molamola246 2021-12-12 00:08:27 再看看上海自贸区,雄安新区,大湾区,北交所,有点意思 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,上海自贸区,特斯拉及配套工厂!
I Lost $400,000, Almost Everything I Had, on a Single Robinhood Bet
Then I just went all in on this one single stock option: The $200 strike price call option on Alibaba. I would describe a call option as a leveraged bet on an underlying stock, which helps you increase the upside (or downside) of the bet you're trying to make. I initially invested $300,000 in February, basically every single liquid asset in my account. Not retirement, but everything cash. I didn't have anything left. My thesis was I might not make a lot of money, but I won’t lose much. The downside seemed limited, and that if worse comes to worse, it would go down to like $280,000.
不止损,还追加投入,亏损扩大 So in July, I put in another almost $100,000. I basically transferred all the liquid cash that I had and maxed out my account
I Lost $400,000, Almost Everything I Had, on a Single Robinhood Bet
Then I just went all in on this one single stock option: The $200 strike price call option on Alibaba. I would describe a call option as a leveraged bet on an underlying stock, which helps you increase the upside (or downside) of the bet you're trying to make. I initially invested $300,000 in February, basically every single liquid asset in my account. Not retirement, but everything cash. I didn't have anything left. My thesis was I might not make a lot of money, but I won’t lose much. The downside seemed limited, and that if worse comes to worse, it would go down to like $280,000.
不止损,还追加投入,亏损扩大 So in July, I put in another almost $100,000. I basically transferred all the liquid cash that I had and maxed out my account
I Lost $400,000, Almost Everything I Had, on a Single Robinhood Bet
Then I just went all in on this one single stock option: The $200 strike price call option on Alibaba. I would describe a call option as a leveraged bet on an underlying stock, which helps you increase the upside (or downside) of the bet you're trying to make. I initially invested $300,000 in February, basically every single liquid asset in my account. Not retirement, but everything cash. I didn't have anything left. My thesis was I might not make a lot of money, but I won’t lose much. The downside seemed limited, and that if worse comes to worse, it would go down to like $280,000.
molamola246 2021-12-13 15:20:53 经济观察网报导,中国改革研究基金会理事长、国民经济研究所所长樊纲11日在福州举办的第9届中国企业家发展年会上发表演讲,谈到中国宏观经济时做上述表示。 中国今年第1季经济成长率18.3%、第2季7.9%、第3季4.9%,前3季成长率9.8%,考量疫情因素后的2年平均成长为5.2%。其中,在消费方面,前3季社会消费品零售总额年增16.4%,两年平均成长3.9%;投资方面,全国固定资产投资(不含农户)年增7.3%,两年平均成长3.8%;在出口方面,前3季货物出口年增22.7%。 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,年初政府工作报告 今年GDP 6%;CPI 3% 看看会不会完成啊?
molamola246 2021-12-13 15:49:26 香港《星岛日报》12日报道,中国企业研究院首席研究员李锦撰文表示,这次中央工作会议“稳字当头、稳中求进”的描述非同寻常,原因是中国的经济恢复并不平衡,经济下行压力有所加大,而且疫情及外部环境存在不确定性。 李锦指出,这种不平衡主要表现在,今年外需明显好于内需,上游产业(例如煤油)明显好于下游,大中企业明显好于小微企业,工业明显好于服务业。 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,疫情不会一直下去吧! 疫情解除,内需是不是井喷啊!
molamola246 2021-12-13 18:44:59 搞懂了宏观大方向,下来就是大难临头各自飞了 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,搞懂宏观大方向,还不如看图(K线)识字 MOLAMOLA236 2021-07-15 11:01:52 A股港股可以放心把仓位加满,持股待涨了
近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 启明信息 52.01% 跃岭股份 50.48% 美盛文化 49.53% 湖南天雁 46.52% 西仪股份 46.47% 华录百纳 44.07% 蓝色光标 41.45% 华林证券 40.18% 中文在线 39.34% 财信发展 36.63% 广东鸿图 35.35% 蓝科高新 34.90% 欢瑞世纪 34.54% 京城股份 34.54% 恒信东方 34.43% 老白干酒 32.98% 共达电声 31.92% 中锐股份 30.84% 迪生力 30.63% 天神娱乐 29.82%
molamola246 2021-12-13 23:55:30 嘉庆去北京的it男告诉你惨痛的数字,浙江去年负债三万亿,负责比率400%,所以减公务员收入就理所当然了 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,两个月内浙江人代会,浙江财政预算报告,看数据。
molamola246 2021-12-14 00:53:46 。。。 根据新东方烹饪学校2019年披露的数据,中国厨师数量已经突破千万。当后厨不再需要大厨,当厨师只能领到和煮饭小工一样的工资时,他们的路只会越来越难。 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola24,厨师 疫情 比如上海,非必要不离沪;非必要不开年会,市民非必要不聚集,饭店年夜饭几乎停顿了。
问问韭菜molamola246,流水线工人有没有工作午餐啊? molamola246 2021-12-14 00:53:46 流水线上的都市打工人用自己的胃又供出来一个亿万级企业。今年9月,“餐饮供应链第一股”的千味央厨登陆A股,开盘当日股价大涨40%,这家企业的主营业务就是给餐饮企业提供速冻产品和预制菜,客户中不乏肯德基、必胜客、海底捞、呷哺呷哺等品牌的身影。
molamola246 2021-12-14 00:53:46 。。。 根据新东方烹饪学校2019年披露的数据,中国厨师数量已经突破千万。当后厨不再需要大厨,当厨师只能领到和煮饭小工一样的工资时,他们的路只会越来越难。 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola24,厨师 疫情 比如上海,非必要不离沪;非必要不开年会,市民非必要不聚集,饭店年夜饭几乎停顿了。
molamola246 2021-12-13 18:44:59 搞懂了宏观大方向,下来就是大难临头各自飞了 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,搞懂宏观大方向,还不如看图(K线)识字 MOLAMOLA236 2021-07-15 11:01:52 A股港股可以放心把仓位加满,持股待涨了
今天涨幅榜有元宇宙概念股票,如果说是高科技公司,打死我我也不会相信的 炒作是另外一件事,知道什么时候下车
近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 启明信息 52.01% 跃岭股份 50.48% 美盛文化 49.53% 湖南天雁 46.52% 西仪股份 46.47% 华录百纳 44.07% 蓝色光标 41.45% 华林证券 40.18% 中文在线 39.34% 财信发展 36.63% 广东鸿图 35.35% 蓝科高新 34.90% 欢瑞世纪 34.54% 京城股份 34.54% 恒信东方 34.43% 老白干酒 32.98% 共达电声 31.92% 中锐股份 30.84% 迪生力 30.63% 天神娱乐 29.82%
欧盟国家对拜登抵制冬奥会没有兴趣 ABC:EU has little appetite to join US diplomatic Games boycott
molamola246 2021-12-13 18:44:59 搞懂了宏观大方向,下来就是大难临头各自飞了 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,搞懂宏观大方向,还不如看图(K线)识字 MOLAMOLA236 2021-07-15 11:01:52 A股港股可以放心把仓位加满,持股待涨了