鲍威尔一锤定音 船运价四脚朝天
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  • 2022-08-29 01:31:53下周开始,美联储将每月缩表,940亿美元
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  • 2022-08-29 01:26:37今年以来。A股行业(申万)走势
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  • 2022-08-28 20:53:17俄罗斯人烧天然气玩,泰晤士报都心疼死了,太浪费和污染环境
    Russia burning off £8m of gas every day
    Russia is burning off millions of pounds’ worth of gas every day near to its border with Europe, causing waste and environmental damage as the continent’s energy costs soar.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-28 20:09:20小金毛指责普京加剧生活成本危机
    'Putin likes it': PM blames Russia for cost of living crisis - and admits energy bills will be 'eye-watering' in winter
    2022-08-28 02:05:53

    英国财政大臣说,年薪4万5千英镑的英国人将需要政府帮助来支付他们的能源账单 Cost of living crisis: Britons on £45,000 will need help paying energy bills, chancellor says Britons on £45,000 salaries will need government help to pay their energy bills – not only people on benefits, the chancellor has warned.

    2022-08-28 01:14:53

    能源成本飙升,英国开始熄灯餐馆酒吧屠场咖啡馆和商店等小企业被迫关门歇业 Britain starts to turn out the lights: Restaurants, pubs, butchers, cafes and shops are among small businesses forced to close as soaring energy bills begin to bite

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-28 20:03:58两艘美军军舰,一艘38岁,另一艘35岁
    2022-08-28 19:48:23


    2022-08-28 13:45:37


    2022-08-28 13:37:18


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  • 2022-08-28 19:58:04里根号航母在路上?

    2022-08-28 13:45:37
    2022-08-28 13:37:18
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  • 2022-08-28 19:51:18严重通胀,美国各地的食品银行和旧货店的需求激增
    FOX:Higher-income earners visit food banks and shop at Walmart as food inflation rises
    Food banks and thrift stores across the country are seeing surging demand amid historic inflation
    2022-08-28 02:15:35

    20 Million US Homes Are Behind on Energy Bills 六分之一的美国家庭交不起电费

    2022-08-28 02:05:53

    英国财政大臣说,年薪4万5千英镑的英国人将需要政府帮助来支付他们的能源账单 Cost of living crisis: Britons on £45,000 will need help paying energy bills, chancellor says Britons on £45,000 salaries will need government help to pay their energy bills – not only people on benefits, the chancellor has warned.

    2022-08-28 01:14:53

    能源成本飙升,英国开始熄灯餐馆酒吧屠场咖啡馆和商店等小企业被迫关门歇业 Britain starts to turn out the lights: Restaurants, pubs, butchers, cafes and shops are among small businesses forced to close as soaring energy bills begin to bite

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  • 2022-08-28 19:48:36锂价格,电动汽车
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  • 2022-08-28 02:05:53英国财政大臣说,年薪4万5千英镑的英国人将需要政府帮助来支付他们的能源账单
    Cost of living crisis: Britons on £45,000 will need help paying energy bills, chancellor says
    Britons on £45,000 salaries will need government help to pay their energy bills – not only people on benefits, the chancellor has warned.
    2022-08-28 01:14:53

    能源成本飙升,英国开始熄灯餐馆酒吧屠场咖啡馆和商店等小企业被迫关门歇业 Britain starts to turn out the lights: Restaurants, pubs, butchers, cafes and shops are among small businesses forced to close as soaring energy bills begin to bite

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  • 2022-08-28 01:41:16从中国进口吧!

    Yara cuts cast doubt on Europe’s fertiliser production
    (Reuters) – Norway’s Yara, one of the world’s largest fertiliser makers, is slashing ammonia production due to soaring gas prices, raising questions about Europe’s ability to produce enough fertiliser for its crops.
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  • 2022-08-28 01:35:30进口替代
    2022-08-28 01:34:05


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  • 2022-08-28 01:34:05中芯国际,天津75亿美元新建一条12英寸晶圆代工生产线
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  • 2022-08-28 01:27:41大宗商品指数又要创新高?
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  • 2022-08-28 01:14:53能源成本飙升,英国开始熄灯餐馆酒吧屠场咖啡馆和商店等小企业被迫关门歇业

    Britain starts to turn out the lights: Restaurants, pubs, butchers, cafes and shops are among small businesses forced to close as soaring energy bills begin to bite
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  • 2022-08-27 21:48:01美国10年期国债收益率走势
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  • 2022-08-27 21:33:39消费者饱受汽油价格和食品价格飙升的影响,尽管工资也有明显升幅,但是跑输了物价上涨,实际购买力遭到侵蚀,消费信心转弱

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  • 2022-08-27 21:26:47 S&P500当天暴挫3.4%,NASDAQ3.9%,均为六月中以来的最大单日跌幅。两年期国债利率升至3.38%,逼近六月中的记录,恐慌指数VIX当天上扬了17%

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