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  • 2021-02-27 21:21:06参议院,民主党与共和党 50:50
    2021-02-27 20:23:08

    美国众议院刚刚投票通过了1.9万亿刺激方案,现在转到民主党优势不大的参议员投票。 白宫希望14日之前的救援方案结束之前这个方案可以得到总统签署。

    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-27 21:47:00下周,二会
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  • 2021-02-27 21:53:36另外美国遗产税,重税啊![回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 00:12:42索罗斯曾写过一本书《金融炼金术》(The Alchemy Of Finance)
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  • 2021-02-28 11:16:02截至2月24日星期三,美联储资产负债表已经达到7.6万亿美元
    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 11:23:08中国做好自己事,中国经济总量到2027~2028年超过美国、2035年翻一番的可能性很大
    CNBC:China’s economy could double in size by 2035 — and surpass the 美国 along the way
    In addition to doubling its economic size, China would surpass the 美国 as the world’s largest economy around 2027-2028, added Qiao.
    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 11:32:03最难买得起家的地方
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  • 2021-02-28 11:37:50上海,幼儿园,小学,都在扩建
    2021-02-28 11:22:11


    2021-02-28 11:18:02


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  • 2021-02-28 11:52:11美联储购买美国国债,达到4.84万亿美元。
    Purchases of Treasury securities do heavy lifting, hit $4.84 trillion.
    2021-02-28 11:16:02


    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 11:59:37美国羡慕中国基础设施建设
    国会山:Closing the China-美国 transportation gap
    A major gap between Chinese and American infrastructure costs us hundreds of billions of dollars a year. That is the gap in the number of miles of freeways in each country.
    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 12:03:43美国高速公路,年久失修,通勤,损失
    Freeway driving is growing so much faster than freeway miles that, according to the Texas Transportation Institute, traffic congestion costs American commuters $166 billion a year, and costs shippers even more. Building more freeways would save time, money and fuel.
    2021-02-28 11:59:37

    美国羡慕中国基础设施建设 国会山:Closing the China-美国 transportation gap A major gap between Chinese and American infrastructure costs us hundreds of billions of dollars a year. That is the gap in the number of miles of freeways in each country.

    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 12:08:41基础设施
    政治:‘Look What You Did to Us’: The Big Chill of Texas Politics
    After the devastating freeze, Texans in blue cities blame the state GOP leaders for leaving them in the cold.
    2021-02-28 11:59:37

    美国羡慕中国基础设施建设 国会山:Closing the China-美国 transportation gap A major gap between Chinese and American infrastructure costs us hundreds of billions of dollars a year. That is the gap in the number of miles of freeways in each country.

    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 12:13:35德州悲剧,有没有人问责啊?
    2021-02-28 12:08:41

    基础设施 最近,美国德州,寒潮,冻死30多人 政治:‘Look What You Did to Us’: The Big Chill of Texas Politics After the devastating freeze, Texans in blue cities blame the state GOP leaders for leaving them in the cold.

    2021-02-28 11:59:37

    美国羡慕中国基础设施建设 国会山:Closing the China-美国 transportation gap A major gap between Chinese and American infrastructure costs us hundreds of billions of dollars a year. That is the gap in the number of miles of freeways in each country.

    [回 复]
  • 2021-02-28 13:12:32美国通胀预期
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  • 2021-02-28 21:18:292020年至今,沪深300与标普500走势
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  • 2021-02-28 21:42:54这位童鞋预测很准的

    2020-10-05 14:52:39
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  • 2021-03-01 10:56:25A股某上市公司,出口美国,汇率影响,产品涨价
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  • 2021-03-01 11:00:59新冠疫情减弱,欧美经济恢复

    2021-03-01 10:56:25

    A股某上市公司,出口美国,汇率影响,产品涨价 财务端看,汇率从7块多跌到6块5以下,对出口企业影响很大。但是公司一直对汇率做对冲,所以公司产品销售出去后,从财务端来说影响很小。业务端看,销售人员接单到出货这段时间,汇率变化会给公司售价和毛利带来影响。但从四季度的情况来看,因为国内疫情较海外控制的更为有利,四季度订单情况较好,价格有所提高,这部分因素与汇率变化综合后,其实毛利有所增加。

    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-01 17:08:18今天A股涨跌分布
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  • 2021-03-01 17:10:11家门口,杨柳发芽了,白玉兰开花了
    2021-03-01 11:07:04


