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  • 2022-08-25 11:16:02美国电价
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-25 01:46:36巨额现金的亚马逊,发债券。
    2022-08-25 01:30:37

    苹果发债券吧。 多读点书吧! molamola347 2022-08-25 01:27:48 华为今年第七次发债前6次已融资210亿,半年盈利150亿,常识就是盈利不变现现金要发债,但一直以来都是盈利,现金去哪了?从会计角度解释不了的

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-25 01:30:37苹果发债券吧。

    2022-08-25 01:27:48
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  • 2022-08-25 01:25:41英国老百姓政治觉悟这么高?

    UK PM Johnson Says It Is ‘Absolutely Vital … for British Taxpayers’ to Support ‘Freedom in Ukraine’
    2022-08-22 19:31:28

    严重通胀,加薪 英国最大集装箱港口费利克斯托港(Felixstowe)举行为期8天的大规模罢工 Warning that Felixstowe Port strikes will 'seriously mess up' Christmas shopping as hundreds walk out There could be "serious disruption" to Christmas shopping as 2,000 workers begin an eight-day strike at UK’s largest container port in Felixstowe.

    2022-08-20 23:19:18

    食品通胀在英国非常突出。以英国人午餐使用量最大的三文治为例,相比疫情前的价格,小麦和番茄各贵了63%,鸡蛋和生菜各贵了贵了22%,牛肉55%,葵花油236%。这种上涨是触目惊心的。这里面既有俄乌冲突带来的供应短缺,也有英脱欧之后卡车司机短缺,也有工资上涨、租金上涨因素,最后还包括了英格兰银行QE所构成的货币性通胀。 卫报:英国NHS负责人警告说,能源成本飙升,如果政府不采取行动帮助,英国将正面临”人道主义危机“ NHS leaders warn of ‘humanitarian crisis’ if government doesn’t act on energy costs Health sector says many people could be forced to skip meals to afford to heat their homes as cap on energy costs set to riseHealth sector leaders have warned the UK faces a “humanitarian crisis” of worsening health outcomes unless the government does more to help with rising energy costs.Families are looking ahead to a grim winter as experts predict the cap on energy bills will hit close to £3,600 a year from October, before rising again next year

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-25 01:01:25法国总统马克龙周三警告,气候变化(高温干旱)和俄乌冲突造成的不稳定为标志的新时代,法国面临着‘牺牲’,这标志着“丰富的终结‘
    Macron warns French sacrifices will be needed as tough winter looms
    2022-08-22 22:34:43


    2022-08-22 16:00:35

    嗓门小了? 欧洲六个大国在7月向乌克兰提供的军事援助为零 Europe’s powers gave Ukraine no new military pledges in July, data shows Throughout all of July, Europe’s six largest countries offered Ukraine no new bilateral military commitments, according to new data — the first month that had happened since Russia invaded in February.

    2022-08-22 13:16:42


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  • 2022-08-25 00:54:13近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2022-08-24 22:21:21英国CPI与英镑利率
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  • 2022-08-24 22:03:53全球主要国家和地区 CPI
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  • 2022-08-24 15:50:06市场情绪
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  • 2022-08-24 15:41:03中欧班列

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  • 2022-08-24 15:25:59近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    中远海特 46.91%
    神雾节能 46.43%
    德龙汇能 46.25%
    捷荣技术 39.89%
    *ST光一 38.49%
    道明光学 34.89%
    数源科技 32.61%
    惠威科技 31.26%
    中广天择 30.65%
    德宏股份 29.22%
    迪森股份 28.73%
    雪迪龙 28.37%
    大元泵业 27.81%
    ST天龙 27.35%
    智光电气 27.31%
    中路股份 26.49%
    贵绳股份 26.24%
    英威腾 25.40%
    凤凰传媒 23.78%
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-24 11:35:59中国能缓解美国通胀
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  • 2022-08-24 11:19:45欧洲电价飙升
    European electricity prices have gone vertical.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-24 10:55:51韩国贸易逆差创新纪录
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  • 2022-08-24 02:07:01美国10年期国债重上3
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  • 2022-08-24 02:00:55华为的性价比确实比诺基亚和爱立信要好。
    2022-08-24 01:41:33

