molamola246 2021-12-12 00:08:27 再看看上海自贸区,雄安新区,大湾区,北交所,有点意思 哈哈哈!!! 韭菜molamola246,上海自贸区,特斯拉及配套工厂!
最近网传著名的大企业富士康也要走了,要去越南,他们已经在越南投资137亿建厂,那么问题来了,富士康的中国80万员工该怎么办?一下子失业这么多人,哪里能有这么大体量的工厂来消化这么多人? 失业意味着什么?恐怕傻瓜都明白,那意味着没工作做就等于没饭吃,没饭吃即使喊爱国口号也没有劲啊,是不是? 去年,对于富士康来说,无疑是被爱国小粉红骂得最惨的一年。为何富士康挨骂?就因为郭台铭的一句“如果苹果公司有需要的话,富士康会考虑撤出中国”,这下可不得了了,可惹了马蜂窝一般,被小粉红在网上骂得狗血喷头。 毋庸置疑,富士康是给苹果打工的,这些年富士康也是因为苹果而不断发展壮大的,他不能不唯马首是瞻,是老板没有不懂得这个道理的。哪像咱们这样,你买我的货是靠我供养你;你卖我货是我让你发财的。总之,都是我厉害。 中国很多事情坏事就坏在网上这些战狼上,不会玉汝于成,却是成事不足败事有余。就像家庭一样,大人的事你个毛孩子瞎参呼什么? 其实政府要做的事归根结底就两件,一件事是就业,一件事是税收。其他所有的事情都是围绕这两件事而展开的。抓事物要抓住主要矛盾,抓住了主要矛盾,其他次要矛盾就迎刃而解了。就业好了,百姓就会安居乐业,社会就会和谐稳定。没有就业,偷窃抢劫的事情就会频繁发生,社会就会不稳定,就容易闹事。有了更多人的就业,就间接证明企业效益好,这样纳税也就会多起来,纳税多,国家就会有钱了,这是扯耳腮动的事情。 可以说,有韬略的领导都会十分重视发展企业,而不是折腾企业。把企业真疼跑了,估计你的饭碗也就打了,喝粥都没钱了。尊重企业家,爱护企业家,才会使得经济得到发展,才会把经济搞活。 一个郭台铭跑了,80万人立马失业,都没饭吃了,你说是资本家养活工人,还是80万工人养活了资本家呢? 无独有偶,前几年抵制韩货,终于抵制跑了韩国三星等企业,光一个三星就在越南产值超过600亿美元,占整个越南GDP的28%,我想这个世界上没有谁会比越南更感谢中国的小粉红了,因为他们成功地抵制跑了三星,将一个600亿美金的产业链赶出了中国,拱手让给了越南,越南人做梦都会笑醒,都要感谢中国小粉红的八辈祖宗了。600亿美金的体量要给国家纳多少税,养活多少工人啊?傻逼是不会算这笔账的,只会胡来。
I Lost $400,000, Almost Everything I Had, on a Single Robinhood Bet
Then I just went all in on this one single stock option: The $200 strike price call option on Alibaba. I would describe a call option as a leveraged bet on an underlying stock, which helps you increase the upside (or downside) of the bet you're trying to make. I initially invested $300,000 in February, basically every single liquid asset in my account. Not retirement, but everything cash. I didn't have anything left. My thesis was I might not make a lot of money, but I won’t lose much. The downside seemed limited, and that if worse comes to worse, it would go down to like $280,000.
不止损,还追加投入,亏损扩大 So in July, I put in another almost $100,000. I basically transferred all the liquid cash that I had and maxed out my account
I Lost $400,000, Almost Everything I Had, on a Single Robinhood Bet
Then I just went all in on this one single stock option: The $200 strike price call option on Alibaba. I would describe a call option as a leveraged bet on an underlying stock, which helps you increase the upside (or downside) of the bet you're trying to make. I initially invested $300,000 in February, basically every single liquid asset in my account. Not retirement, but everything cash. I didn't have anything left. My thesis was I might not make a lot of money, but I won’t lose much. The downside seemed limited, and that if worse comes to worse, it would go down to like $280,000.
不止损,还追加投入,亏损扩大 So in July, I put in another almost $100,000. I basically transferred all the liquid cash that I had and maxed out my account
I Lost $400,000, Almost Everything I Had, on a Single Robinhood Bet
Then I just went all in on this one single stock option: The $200 strike price call option on Alibaba. I would describe a call option as a leveraged bet on an underlying stock, which helps you increase the upside (or downside) of the bet you're trying to make. I initially invested $300,000 in February, basically every single liquid asset in my account. Not retirement, but everything cash. I didn't have anything left. My thesis was I might not make a lot of money, but I won’t lose much. The downside seemed limited, and that if worse comes to worse, it would go down to like $280,000.
木头姐最新看法: 打压房市,就像当年日本股市房市泡沫爆破