白宫与国会民主党议员仍然无法就第二期经济救援计划达成共识 纽约分析师悲伤 I don’t think you can have 50 states’ governors issuing 50 sets of diverging orders on 50 different timetables and come out with a satisfactory response to a virus that doesn’t respect or recognize borders. Other countries tackled this as a health emergency. We treated it as just another excuse to fight with each other. We were failed by the people in charge and by our fellow Americans. If and when the children don’t return to school this September, you will be doubly reminded of this objective, undeniable fact.
白宫与国会民主党议员仍然无法就第二期经济救援计划达成共识 纽约分析师悲伤 I don’t think you can have 50 states’ governors issuing 50 sets of diverging orders on 50 different timetables and come out with a satisfactory response to a virus that doesn’t respect or recognize borders. Other countries tackled this as a health emergency. We treated it as just another excuse to fight with each other. We were failed by the people in charge and by our fellow Americans. If and when the children don’t return to school this September, you will be doubly reminded of this objective, undeniable fact.
过去价值投资已经死了 Value Investing Is Short Tech Disruption Executive Summary Value investing has a long and distinguished pedigree but is currently in a deep thirteen-year drawdown. We believe this is because value has rotated into a massive losing bet against technological disruption. We isolate this exposure using machine learning and find it fully explains value’s losses. We offer takeaways for both stockpickers and asset allocators.
巴菲特与苹果 Buffett has a well-known reputation for staying away from the technology sector. He has on numerous occasions described tech companies as outside his “circle of competence.” Thus, it is extremely striking that he spent 2016-2018 building up a $35 billion stake in Apple. After Apple’s value tripled in a mere three years, Buffett now has an enormous $100 billion position in Apple. This single position comprises over one fifth of Berkshire Hathaway’s entire value!
过去价值投资已经死了 Value Investing Is Short Tech Disruption Executive Summary Value investing has a long and distinguished pedigree but is currently in a deep thirteen-year drawdown. We believe this is because value has rotated into a massive losing bet against technological disruption. We isolate this exposure using machine learning and find it fully explains value’s losses. We offer takeaways for both stockpickers and asset allocators.
白宫与国会民主党议员仍然无法就第二期经济救援计划达成共识 纽约分析师悲伤 I don’t think you can have 50 states’ governors issuing 50 sets of diverging orders on 50 different timetables and come out with a satisfactory response to a virus that doesn’t respect or recognize borders. Other countries tackled this as a health emergency. We treated it as just another excuse to fight with each other. We were failed by the people in charge and by our fellow Americans. If and when the children don’t return to school this September, you will be doubly reminded of this objective, undeniable fact.
白宫与国会民主党议员仍然无法就第二期经济救援计划达成共识 纽约分析师悲伤 I don’t think you can have 50 states’ governors issuing 50 sets of diverging orders on 50 different timetables and come out with a satisfactory response to a virus that doesn’t respect or recognize borders. Other countries tackled this as a health emergency. We treated it as just another excuse to fight with each other. We were failed by the people in charge and by our fellow Americans. If and when the children don’t return to school this September, you will be doubly reminded of this objective, undeniable fact.
根据联合国安理会2015年通过的一项支持伊朗与几个世界大国达成核协议的决议,10月18日将解除对伊朗的常规武器进出口禁令。 UN Security Council rejects US bid to extend Iran arms embargo
白宫与国会民主党议员仍然无法就第二期经济救援计划达成共识 纽约分析师悲伤 I don’t think you can have 50 states’ governors issuing 50 sets of diverging orders on 50 different timetables and come out with a satisfactory response to a virus that doesn’t respect or recognize borders. Other countries tackled this as a health emergency. We treated it as just another excuse to fight with each other. We were failed by the people in charge and by our fellow Americans. If and when the children don’t return to school this September, you will be doubly reminded of this objective, undeniable fact.
蓬胖子,波兰部署美军,对付谁啊? Pompeo signs defense pact in Poland
根据联合国安理会2015年通过的一项支持伊朗与几个世界大国达成核协议的决议,10月18日将解除对伊朗的常规武器进出口禁令。 UN Security Council rejects US bid to extend Iran arms embargo
白宫与国会民主党议员仍然无法就第二期经济救援计划达成共识 纽约分析师悲伤 I don’t think you can have 50 states’ governors issuing 50 sets of diverging orders on 50 different timetables and come out with a satisfactory response to a virus that doesn’t respect or recognize borders. Other countries tackled this as a health emergency. We treated it as just another excuse to fight with each other. We were failed by the people in charge and by our fellow Americans. If and when the children don’t return to school this September, you will be doubly reminded of this objective, undeniable fact.
