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  • 2024-05-23 15:43:32模型
    300162. 82.52%
    300554 46.13%
    300290 44.70%
    600714 43.51%
    000702 43.28%
    000620 35.56%
    000514 34.49%
    603991 32.79%
    300722 30.29%
    300155 30.00%
    600266 29.44%
    300159 27.13%
    002141 27.08%
    300644 26.95%
    300500 26.91%
    300400 26.81%
    600383 26.67%
    000560 26.37%
    300410 25.39%
    300118 25.37%
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-23 22:10:26近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2024-05-23 22:18:34特斯拉上海储能超级工厂今天正式开工,明年第一季度投产

    2024-05-23 01:44:47

    上海超级工厂生产的特斯拉打开挪威市场,成为市场最受欢迎的车 2024年5月22日,挪威贸工部国务秘书 Tore. O. Sandvik一行到访特斯拉上海超级工厂,参观了Model Y总装车间和质量检验线 上海超级工厂如今已成为特斯拉全球最主要的出口中心,制造的车辆销往亚太、欧洲多个市场。目前工厂产量的三分之一用于出口

    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 00:48:45昨天A股主要指数跌幅
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 00:54:42欧盟对中国电动车的小牛刀,初定6月5日就要亮相了,但欧洲车企大佬为,欧洲车企需要的是时间,是速度,不是给中国电车加税。
    路透:European Automakers Need Time, Not Tariffs, to Fend off China Competition
    MUNICH (Reuters) -Europe's car giants won't have much time to restructure their operations and product lines to compete with ascendant Chinese automakers, and stiffer tariffs will do little to protect the status quo, industry executives said during a Reuters event.
    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday said that Europe would take a "tailored approach" to its investigation and any potential duties imposed will be "correspondent to the level of damage". It will inform those Chinese EV makers incurring provisional tariffs by June 5.
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 01:06:18中国电动车目前估计比欧洲竞争对手有超过30%的价格优势。
    Chinese carmakers, which command a 30% or more cost edge over European rivals, took 19% of Europe's EV market last year, up from 16% in 2022, according to the Rhodium Group.
    2024-05-24 00:54:42

    欧盟对中国电动车的小牛刀,初定6月5日就要亮相了,但欧洲车企大佬为,欧洲车企需要的是时间,是速度,不是给中国电车加税。 路透:European Automakers Need Time, Not Tariffs, to Fend off China Competition MUNICH (Reuters) -Europe's car giants won't have much time to restructure their operations and product lines to compete with ascendant Chinese automakers, and stiffer tariffs will do little to protect the status quo, industry executives said during a Reuters event. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday said that Europe would take a "tailored approach" to its investigation and any potential duties imposed will be "correspondent to the level of damage". It will inform those Chinese EV makers incurring provisional tariffs by June 5.

    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 11:02:42上海到美国西海岸洛杉矶港涨,海运价已经超过了5000美元
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 11:33:25淡季不淡,集装箱短缺
    CNBC:Sudden container crunch sends ocean freight rates soaring, setting off global trade alarm bells
    2024-05-24 11:02:42


    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 11:49:50特斯拉马斯克说,不同意拜登对中国制造的电动汽车进口征收关税。而中国电动车不征关税,竞争激烈
    CNBC:Tesla CEO Elon Musk says he favors ‘no tariffs’ on Chinese EVs
    Tesla CEO Elon Musk said at a conference in Paris that he doesn’t agree with President Biden’s tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicle imports.
    “Tesla competes quite well in the market in China with no tariffs and no deferential support,” Musk said. “I’m in favor of no tariffs.”
    2024-05-24 00:54:42

    欧盟对中国电动车的小牛刀,初定6月5日就要亮相了,但欧洲车企大佬为,欧洲车企需要的是时间,是速度,不是给中国电车加税。 路透:European Automakers Need Time, Not Tariffs, to Fend off China Competition MUNICH (Reuters) -Europe's car giants won't have much time to restructure their operations and product lines to compete with ascendant Chinese automakers, and stiffer tariffs will do little to protect the status quo, industry executives said during a Reuters event. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday said that Europe would take a "tailored approach" to its investigation and any potential duties imposed will be "correspondent to the level of damage". It will inform those Chinese EV makers incurring provisional tariffs by June 5.

    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 15:42:54模型
    000702. 60.94%
    000620 45.65%
    300722 36.36%
    300410 34.08%
    603991 29.91%
    300290 29.88%
    300500 28.57%
    300093 27.36%
    002897 25.83%
    002218 24.40%
    300641 23.33%
    300680 23.09%
    600719 22.36%
    002021 21.78%
    603880 21.35%
    300162 20.61%
    002843 19.57%
    603628 19.26%
    002325 18.37%
    600979 18.11%
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 15:58:06哦,上一次美国众议长佩洛西窜台军演,与这次军演有什么区别?

    2024-05-24 12:58:54
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 16:26:33超长期国债上市交易
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 21:22:47近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 21:39:48经常在水域军演,谁还跟湾湾做生意,货轮进不来出不去,这货mo,对吧!
    2024-05-24 15:58:06

    哦,上一次美国众议长佩洛西窜台军演,与这次军演有什么区别? by3100 2024-05-24 12:58:54 军演,喊话威胁,还算可控不打算开打,估计它们也没有这个胆量……

    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 22:04:04阿斯麦可以远程瘫痪台积电光刻机,包括最先进光刻机。

    ASML and TSMC Can Disable Chip Machines If China Invades Taiwan
    2024-05-24 15:58:06

    哦,上一次美国众议长佩洛西窜台军演,与这次军演有什么区别? by3100 2024-05-24 12:58:54 军演,喊话威胁,还算可控不打算开打,估计它们也没有这个胆量……

    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-24 23:22:54美国食品价格涨幅
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  • 2024-05-24 23:27:37目前效应,美国等国芯片制造去湾湾化,芯片制造是湾湾支柱产业,芯片制造是高收入人群。[回 复]
  • 2024-05-25 00:31:51美国人最关心通胀生活成本
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  • 2024-05-25 01:08:38昨天A股主要指数跌幅
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  • 2024-05-25 01:12:51美国财长耶奶接受FT采访说,生活成本的“大幅增加”对很多人来说是一个“问题”,因为持续的通货膨胀对我老板11月大选不利
    FT:Janet Yellen says many Americans still struggling with inflation
    US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has said “substantial increases” in living costs are a “problem to a lot of people” as persistent inflation dents President Joe Biden’s standing with voters ahead of November’s election.
    2024-05-25 00:31:51


    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-25 09:45:34摩根大通CEO吉米戴蒙在上海举行的摩根大通全球中国峰会上接受采访时说,美国经济硬着陆仍有可能,最糟糕的结果将是“滞胀”

    国会山:Dimon says hard landing still possible
    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-25 15:40:53超长期国债,新质生产力,高质量发展,培育下一个新新三样产品出口,这货mo,对吧!
    2024-05-24 16:26:33


    [回 复]
  • 2024-05-25 18:35:37咱好奇,军演,美国国务卿布林肯沉默,不说两句?
    2024-05-24 23:15:17


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