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  • 2022-08-10 16:08:56市场情绪
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 15:43:27近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    南方精工 59.80%
    三超新材 53.44%
    大港股份 53.00%
    西藏城投 44.88%
    *ST腾信 42.61%
    文一科技 40.02%
    奥维通信 39.51%
    达华智能 39.26%
    海利尔 38.98%
    太龙股份 37.55%
    康强电子 35.92%
    通富微电 34.36%
    中超控股 33.85%
    嘉寓股份 31.76%
    赛为智能 31.25%
    中来股份 31.19%
    三利谱 30.79%
    *ST和佳 30.77%
    聆达股份 30.45%
    名臣健康 30.37%
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 12:49:46软银 Q2 巨亏
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 12:41:41英国痛苦指数,自1995年以来最高
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 12:35:54前纽约市警察局长更直白,阻止特朗普参与2024年总统大选,闷掉特朗普
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 11:34:30拜登幸灾乐祸
    President Biden's house has never been raided by the FBI.
    That's a Biden Win!
    2022-08-10 00:17:51

    大国国内的事儿才是真正的大事儿 撕裂美国,分裂美国 FBI搜查特朗普庄园。 FOX:GOP slams 'weaponization' of DOJ after Trump's Mar-a-Lago raided by FBI; Dems call it 'accountability' FBI raid is related to materials Trump allegedly brought to his Florida residence after his presidency

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 01:26:31市场情绪
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  • 2022-08-10 01:00:30疫情 美国
    Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2022)
    New Cases: 128,277
    Deaths: 464
    2022-08-08 01:27:29

    疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2022) New Cases: 106,925 Deaths: 636(几个操场)

    2022-08-07 11:42:14

    疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2022) New Cases: 128,936 Deaths: 696(几个操场)

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 00:30:46批斗会(国会大厦骚乱听证会),搜查令,都发生在美国中期选举前夕。

    2022-08-10 00:17:51

    大国国内的事儿才是真正的大事儿 撕裂美国,分裂美国 FBI搜查特朗普庄园。 FOX:GOP slams 'weaponization' of DOJ after Trump's Mar-a-Lago raided by FBI; Dems call it 'accountability' FBI raid is related to materials Trump allegedly brought to his Florida residence after his presidency

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 00:17:51大国国内的事儿才是真正的大事儿

    FOX:GOP slams 'weaponization' of DOJ after Trump's Mar-a-Lago raided by FBI; Dems call it 'accountability'
    FBI raid is related to materials Trump allegedly brought to his Florida residence after his presidency
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 00:09:31美国 借钱消费 2011年以来新高
    and borrowing more (consumer credit increasing at fastest pace since 2011).
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-10 00:02:48美国人储蓄,2009年以来,最低
    They’re saving less (savings rate at lowest level since 2009)…
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 23:45:24近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 16:08:21近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    大港股份 53.97%
    *ST腾信 47.72%
    *ST中潜 47.05%
    三超新材 45.62%
    奥维通信 44.52%
    南方精工 42.30%
    多伦科技 39.64%
    通富微电 39.09%
    康强电子 36.37%
    太龙股份 35.13%
    光力科技 34.60%
    科信技术 33.61%
    文一科技 32.76%
    同兴达 32.42%
    海利尔 30.56%
    西藏城投 30.03%
    烽火电子 29.92%
    晶方科技 29.57%
    合盛硅业 28.20%
    新莱应材 27.81%
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 12:48:28美国房租
    Rents increased more than 12%.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 12:44:24美国工资跑不过通胀
    US Wages increased 5.2% over the last year while consumer prices (CPI) rose 9.1%
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  • 2022-08-09 12:35:15A股 2015年前有几家芯片公司?
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 11:58:26能源危机
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  • 2022-08-09 11:53:32WSJ:中国出口增长意外保持强劲,抵消整体经济疲势
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  • 2022-08-09 11:43:49冬季将要来临,能源问题。
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 11:35:29今年1-7月中美贸易赤字扩大至创纪录水平,逆差继续上升
    China-US trade up 11.8% in Jan-Jul despite rising tension
    In the first seven months of this year, China's exports to the US rose 15.1 percent to 2.25 trillion yuan, while imports rose 2.3 percent on a yearly basis. China's trade surplus with the US widened by 21.7 percent to 1.57 trillion yuan, customs data showed.
    2022-08-07 22:40:02

