12月上旬中央经济工作会议,部署2025年经济任务。 具体细则,3月二会 另外特朗普1月20日就职,看看特朗普关税政策。
特朗普建造更多军舰的承诺与他的驱逐承诺相冲突 候任总统打击移民的努力可能会使已经面临劳动力短缺的造船厂陷入困境 第一国防:Trump's promise to build more warships is on a collision course with his deportation pledges The president-elect's efforts to clamp down on immigration could make it hard for shipyards already facing workforce shortages.
美国造船业 根据海军去年的一份报告,几个主要的造船项目落后于计划数年,主要是由于缺乏工人。短缺如此严重,以至于军舰产量降至 25 年来的最低水平。 According to a Navy report from last year, several major shipbuilding programs are years behind schedule, owing largely to a lack of workers. The shortfall is so severe that warship production is down to its lowest level in a quarter century.
特朗普建造更多军舰的承诺与他的驱逐承诺相冲突 候任总统打击移民的努力可能会使已经面临劳动力短缺的造船厂陷入困境 第一国防:Trump's promise to build more warships is on a collision course with his deportation pledges The president-elect's efforts to clamp down on immigration could make it hard for shipyards already facing workforce shortages.
特斯拉 自动驾驶 (彭博社)-- 特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)因担心新发布的驾驶辅助功能可能导致车祸而受到联邦审查,这是汽车安全监管机构调查这家电动汽车制造商技术的最新举措。 特斯拉因无人驾驶汽车召唤功能面临美国调查 Tesla Faces 美国 Probe Over Driverless Vehicle-Summon Feature
韩国前总统文在寅与金三胖搞好关系,特朗普携金三胖跨三八线 尹锡悦上台后,听拜登话,突突突,韩朝关系恶化
特朗普就任美国总统,好玩啊! 俄乌冲突,欧盟已头疼,现在又来特朗普格陵兰岛 欧盟领导人警告特朗普在格陵兰岛威胁后不要插手欧洲边境 FT:EU leaders warn Trump not to meddle with Europe’s borders