苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)今年至少第三次访问中国,他出席了一次供应商会议,同一天,北京的一位高级官员与一群外国首席执行官召开了一次重要会议。
(Bloomberg) -- Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook is visiting China for at least the third time this year, showing up at a suppliers’ conference on the same day a top Beijing official convened an important meeting with a group of foreign CEOs.
金与油两种最具影响力的商品,有个极有趣,但又很关键的价格比关系。80年来金油比的变化,骤眼看,20至40间的金油比是这多年来的常态。不过,常态中,也有异态者…… https://column.etnetchina.com.cn/column-list-EtnetcolB374/113088.htm
金与油两种最具影响力的商品,有个极有趣,但又很关键的价格比关系。80年来金油比的变化,骤眼看,20至40间的金油比是这多年来的常态。不过,常态中,也有异态者…… https://column.etnetchina.com.cn/column-list-EtnetcolB374/113088.htm
双瑞股份,中船71%占股,中船既是供应商又是采购商,研发投入说不清,产能利用率不高扩产,环保不达标,外协供应商无人参保又紧急注销,问题都不小,但不影响过关。 是不是央企背景就可以出来抢?
瑞银:预计#MSCI中国指数2025年可上涨高达6%建议配置高息股成长股 (来源:第1线摄像机的财富号 2024-11-25 15:06)
双瑞股份,中船71%占股,中船既是供应商又是采购商,研发投入说不清,产能利用率不高扩产,环保不达标,外协供应商无人参保又紧急注销,问题都不小,但不影响过关。 是不是央企背景就可以出来抢?
特朗普说,对中国额外征收10%关税,对墨西哥与加拿大额外征收25%关税。 Trump vows tariffs on China, Mexico, Canada over border (Bloomberg) --President-elect Donald Trump said he would impose additional 10% tariffs on goods from China and 25% tariffs on all products from Mexico and Canada, citing the levies as necessary to clamp down on migrants and illegal drugs flowing across 美国borders.
特朗普提名财政部长为贝森特 贝森特说,加关税,分阶段加,不是一下子加 The moves underscore the sense of relief among traders at the choice of Bessent, a Wall Street veteran whose cautious approach may take some of the sting out of Trump’s ‘America First’ policies. Bessent has called for a gradual approach to implementing trade restrictions, and has appeared open to negotiating on the exact size of tariffs. 彭博:Trump’s Treasury Pick Fuels Global Relief Rally Versus Dollar