    2021-03-01 11:00:59

    新冠疫情减弱,欧美经济恢复 玩A股出口股票

    2021-03-01 10:56:25

    A股某上市公司,出口美国,汇率影响,产品涨价 财务端看,汇率从7块多跌到6块5以下,对出口企业影响很大。但是公司一直对汇率做对冲,所以公司产品销售出去后,从财务端来说影响很小。业务端看,销售人员接单到出货这段时间,汇率变化会给公司售价和毛利带来影响。但从四季度的情况来看,因为国内疫情较海外控制的更为有利,四季度订单情况较好,价格有所提高,这部分因素与汇率变化综合后,其实毛利有所增加。

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  • 2021-03-01 17:17:10近5个交易日A股行业涨跌幅
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  • 2021-03-01 17:29:09近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    金瑞矿业 64.20%
    仁东控股 40.56%
    济民制药 37.91%
    邦讯技术 34.91%
    力星股份 29.83%
    小康股份 28.94%
    拓邦股份 28.75%
    德新交运 28.10%
    ST岩石 27.06%
    东方银星 26.87%
    新余国科 26.86%
    航天工程 26.38%
    *ST当代 26.22%
    大连圣亚 26.05%
    蓝英装备 25.30%
    包钢股份 25.19%
    *ST基础 24.42%
    奇信股份 24.26%
    海得控制 23.98%
    ST天成 23.81%
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  • 2021-03-01 22:41:065G,中国抢跑了
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  • 2021-03-02 00:40:59美国的新冠住院率
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  • 2021-03-02 00:42:02新冠,美国死亡人数下降
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  • 2021-03-02 00:45:27乐观情绪
    One year into pandemic, sky begins to clear over 美国 economy
    SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Despite the 美国 economy's near miss with a depression last year and an ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has brought travel to a virtual halt, Jeff Hurst, the chief executive of vacation rental firm VRBO, sees a boom on the horizon.
    2021-03-02 00:40:59


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  • 2021-03-02 00:50:18一个好公司,股价20元,涨到100多元以上,还是好公司?

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  • 2021-03-02 00:53:01美国房价
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  • 2021-03-02 00:58:54纽约分析师,分析中国PMI
    The “official” PMI’s, so-called as they are calculated and released by the National Bureau of Statistics, were released over the weekend. The Caixin Manufacturing PMI, which is calculated by IHS Markit, was released just after the market open. While the release came in light versus expectations, the market brushed it off as the Chinese New Year curtailed the number of workdays in the February calculation.  The “official” PMI is a broad survey of large companies while the Caixin/IHS figure has a smaller number of survey participants that include private, medium, and small-sized companies. PMIs are diffusion indexes measuring month over month activity with a base level of 50. Above 50 means accelerating growth while under 50 means a contraction. There is a key nugget in the “official” as inventories of raw materials declined. Commodity price charts tell us that China needs more raw materials. This demand is reflected in higher input prices and thus higher output prices. Production and new orders increased in February. Meanwhile, employment and supplier delivery time were off their best levels. Within the “official” non-manufacturing index, construction dipped from 60 to 54.7. However, overall business confidence was very high. The release was not a market mover today.
    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-02 01:01:54纽约分析师,将港股
    The weights of New Economy stocks will increase at the expense of Old Economy stocks, driven by the industry exposure requirement and the removal of the cap on dual share classes and weighted voting rights companies. Winners will include Alibaba HK, JD HK, NetEase HK, etc. as their weights in the index will go up. Financials will see their weights decline from 40% today to 32% at the 80 stock level and 26% at the 100 stock level. Tech will go from 26.9% to 28.6% and eventually reach 28.7%. The capping might reduce some volatility as the index. Just as fun will be the reaction from other index providers. Any look at MSCI China’s holdings recently? Tencent and Alibaba make up 29% of the index! I am a big advocate of the MSCI China All Shares as a better investable definition of China.
    2021-03-02 00:58:54

    纽约分析师,分析中国PMI The “official” PMI’s, so-called as they are calculated and released by the National Bureau of Statistics, were released over the weekend. The Caixin Manufacturing PMI, which is calculated by IHS Markit, was released just after the market open. While the release came in light versus expectations, the market brushed it off as the Chinese New Year curtailed the number of workdays in the February calculation.  The “official” PMI is a broad survey of large companies while the Caixin/IHS figure has a smaller number of survey participants that include private, medium, and small-sized companies. PMIs are diffusion indexes measuring month over month activity with a base level of 50. Above 50 means accelerating growth while under 50 means a contraction. There is a key nugget in the “official” as inventories of raw materials declined. Commodity price charts tell us that China needs more raw materials. This demand is reflected in higher input prices and thus higher output prices. Production and new orders increased in February. Meanwhile, employment and supplier delivery time were off their best levels. Within the “official” non-manufacturing index, construction dipped from 60 to 54.7. However, overall business confidence was very high. The release was not a market mover today.