波浪大湿 2020-08-16 08:40:40 当印度企业家准备着手做事的时候,他们不得不围绕罢工等劳工问题与工会进行事无巨细的争论。在中国,工人每10小时换班十分常见。此外,中国工人并不要求高额加班补偿。。。 哈哈哈!!! 改革开放前,工厂三班倒 现在呢?
波浪大湿 2020-08-16 08:40:40 当印度企业家准备着手做事的时候,他们不得不围绕罢工等劳工问题与工会进行事无巨细的争论。在中国,工人每10小时换班十分常见。此外,中国工人并不要求高额加班补偿。。。 哈哈哈!!! 改革开放前,工厂三班倒 现在呢?
豆豆还是比较厉害的,喝过洋墨水的人!! 看来网易的问题很大,......... === 在工业经济中,有薪就业是一件大事。中国的财富就来源于此。在中国,有2.5亿工人在正规部门就业,这是一个引人注目的数据。相比之下,印度有4.1亿劳工,但其中2亿是农场工人,另有2亿人受雇于中小微企业,其中多打1.5亿是拿日薪的“临时工”。因此,在疫情封锁期间,这1.5亿工人只能离开工作岗位,这大大的损害印度经济增长动能。
波浪大湿 2020-08-16 08:40:40 当印度企业家准备着手做事的时候,他们不得不围绕罢工等劳工问题与工会进行事无巨细的争论。在中国,工人每10小时换班十分常见。此外,中国工人并不要求高额加班补偿。。。 哈哈哈!!! 改革开放前,工厂三班倒 现在呢?
豆豆还是比较厉害的,喝过洋墨水的人!! 看来网易的问题很大,......... === 在工业经济中,有薪就业是一件大事。中国的财富就来源于此。在中国,有2.5亿工人在正规部门就业,这是一个引人注目的数据。相比之下,印度有4.1亿劳工,但其中2亿是农场工人,另有2亿人受雇于中小微企业,其中多打1.5亿是拿日薪的“临时工”。因此,在疫情封锁期间,这1.5亿工人只能离开工作岗位,这大大的损害印度经济增长动能。
波浪大湿 2020-08-16 08:40:40 当印度企业家准备着手做事的时候,他们不得不围绕罢工等劳工问题与工会进行事无巨细的争论。在中国,工人每10小时换班十分常见。此外,中国工人并不要求高额加班补偿。。。 哈哈哈!!! 改革开放前,工厂三班倒 现在呢?
#CD新闻# 【快讯!#特朗普弟弟去世#】白宫发言人办公室发布总统特朗普的声明称弟弟罗伯特于8月15日晚去世,享年71岁。特朗普在这份声明中说:“我怀着沉重的心情宣布弟弟罗伯特今晚安详过世。” “他不仅是我的兄弟,还是我最好的朋友。我将很怀念他,但我们会再次见面。他的记忆将永远铭刻在我的心中。罗伯特,我爱你。安息。” 新冠?
豆豆还是比较厉害的,喝过洋墨水的人!! 看来网易的问题很大,......... === 在工业经济中,有薪就业是一件大事。中国的财富就来源于此。在中国,有2.5亿工人在正规部门就业,这是一个引人注目的数据。相比之下,印度有4.1亿劳工,但其中2亿是农场工人,另有2亿人受雇于中小微企业,其中多打1.5亿是拿日薪的“临时工”。因此,在疫情封锁期间,这1.5亿工人只能离开工作岗位,这大大的损害印度经济增长动能。
波浪大湿 2020-08-16 08:40:40 当印度企业家准备着手做事的时候,他们不得不围绕罢工等劳工问题与工会进行事无巨细的争论。在中国,工人每10小时换班十分常见。此外,中国工人并不要求高额加班补偿。。。 哈哈哈!!! 改革开放前,工厂三班倒 现在呢?
波浪大湿 2020-08-16 11:39:52 印度智库专家:为什么中国人总在嘲笑我们? 哈哈哈!!! 莫迪刚上任,有许多人说莫迪改革,不得了,将超过中国 莫迪第一任期已满,结果怎样啊?
侵侵上過阿里、淘宝购物吗? 你呢,淘宝很好玩,不过要先有支付宝