在伊利诺伊州集会上。特朗普人气不错 特朗普:我们要夺回美国。最重要的是,20。24年,我们将夺回我们宏伟的白宫
在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会 美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,英国小金毛加拿大小土豆法国马克龙等谴责 Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.” “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.
欧盟官员说:中方在欧盟贸易谈判上沉默,发消息不回 European Union officials are confused by China’s failure to commit to a date for trade and economic talks, one of the few deliverables from their ‘disastrous’ summit on April 1, according to sources in Brussels.” 多读点书吧! 北岸子 2022-07-02 08:15:17 联合早报: 欧盟周四敲定一项协议草案,防止外国公司滥用国家补贴收购欧盟企业,或在欧盟大型采购合同中挤压竞争对手。 根据草案,欧盟有权制止获得国家超过5000万欧元(约7290万新元)补贴的外国公司,收购年营业额5亿欧元以上的欧盟公司;欧盟也同意阻止外国补贴公司竞标超过2亿5000万欧元的大型公共合同。 _——绳子一点一点紧