退群,北约 特朗普接受NBC的《会见媒体》(Meet the Press)节目采访时说,美国有可能退出北约 “如果他们付账单,如果我认为他们公平地对待我们,答案绝对是我愿意留在北约” 但如果没有,有人问他是否会考虑让美国退出北约。特朗普回答说,“当然。是的,绝对是” AP:Trump calls for ‘immediate’ cease-fire in Ukraine and says a 美国 withdrawal from NATO is possible “If they’re paying their bills, and if I think they’re treating us fairly, the answer is absolutely I’d stay with NATO,” he told “Meet the Press.” But if not, he was asked if he would consider pulling the 美国 out of the alliance. Trump responded, “Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.”
灯塔国,政治凌驾司法 特朗普接受NBC的《会见媒体》(Meet the Press)节目采访时说,他的目标是在“第一天”赦免 1 月 6 日国会山暴乱的被告 彭博:Trump Says He’ll Aim to Pardon Jan. 6 Defendants on ‘First Day’