    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-02 01:20:09美国人角度,看中国二会
    纽约分析师:The most important policy meetings of the year will take place in China this week as the CPPCC begins Thursday with the NPC on Friday. The “Two Sessions” will review the 14th Five Year Plan through the draft gives us a great insight into where economic policy is headed. Domestic consumption will be a big focus along with curbing pollution and technological self-sufficiency. The beneficiaries are easy to figure out: e-commerce, 5G, semiconductors, electric vehicles, and cleantech plays such as solar and wind.
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  • 2021-03-02 10:59:29美国最低工资占生产率增长的比值
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  • 2021-03-02 13:57:43巴菲特08年买入比亚迪H股,持有到现在,25倍。[回 复]
  • 2021-03-02 20:55:47近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    仁东控股 52.10%
    济民制药 48.57%
    先河环保 37.80%
    一拖股份 36.66%
    博天环境 34.93%
    开尔新材 29.70%
    天华超净 29.35%
    中创环保 29.04%
    美达股份 28.53%
    中材节能 27.26%
    海得控制 27.25%
    乾照光电 26.53%
    *ST环球 26.32%
    山东威达 26.04%
    优德精密 25.83%
    全新好 25.64%
    绿盟科技 24.00%
    吉翔股份 23.65%
    力星股份 23.63%
    北清环能 23.59%
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  • 2021-03-02 21:01:14今天A股指数下跌,但有1249只股票上涨
    涨:1249 平:104 跌:2836
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  • 2021-03-02 21:03:02教父罗大佑歌曲野百合也有春

    2021-03-02 21:01:14

    今天A股指数下跌,但有1249只股票上涨 涨:1249 平:104 跌:2836

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  • 2021-03-02 21:19:51去年年底,陶博预测
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  • 2021-03-02 21:25:27近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2021-03-02 21:34:14春季后,A股行业(申万)走势图
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  • 2021-03-03 01:07:04哈哈哈!!!
    2021-03-03 00:30:59


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  • 2021-03-03 01:30:3220世纪70年代,苏联领导勃列日涅
    “The party” itself was not a party in any Western sense, but a vehicle for a cabal of elites, with a cult of personality at its center. The Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was an utterly mediocre man, but by the late 1970s he had cemented his grip on the Communist Party by elevating opportunists and cronies around him who insisted, publicly and privately, that Brezhnev was a heroic genius.
    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-03 01:42:58特朗普,个人崇拜[回 复]
  • 2021-03-03 01:49:11联合国表示,中国在全球专利申请方面领先于美国。
    路透:China extends lead over 美国 in global patents filings, U.N. says
    GENEVA (Reuters) - China was the biggest source of applications for international patents in the world in 2020 for the second consecutive year and extended its lead over No. 2 filer the 美国, the U.N. patent agency said on Tuesday.
    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-03 01:52:28联合国表示,中国在全球专利申请方面领先于美国。
    路透:China extends lead over 美国 in global patents filings, 联合国 says
    GENEVA (Reuters) - China was the biggest source of applications for international patents in the world in 2020 for the second consecutive year and extended its lead over No. 2 filer the 美国, the 联合国 patent agency said on Tuesday.
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  • 2021-03-03 11:31:19疫苗,美国吃相太难看了

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  • 2021-03-03 11:42:48疫苗,美国现在六亲不认
    2021-03-03 11:31:19

    疫苗,美国吃相太难看了 白宫拒绝南北富邻居穷邻居加拿大墨西哥,分享疫苗

    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-03 12:15:55北京新冠疫苗累计接种突破500万
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  • 2021-03-03 12:59:24今天节后第10个交易日


    2021-01-18 00:33:13
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  • 2021-03-03 21:35:54近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    开尔新材 54.77%
    仁东控股 46.70%
    一拖股份 46.23%
    中材节能 41.65%
    先河环保 39.94%
    济民制药 38.71%
    盐津铺子 38.54%
    博天环境 34.41%
    雪迪龙 34.26%
    吉峰科技 33.49%
    华斯股份 32.47%
    包钢股份 31.97%
    金安国纪 31.46%
    新宏泰 30.07%
    鄂尔多斯 29.37%
    德新交运 29.27%
    绿盟科技 27.22%
    全新好 26.97%
    兖州煤业 26.56%
    钱江摩托 26.32%
    [回 复]
  • 2021-03-03 21:42:22全国政协十三届四次会议新闻发布会
    2021-03-03 12:15:55


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