姆努钦信誉扫地 His demand for $2,000 stimulus checks is a direct rejection of the $600 checks that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had personally proposed and negotiated with Democrats and Republicans. Now, Trump’s rejection of the deal has confounded many leaders on Capitol Hill because they had thought Mnuchin negotiated the package on behalf of the president. The treasury chief’s standing with many lawmakers is now in tatters just days before a full-blown crisis is set to occur.

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  • 2020-12-27 15:52:39美国波士顿一位医生注射Moderna疫苗后出现严重过敏反应,自己给自己扎了一针epipen才救回来。
    CNBC: ​​​​Boston Doctor Has Allergic Reaction to Moderna's COVID Vaccine, Uses Own EpiPen
    It's the first known allergic reaction to Moderna's coronavirus vaccine, according to The New York Times
    2020-12-27 13:13:37

    据说英国变异病毒感染率增加主要体现在儿童易感。这就可怕了。 辉瑞疫苗那个晕倒的护士有说死了的,有说没问题。

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  • 2020-12-27 16:00:11从蒂勒森,马蒂斯,博尔顿,。。。
    2020-12-27 15:38:59

    在特朗普手下当官挺难的 财政部长姆努钦信誉扫地 His demand for $2,000 stimulus checks is a direct rejection of the $600 checks that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had personally proposed and negotiated with Democrats and Republicans. Now, Trump’s rejection of the deal has confounded many leaders on Capitol Hill because they had thought Mnuchin negotiated the package on behalf of the president. The treasury chief’s standing with many lawmakers is now in tatters just days before a full-blown crisis is set to occur.

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  • 2020-12-27 17:44:39老朱,打疫苗了吗?曾现在很多人观望的机会赶紧打吧,还是要相信科学。就目前美国的情况,打疫苗也许有风险,不打风险更大。如果川建国同志不认输,号召人民上街勤王,美国医院被打爆是迟早的事。[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 18:13:38傅聪感染了,已经住院俩个星期了。唉!影响几代人的傅雷家书[回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 18:18:52最近华人感染死亡的消息越来越多。欧美疫情比报道出来的恐怕严重的多
    2020-12-27 18:13:38


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  • 2020-12-27 21:23:23最近观察了一个热门电视剧的粉丝群,竟然分裂成了四个群,互不认同,争吵不断。
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  • 2020-12-27 21:47:29大转折的时代。
    2020-12-27 21:23:23

    最近观察了一个热门电视剧的粉丝群,竟然分裂成了四个群,互不认同,争吵不断。 专注自己的生活吧,不要勉强共识共情,人的认知天差地别。 我选择都是积极,正面,温暖,善意,自己觉得幸福就好。

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  • 2020-12-27 22:36:55原来西德尼-鲍威尔律师的证人马拉斯-林德曼是个骗子
    In a recent civil fraud case, attorneys for the state of North Dakota said that Maras-Lindeman falsely claimed to be a medical doctor and to have both a PhD and an MBA. They said she used multiple aliases and social security numbers and created exaggerated online résumés as part of what they called “a persistent effort . . . to deceive others.”
    [回 复]
  • 2020-12-27 22:46:57服兵役一年,没有离开美国
    Maras-Lindeman, who is of Greek heritage, joined the Navy in December 1996 and spent eight months training in Illinois and Florida as an airman recruit before departing the service in August 1997, according to a Navy record.
    2020-12-27 22:36:55

    原来西德尼-鲍威尔律师的证人马拉斯-林德曼是个骗子 In a recent civil fraud case, attorneys for the state of North Dakota said that Maras-Lindeman falsely claimed to be a medical doctor and to have both a PhD and an MBA. They said she used multiple aliases and social security numbers and created exaggerated online résumés as part of what they called “a persistent effort . . . to deceive others.”

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  • 2020-12-27 22:57:45粉丝们的分歧在于男主好,还是女主好,他们两个配不配。
    2020-12-27 21:47:29


    2020-12-27 21:23:23

    最近观察了一个热门电视剧的粉丝群,竟然分裂成了四个群,互不认同,争吵不断。 专注自己的生活吧,不要勉强共识共情,人的认知天差地别。 我选择都是积极,正面,温暖,善意,自己觉得幸福就好。

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  • 2020-12-27 23:10:10今年的股市,投资的,投机的,机构抱团的,分歧也很大。
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  • 2020-12-27 23:18:21我现在不敢给别人提建议了,比特币涨到25000美元,酱油股涨到100倍市盈率。
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  • 2020-12-28 01:15:56美国的投票和点票机等都是不连网络的,什么网络入侵等都是骗傻子的。
    2020-12-27 22:46:57

    服兵役一年,没有离开美国 Maras-Lindeman, who is of Greek heritage, joined the Navy in December 1996 and spent eight months training in Illinois and Florida as an airman recruit before departing the service in August 1997, according to a Navy record.

    2020-12-27 22:36:55

    原来西德尼-鲍威尔律师的证人马拉斯-林德曼是个骗子 In a recent civil fraud case, attorneys for the state of North Dakota said that Maras-Lindeman falsely claimed to be a medical doctor and to have both a PhD and an MBA. They said she used multiple aliases and social security numbers and created exaggerated online résumés as part of what they called “a persistent effort . . . to deceive others.”

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  • 2020-12-28 08:43:18看看吧,美国人的无底线表演!
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  • 2020-12-28 08:57:13姐,茅台、腾讯这种股是拿10年、20年才有惊人回报的大高潮股。
    2020-12-27 23:18:21

    我现在不敢给别人提建议了,比特币涨到25000美元,酱油股涨到100倍市盈率。 给别人提建议,真是挡别人的财路。 我没有挣这种钱的命,可是别人就有呀。 保持平常心,好好生活。

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  • 2020-12-28 09:03:23[cp]会不会一夜之间,冠冠忽然消失,就在春节前某一天。击破所有人的预期? ​​​[/cp][回 复]
  • 2020-12-28 09:04:59市场需要美元起来的时候。冠冠就会知趣的离开。而不是冠冠的离开促使美元开始走强。这就是交易思维和媒体思维的不同。

    有史以来最听话的病毒。走着瞧吧。 ​​​[/cp]
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  • 2020-12-28 09:10:56没必要总是这么刻薄无情,老朱不是反中义士,以前还是很客观的,只是不知道发生了什么,对大陆突然有了很多意见。
    2020-12-27 17:44:39


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  • 2020-12-28 11:42:29196以前的员工,这宣传不得了!!![回 复]
  • 2020-12-28 12:00:13刑法修正案获通过:A股将迎来"双法合一"时代 信披造假最高判10年[回 复]
  • 2020-12-28 12:38:07当然,除了家长里短,大人们也会偶尔说说“死亡”这种禁忌话题。


    ==== 等会去外面吐三次口水!!!
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  • 2020-12-28 14:31:26人间深情留不住,最是套路得人心。因为中国渐渐强大把他从睡梦中惊醒啦?所以,对大陆突然有很多很强烈的意见?
    2020-12-28 09:10:56


    2020-12-27 17:44:39


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  • 2020-12-28 14:40:47靠猜的,你打哪国疫苗可以拥有面瘫,过敏的优势?看来也只有川皇的消毒剂对你是特效![回 复]
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