人民日报发文:必须将破坏中美关系的人绳之以法 推动中美关系真正稳下来、好起来(钟声) 2023年10月31日
根据《纽约时报》和锡耶纳学院周日公布的新民意调查数据,特朗普在摇摆州比拜登更有优势 政治:Trump has edge over Biden in key battleground states, polling indicates The numbers painted a grim picture for the president.
巴以冲突使拜登陷入真正的政治危险 拜登总统在政治上受到左、右和中间派的多条战线的挤压。如果这场战争持续下去,附带损害也可能包括他的连任。 Daily Beast: Israel-Hamas War Leaves Joe Biden in Real Political Peril President Biden is being squeezed politically on multiple fronts—left, right, and center. Should this war linger, the collateral damage could also include his second term.
给这货mo涨涨见识 巴以冲突,美国民主党分裂 民主党众议员特莱布,来自摇摆州密歇根州 特莱布指责拜登支持对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝 政治:Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting genocide of Palestinians “Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.
哦,参照98年亚洲金融风暴,这货赵国经济大萧条24,对吧! 赵国经济大萧条24 2023-11-05 00:19:09明年上半年日本央行就会动手。 赵国经济大萧条24 2023-11-05 00:18:08 自从2013年日本开始推行安倍经济学以来,日本已经向海外输出了大约10万亿美元的流动性,其中不少流到了港股市场和购买了中资地产美元债。 赵国经济大萧条24 2023-11-05 00:16:06 日银(BOJ)和美联储(FED)互相配合誓要干死对手的泡沫经济!
巴以冲突使拜登陷入真正的政治危险 拜登总统在政治上受到左、右和中间派的多条战线的挤压。如果这场战争持续下去,附带损害也可能包括他的连任。 Daily Beast: Israel-Hamas War Leaves Joe Biden in Real Political Peril President Biden is being squeezed politically on multiple fronts—left, right, and center. Should this war linger, the collateral damage could also include his second term.
给这货mo涨涨见识 巴以冲突,美国民主党分裂 民主党众议员特莱布,来自摇摆州密歇根州 特莱布指责拜登支持对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝 政治:Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting genocide of Palestinians “Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.
1 摇摆州密歇根州,2020年拜登赢特朗普,密歇根州阿拉伯人 Due to the peculiarities of the electoral college, Michigan is almost a must-win state for Biden. As NBC News noted, “There are an estimated 240,000 Muslims in Michigan, a state Biden won in 2020 by 150,000 votes. Trump won Michigan in 2016 by a little more than 10,700 votes.” 2 民主党基本盘美国年轻人,更不亲以色列 Gen Z and millennials—a key component of the Democratic base—are dramatically less pro-Israel than their older counterparts.
巴以冲突使拜登陷入真正的政治危险 拜登总统在政治上受到左、右和中间派的多条战线的挤压。如果这场战争持续下去,附带损害也可能包括他的连任。 Daily Beast: Israel-Hamas War Leaves Joe Biden in Real Political Peril President Biden is being squeezed politically on multiple fronts—left, right, and center. Should this war linger, the collateral damage could also include his second term.
给这货mo涨涨见识 巴以冲突,美国民主党分裂 民主党众议员特莱布,来自摇摆州密歇根州 特莱布指责拜登支持对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝 政治:Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting genocide of Palestinians “Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.
巴以冲突使拜登陷入真正的政治危险 拜登总统在政治上受到左、右和中间派的多条战线的挤压。如果这场战争持续下去,附带损害也可能包括他的连任。 Daily Beast: Israel-Hamas War Leaves Joe Biden in Real Political Peril President Biden is being squeezed politically on multiple fronts—left, right, and center. Should this war linger, the collateral damage could also include his second term.
给这货mo涨涨见识 巴以冲突,美国民主党分裂 民主党众议员特莱布,来自摇摆州密歇根州 特莱布指责拜登支持对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝 政治:Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting genocide of Palestinians “Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.
给这货mo涨涨见识 巴以冲突,美国民主党分裂 民主党众议员特莱布,来自摇摆州密歇根州 特莱布指责拜登支持对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝 政治:Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting genocide of Palestinians “Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.
以色列就这么牛逼!炸蛋蛋上面写着---“美国制造 自由民主 普世价值”!
俄乌冲突也好,巴以冲突也好,咱吃瓜群众 美国基本国策围堵中方 现在呢? 美国的取舍:以色列、乌克兰和无法回避的中国问题 European Council on Foreign Relations (欧洲外交关系委员会):America’s trade-off: Israel, Ukraine, and the inescapable China question The US too often falls for its own superpower myth and fails to prioritise among its foreign policy commitments – including its present China challenge, which has not gone away
给这货mo涨涨见识 巴以冲突,美国民主党分裂 民主党众议员特莱布,来自摇摆州密歇根州 特莱布指责拜登支持对巴勒斯坦人的种族灭绝 政治:Tlaib accuses Biden of supporting genocide of Palestinians “Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.