哈马斯扣押美国人 人质危机将考验拜登 国会山:The Memo: Hostage crisis will test Biden
以色列总理一塌糊涂亚历山大,199名以色列人在哈马斯手中(据说还有一名少将) ABC:199 hostages taken, Israel says
现在以色列给出数字 126名以色列人在哈马斯手中。 以色列总理一塌糊涂亚历山大,解决不好人质要下台的。
美国国务卿布林肯访问沙特,沙特王储萨勒曼让布林肯等了几个小时 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, meanwhile, kept Blinken waiting for several hours before meeting with him on Sunday.
布林肯访问埃及,希望埃及开放埃及巴勒斯坦边境,让美国人离开加沙,遭拒绝,除非人道主义物资能进入加沙。 政治:Dissed by Saudi Arabia, lectured by Egypt: 美国 diplomacy meets Mideast reality But 美国 efforts to convince Egypt to open a border crossing to let Palestinians with foreign citizenship leave Gaza have yet to succeed. Egypt is blaming Israel, saying its bombardments and other actions are preventing Cairo from sending humanitarian aid through the crossing for needy Palestinians in Gaza.
重谈伊核协议,解冻伊朗资金,现在拜登难看 100多名两党议员写信给拜登 要求对伊朗实施严厉的金融制裁 国会山:More than 100 bipartisan lawmakers demand aggressive financial sanctions on Iran
大选在既,巴以冲突 共和党拱火起哄,拜登‘知耻而后勇’的政治姿态 拜登访问以色列 政治:Biden to travel to Israel
大选在既,巴以冲突 共和党拱火起哄,拜登‘知耻而后勇’的政治姿态 拜登访问以色列 政治:Biden to travel to Israel
以色列总理一塌糊涂亚历山大,199名以色列人在哈马斯手中(据说还有一名少将) ABC:199 hostages taken, Israel says
现在以色列给出数字 126名以色列人在哈马斯手中。 以色列总理一塌糊涂亚历山大,解决不好人质要下台的。
前不久,斯洛伐克选举,改变对乌克兰态度 这几天看波兰选举
全球主要国家进入选举年,存在许多变数 新西兰 New Zealand elects conservative Christopher Luxon as premier after 6 years of liberal rule
欧洲发生巴以冲突 法国检察官:涉嫌学校刺伤者宣布效忠伊斯兰国 ABC:French prosecutor: Alleged school stabber declared allegiance to Islamic State
欧洲巴以冲突 突尼斯难民在比利时用AR15打死两名瑞典球迷,最后被警察击毙 ABC:Brussels shooter who killed 2 soccer fans in 'act of terrorism' shot dead: Sources
美国国内发生巴以冲突 美国伊利诺伊州一名男子刺死一名6岁的穆斯林男孩并严重伤害他的母亲 捅6岁小孩26刀 ABC:Illinois man charged with stabbing 6-year-old Muslim boy to death amid Israel-Hamas conflict: Police
哈马斯的突袭和以色列随后的反击,彻底改变了中东局势的静态均衡,未来一两个星期充满了变数。 美国国内发生巴以冲突 America’s Short-Lived Show of Unity In decades past, Israel was a unifying issue in Congress and among much of the electorate. Now, it's another vehicle for feuding politicians and competing ideological groups to fight anew.
欧洲巴以冲突 突尼斯难民在比利时用AR15打死两名瑞典球迷,最后被警察击毙 ABC:Brussels shooter who killed 2 soccer fans in 'act of terrorism' shot dead: Sources
美国国内发生巴以冲突 美国伊利诺伊州一名男子刺死一名6岁的穆斯林男孩并严重伤害他的母亲 捅6岁小孩26刀 ABC:Illinois man charged with stabbing 6-year-old Muslim boy to death amid Israel-Hamas conflict: Police
哈马斯的突袭和以色列随后的反击,彻底改变了中东局势的静态均衡,未来一两个星期充满了变数。 美国国内发生巴以冲突 America’s Short-Lived Show of Unity In decades past, Israel was a unifying issue in Congress and among much of the electorate. Now, it's another vehicle for feuding politicians and competing ideological groups to fight anew.
美国国内发生巴以冲突 美国伊利诺伊州一名男子刺死一名6岁的穆斯林男孩并严重伤害他的母亲 捅6岁小孩26刀 ABC:Illinois man charged with stabbing 6-year-old Muslim boy to death amid Israel-Hamas conflict: Police
哈马斯的突袭和以色列随后的反击,彻底改变了中东局势的静态均衡,未来一两个星期充满了变数。 美国国内发生巴以冲突 America’s Short-Lived Show of Unity In decades past, Israel was a unifying issue in Congress and among much of the electorate. Now, it's another vehicle for feuding politicians and competing ideological groups to fight anew.
哦,以色列最现代AI VS 哈马斯最原始 哈马斯不用电话手机,无法窃听;哈马斯采用面谈或派人传递信息。 北岸子 2023-10-17 16:10:46 冷战后CIA、摩萨德水平都下降得太多太多,人家就住在那儿,你却击杀不了,唉 看来不管是谁,只要“承平日久”就没有不完蛋的
中方提供场子 普京会见不少其他国政要
既要乌克兰,又要以色列 拜登挪用东南亚军事资源吧!
现在以色列给出数字 126名以色列人在哈马斯手中。 以色列总理一塌糊涂亚历山大,解决不好人质要下台的。
布林肯访问埃及,希望埃及开放埃及巴勒斯坦边境,让美国人离开加沙,遭拒绝,除非人道主义物资能进入加沙。 政治:Dissed by Saudi Arabia, lectured by Egypt: 美国 diplomacy meets Mideast reality But 美国 efforts to convince Egypt to open a border crossing to let Palestinians with foreign citizenship leave Gaza have yet to succeed. Egypt is blaming Israel, saying its bombardments and other actions are preventing Cairo from sending humanitarian aid through the crossing for needy Palestinians in Gaza.
既要乌克兰,又要以色列 拜登挪用东南亚军事资源吧!
哈马斯的突袭和以色列随后的反击,彻底改变了中东局势的静态均衡,未来一两个星期充满了变数。 美国国内发生巴以冲突 America’s Short-Lived Show of Unity In decades past, Israel was a unifying issue in Congress and among much of the electorate. Now, it's another vehicle for feuding politicians and competing ideological groups to fight anew.
美参议员布莱克本写信给拜登要求罢免主管亚太事务沙利文,误导政府 哈马斯偷袭以色列前夕,沙利文说,‘今天的中东比20年来更安静’ 国会山:Blackburn calls for national security adviser Sullivan’s ousting
中方开会了,经济建设,共赢 智利总统博里奇乘飞机抵达成都,访华
“How Netanyahu’s political calculations resulted in catastrophe,” by Shlomo Ben-Ami for the 洛杉矶 Times