    5G战争:美国阴谋让英国放弃华为 5G wars: The US plot to ditch Britain’s Huawei – The Times

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-24 01:41:335G战争:美国阴谋让英国放弃华为

    5G wars: The US plot to ditch Britain’s Huawei – The Times
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-24 01:24:54俄罗斯原油出口激增,欧洲是最大买家
    彭博:European buyers snapping up most Russian crude since April
    Russia’s crude shipments surged last week, recovering almost all of the previous slump. Seaborne exports to European buyers rose to the highest level since April, as some refiners continue to process barrels, even after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-24 00:12:29华为

    2022-08-24 00:06:06

    华为 历年营收与利润(截至2021年)

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-24 00:06:06华为
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  • 2022-08-23 23:58:20近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2022-08-23 16:31:10搬砖头,太阳能(光伏)
    2022-08-23 08:36:08


    2022-08-23 02:18:37


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  • 2022-08-23 16:23:19哈哈哈!!!
    2022-08-23 16:13:18

    别东拉西扯满地打滚好不好!你管别人芯片从哪儿来,反正不会从你那儿来!什么样的库存能支撑四、五年? 给个痛快话,敢不敢赌吧?

    2022-08-23 15:44:44


    2022-08-23 15:22:45

    又开始造谣了? 老规矩,二年内,华为没有退出手机和通讯设备主营业务,你滚!退出了,我滚。 敢赌吗?这次又有啥借口啊?

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-23 16:17:02A股天然气概念股涨停潮。
    2022-08-23 01:18:13

    美国天然气价格创14年来新高 CNN:US natural gas prices spike to 14-year high. Here's why

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  • 2022-08-23 16:11:34市场情绪
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  • 2022-08-23 15:53:01Solomon Islands signs deal with Huawei - msn.com
    Aug 18, 2022
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  • 2022-08-23 15:35:53近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    盈方微 429.78%
    深纺织A 61.38%
    神雾节能 46.44%
    三维化学 42.05%
    迪森股份 41.16%
    国光电器 37.71%
    力星股份 37.41%
    德宏股份 36.25%
    英威腾 34.74%
    激智科技 34.04%
    中远海特 33.17%
    中南文化 32.80%
    科林电气 32.54%
    德龙汇能 32.35%
    德赛电池 31.29%
    远大智能 29.09%
    数源科技 28.90%
    民德电子 26.62%
    绿康生化 25.88%
    新日股份 25.36%
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  • 2022-08-23 10:48:29美国天然气价格走势图
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  • 2022-08-23 02:18:37今年上半年贸易顺差都增长在哪里?
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  • 2022-08-23 01:20:31天然气,美国冬季取暖
    As temperatures drop this fall and winter, the natural gas spike signals sticker shock for families. Not only is natural gas a leading fuel source for the electric grid, it's the most popular way to heat homes in America.
    2022-08-23 01:18:13

    美国天然气价格创14年来新高 CNN:US natural gas prices spike to 14-year high. Here's why

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-23 01:18:13美国天然气价格创14年来新高
    CNN:US natural gas prices spike to 14-year high. Here's why
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  • 2022-08-23 01:00:27俄罗斯断气担忧,欧洲天然气价格飙升
    CNBC:European gas prices surge as Russian pipeline maintenance fuels fears of a total shutdown
    2022-08-21 01:07:58

    当然,英国是欧洲大国中最依赖天然气的,而欧洲天然气价格因为俄罗斯削减供应而进一步暴涨 19日,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司宣布,“北溪-1”管道唯一一台仍在运行的涡轮机将从8月31日起停机检修三天,在此期间停止供气

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-23 00:40:00欧元兑美元跌破平价 0.99
    2022-08-22 22:34:43


    2022-08-22 16:00:35

    嗓门小了? 欧洲六个大国在7月向乌克兰提供的军事援助为零 Europe’s powers gave Ukraine no new military pledges in July, data shows Throughout all of July, Europe’s six largest countries offered Ukraine no new bilateral military commitments, according to new data — the first month that had happened since Russia invaded in February.