    中国7月以美元计价的出口同比增长18%,高于彭博14.1%的预估中值 ​

    2022-08-07 22:21:02

    中国7月出口增长快于预期,与全球需求减弱拖累贸易的预期相反 China’s Export Growth Beats Expectations, Offering Support (Bloomberg) -- China’s exports grew faster than expected in July, bucking expectations waning global demand would weigh on trade and providing support for an economy battling sporadic Covid outbreaks and a property downturn

    2022-08-07 01:05:24


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 10:28:19今年上半年上海新能源产品出口飙升。
    2022-08-09 10:17:24

    A股 光伏行业涨停潮 美国将对从东盟进口的太阳能组件免征进口关税。 中国太阳能组件出口东盟。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 10:17:24A股 光伏行业涨停潮


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 01:48:058日A股涨跌分布
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  • 2022-08-09 01:32:29没有联邦政府干预,就不管这些人(新冠后遗症)死活。
    “It’s very possible, without federal intervention, that we are leaving these people behind, both in terms of a public health response and in terms of meeting their economic needs.”
    2022-08-09 01:21:36

    美国新冠患者有五分之一有后遗症 Recent CDC data found that nearly one in five people who have been infected with Covid-19 have some form of long Covid, including tens of millions of working-age adults, contributing to the current labor shortage in many sectors. Symptoms can range from loss of smell to breathing problems to debilitating fatigue and even death.

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 01:21:36美国新冠患者有五分之一有后遗症
    Recent CDC data found that nearly one in five people who have been infected with Covid-19 have some form of long Covid, including tens of millions of working-age adults, contributing to the current labor shortage in many sectors. Symptoms can range from loss of smell to breathing problems to debilitating fatigue and even death.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-09 01:07:01现在北部战区最悠闲。

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  • 2022-08-09 00:54:21涨幅第一,电子行业 芯片。
    2022-08-08 23:43:06


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  • 2022-08-09 00:50:41欧耶!

    2022-08-09 00:47:34
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  • 2022-08-08 23:43:06近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2022-08-08 16:17:12市场情绪
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  • 2022-08-08 15:39:49近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    大港股份 66.52%
    科信技术 52.64%
    三超新材 45.31%
    *ST中潜 32.62%
    达华智能 30.65%
    雅克科技 30.39%
    光力科技 30.17%
    光库科技 29.99%
    海量数据 28.58%
    北方华创 27.91%
    海利尔 27.85%
    通富微电 27.80%
    新莱应材 27.72%
    康强电子 27.63%
    濮阳惠成 27.56%
    中超控股 25.83%
    福瑞股份 25.24%
    聆达股份 25.05%
    *ST腾信 24.75%
    道森股份 24.49%
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-08 10:58:31土耳其总统埃尔多安和普京会晤,谈什么?

    2022-08-08 10:27:36
    2022-08-07 21:35:57
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  • 2022-08-08 10:55:02上周英国央行加息50点,这是英国27年来首次大码加息。不仅如此,央行所描绘出来的经济前景也令人担忧,英格兰银行预测今年年底CPI通货膨胀会达到13%,同时表示衰退可能是一个抗击通胀不得不付出的代价。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-08 01:59:19虽然开了批斗会(国会骚乱听证会),特朗普人气没话说
    A straw poll survey of CPAC Texas attendees’ 2024 preferences showed Trump leading with 69 percent support, 10 percentage points higher than his showing at the February gathering in Florida. DeSantis came in second place with 23 percent.
    2022-08-07 22:19:44


    2022-08-07 22:17:14


    2022-08-07 22:15:24


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-08 01:27:29疫情 美国
    Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2022)
    New Cases: 106,925
    Deaths: 636(几个操场)
    2022-08-07 11:42:14

    疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2022) New Cases: 128,936 Deaths: 696(几个操场)

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-08 01:24:26eurest
    2022-08-07 23:30:08


    2022-08-07 22:40:02
    中国7月以美元计价的出口同比增长18%,高于彭博14.1%的预估中值 ​
    2022-08-07 22:21:02
    中国7月出口增长快于预期,与全球需求减弱拖累贸易的预期相反 China’s Export Growth Beats Expectations, Offering Support (Bloomberg) -- China’s exports grew faster than expected in July, bucking expectations waning global demand would weigh on trade and providing support for an economy battling sporadic Covid outbreaks and a property downturn
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 22:40:02中国7月以美元计价的出口同比增长18%,高于彭博14.1%的预估中值 ​
    2022-08-07 22:21:02

    中国7月出口增长快于预期,与全球需求减弱拖累贸易的预期相反 China’s Export Growth Beats Expectations, Offering Support (Bloomberg) -- China’s exports grew faster than expected in July, bucking expectations waning global demand would weigh on trade and providing support for an economy battling sporadic Covid outbreaks and a property downturn

    2022-08-07 01:05:24


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 22:30:45已经有几个省市医疗队奔赴海南。
    2022-08-07 22:26:09


    2022-08-07 22:19:44


    2022-08-07 22:17:14


    2022-08-07 22:15:24


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 22:21:02中国7月出口增长快于预期,与全球需求减弱拖累贸易的预期相反
    China’s Export Growth Beats Expectations, Offering Support
    (Bloomberg) -- China’s exports grew faster than expected in July, bucking expectations waning global demand would weigh on trade and providing support for an economy battling sporadic Covid outbreaks and a property downturn
    2022-08-07 01:05:24


    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 12:21:01美国征兵荒
    政治:Lawmakers press Pentagon for answers as military recruiting crisis deepens
    Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have expressed worries as the grim recruiting numbers continue to circulate throughout the DoD and Congress.
    2022-08-07 11:48:46

    新冠相當於一場中型戰爭, 中美實力的此消彼長大幅提前了.

    2022-08-07 02:02:07


    2022-08-07 01:55:12

    军演后,中国军方不接五角大楼的电话 政治:Pentagon chiefs’ calls to China go unanswered amid Taiwan crisis Officials and experts say Beijing's silence is a dangerous move.

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 12:09:45英国有7.5万人拒绝支付能源账单,人数还在增长。
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 11:44:47疫情,美国累计死亡人数超103万
    2022-08-07 11:42:14

    疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2022) New Cases: 128,936 Deaths: 696(几个操场)

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 11:42:14疫情 美国
    Yesterday's data (‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2022)
    New Cases: 128,936
    Deaths: 696(几个操场)
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 11:29:34美联储加息与GDP关系
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  • 2022-08-07 02:02:07看到第一天军演后,美方沉不住气了,就连续打电话?
    2022-08-07 01:55:12

    军演后,中国军方不接五角大楼的电话 政治:Pentagon chiefs’ calls to China go unanswered amid Taiwan crisis Officials and experts say Beijing's silence is a dangerous move.

    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 01:55:12军演后,中国军方不接五角大楼的电话
    政治:Pentagon chiefs’ calls to China go unanswered amid Taiwan crisis
    Officials and experts say Beijing's silence is a dangerous move.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-08-07 01:05:24中国cds
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  • 2022-08-06 22:54:14今年以来,A股行业(申万)走势
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  • 2022-08-06 21:54:23德国六月零售同比收缩了8.8%,这是自从1994年数据出现以来最大的月度下跌。德国的消费信心和企业信心都在暴跌中,这主要和能源价格急升和俄罗斯大幅削减天然气输出有关,德国政府在二战之后,首次动用了限制天然气供应措施,限的是气,伤的是信心。通胀高企,也蚕食着消费者的实际购买力。

    德国电价飙升 800%
    [回 复]
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