空头遍体鳞伤,不仅仅GameStop公司 Losses top $70 billion on short positions in 美国 firms - Ortex data Ortex data showed that as of Wednesday, there were loss-making short positions on more than 5,000 美国 firms.
空头遍体鳞伤,不仅仅GameStop公司 Losses top $70 billion on short positions in 美国 firms - Ortex data Ortex data showed that as of Wednesday, there were loss-making short positions on more than 5,000 美国 firms.
美国航空公司空头 American Airlines' shares surge as shorts squeezed after results
空头遍体鳞伤,不仅仅GameStop公司 Losses top $70 billion on short positions in 美国 firms - Ortex data Ortex data showed that as of Wednesday, there were loss-making short positions on more than 5,000 美国 firms.
空头遍体鳞伤,不仅仅GameStop公司 Losses top $70 billion on short positions in 美国 firms - Ortex data Ortex data showed that as of Wednesday, there were loss-making short positions on more than 5,000 美国 firms.
MOLAMOLA180 2021-01-28 23:32:04 最经典的要退市的GME从3元炒到380元 哈哈哈!!! 等这货MOLAMOLA180说GME 踩踏发生了,暴跌 NYSE:GME GameStop Corp 126.01 -221.50(-63.74%)
我个人不相信YOLO是散户行为,一定有机构隐藏在散户后面,否则没有这么大的力量。 一个基本事实是空头们过份做空,做空数量接近甚至超过了可流通数量,这本身就是找死行为。另外WSB也不是一天二天了,他们为什么从未成功过,甚至没有引起注意。
美国首次发现南非变异毒株感染者,没有去过南非,说明这病毒已经在社区传染 政治:First known cases of Covid variant from South Africa identified in the 美国 Public health officials in South Carolina said they identified two cases on Thursday.
MOLAMOLA180 2021-01-29 10:32:12 美股散户血洗华尔街的故事,今晚依旧继续,但万万没想到的是!华尔街把网线拔掉,把股票代码清除了! MOLAMOLA180 2021-01-29 11:03:54 认知不足个人选择不相信但却是板上钉钉的事实 哈哈哈!!! 是否记得英国期货交易员萨劳(Navinder Singh Sarao)啊??? 操纵美股“闪崩”(Flash Crash),暴跌1000点 被捕,引渡
MOLAMOLA180 2021-01-29 12:22:38 别认真都是政治需要,就算有法也不一定执行看执法者 老苹果 2021-01-29 12:16:55 哈哈哈!!! 是否记得从美国波士顿逃回北京那位女士吗?隐瞒新冠病情,判几年啊? Ex-Biogen Employee Who Hid Coronavirus Symptoms to Fly to China Faces Criminal Charges
俺村民们还得配合政策才能拿到動迁分红進城卖房做城市人。 正所谓識時務者方爲俊傑,人生苦短干嘛這麽累 !