    2022-08-22 13:16:42


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  • 2022-08-22 23:03:32这几天房地产行业涨幅不错
    2022-08-22 23:00:58


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  • 2022-08-22 23:00:58近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2022-08-22 22:49:21打压房地产几年了?[回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 22:33:01撕裂美国,分裂美国
    FOX:New York Times report blasts Republicans for 'unfounded conspiracy theories' about increased IRS enforcement
    2022-08-22 12:51:21

    撕裂美国,分裂美国 纽约严厉谴责德州,把非法移民送到纽约来 CNN:140 migrants welcomed in NYC from Texas in largest single-day arrival Sunday, officials say

    2022-08-21 10:33:13

    美国出现了《我的儿子亨特》(My Son Hunter)的首发预告片,这个靠众筹250万美元拍摄的纪录片将在26日首映,“见证耸人听闻、重磅、难以置信、丑闻、腐败、审查、令人震惊的真实故事”。 海湖庄园搜查之后,共和党开始反击。亨特是拜登的软肋,吃喝嫖赌受贿无一不精。最要命的是,他把存有大量性爱和吸毒证据的笔记本电脑留在修理店不管了,直至店家打开后发现问题,接着报FBI。估计影片里会要大量的描述。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 22:26:42德国总理朔尔茨的支持率已经跌至新低
    German chancellor's approval rating fell to record low
    2022-08-21 12:39:25

    德国7月PPI飙升 37.2%

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  • 2022-08-22 19:35:02英国政客争先恐后反中。也许我们什么都不用做,只需要静静地看着~
    2022-08-22 19:31:28

    严重通胀,加薪 英国最大集装箱港口费利克斯托港(Felixstowe)举行为期8天的大规模罢工 Warning that Felixstowe Port strikes will 'seriously mess up' Christmas shopping as hundreds walk out There could be "serious disruption" to Christmas shopping as 2,000 workers begin an eight-day strike at UK’s largest container port in Felixstowe.

    2022-08-20 23:19:18

    食品通胀在英国非常突出。以英国人午餐使用量最大的三文治为例,相比疫情前的价格,小麦和番茄各贵了63%,鸡蛋和生菜各贵了贵了22%,牛肉55%,葵花油236%。这种上涨是触目惊心的。这里面既有俄乌冲突带来的供应短缺,也有英脱欧之后卡车司机短缺,也有工资上涨、租金上涨因素,最后还包括了英格兰银行QE所构成的货币性通胀。 卫报:英国NHS负责人警告说,能源成本飙升,如果政府不采取行动帮助,英国将正面临”人道主义危机“ NHS leaders warn of ‘humanitarian crisis’ if government doesn’t act on energy costs Health sector says many people could be forced to skip meals to afford to heat their homes as cap on energy costs set to riseHealth sector leaders have warned the UK faces a “humanitarian crisis” of worsening health outcomes unless the government does more to help with rising energy costs.Families are looking ahead to a grim winter as experts predict the cap on energy bills will hit close to £3,600 a year from October, before rising again next year

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 19:31:28严重通胀,加薪
    Warning that Felixstowe Port strikes will 'seriously mess up' Christmas shopping as hundreds walk out
    There could be "serious disruption" to Christmas shopping as 2,000 workers begin an eight-day strike at UK’s largest container port in Felixstowe.
    2022-08-20 23:19:18

    食品通胀在英国非常突出。以英国人午餐使用量最大的三文治为例,相比疫情前的价格,小麦和番茄各贵了63%,鸡蛋和生菜各贵了贵了22%,牛肉55%,葵花油236%。这种上涨是触目惊心的。这里面既有俄乌冲突带来的供应短缺,也有英脱欧之后卡车司机短缺,也有工资上涨、租金上涨因素,最后还包括了英格兰银行QE所构成的货币性通胀。 卫报:英国NHS负责人警告说,能源成本飙升,如果政府不采取行动帮助,英国将正面临”人道主义危机“ NHS leaders warn of ‘humanitarian crisis’ if government doesn’t act on energy costs Health sector says many people could be forced to skip meals to afford to heat their homes as cap on energy costs set to riseHealth sector leaders have warned the UK faces a “humanitarian crisis” of worsening health outcomes unless the government does more to help with rising energy costs.Families are looking ahead to a grim winter as experts predict the cap on energy bills will hit close to £3,600 a year from October, before rising again next year

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 19:28:28市场情绪
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  • 2022-08-22 16:00:35嗓门小了?
    Europe’s powers gave Ukraine no new military pledges in July, data shows
    Throughout all of July, Europe’s six largest countries offered Ukraine no new bilateral military commitments, according to new data — the first month that had happened since Russia invaded in February.
    2022-08-22 13:16:42


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 15:55:06没钱了。
    The US government will no longer pay for Covid-19 vaccines, treatments
    2022-08-21 12:15:58

    疫情 美国 目前美国的新冠肺炎住院人数高达4万人,是今年4月份的4倍左右。同样,每天死亡人数约为500人,确诊病例仍徘徊在每天100000人左右。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 15:46:07近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    *ST盈方 488.44%
    远大智能 62.59%
    深纺织A 48.54%
    英威腾 48.02%
    中南文化 47.50%
    激智科技 44.10%
    力星股份 43.86%
    国光电器 43.62%
    神雾节能 36.18%
    乐山电力 34.86%
    三维化学 34.52%
    科林电气 33.49%
    中远海特 32.73%
    德宏股份 31.87%
    惠天热电 30.99%
    中材节能 29.45%
    创维数字 28.99%
    国恩股份 28.72%
    ST天龙 28.68%
    双象股份 27.70%
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 12:51:21撕裂美国,分裂美国
    CNN:140 migrants welcomed in NYC from Texas in largest single-day arrival Sunday, officials say
    2022-08-21 10:33:13

    美国出现了《我的儿子亨特》(My Son Hunter)的首发预告片,这个靠众筹250万美元拍摄的纪录片将在26日首映,“见证耸人听闻、重磅、难以置信、丑闻、腐败、审查、令人震惊的真实故事”。 海湖庄园搜查之后,共和党开始反击。亨特是拜登的软肋,吃喝嫖赌受贿无一不精。最要命的是,他把存有大量性爱和吸毒证据的笔记本电脑留在修理店不管了,直至店家打开后发现问题,接着报FBI。估计影片里会要大量的描述。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 12:12:27中国从瑞士进口黄金,7月份从瑞士运送了80多吨。这比6月增加了一倍多,是5月份的8倍。
    彭博:China Is Ramping Up Swiss Gold Imports, Signaling Better Demand​
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-22 01:08:33抖音海外版TikTok,在美国超过脸书
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  • 2022-08-21 22:53:34俄罗斯已连续第3个月成为中国最大的石油供应国,因为我国加大了对折扣油的采购力度
    CNBC:Russia is China's top oil supplier for a third month in July, customs data showed
    Russia held its spot as China's top oil supplier for a third month in July, data showed on Saturday, as independent refiners stepped up purchases of discounted supplies while cutting shipments from rival suppliers such as Angola and Brazil.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-21 19:13:38哈哈哈!!!
    2022-08-21 17:12:01


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  • 2022-08-21 12:50:04中国70%
    2022-08-21 12:46:03

    IMF:世界各国或地区的债务与GDP之比 美国133%

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