大国国内的事儿才是真正的大事儿 撕裂美国,分裂美国 FBI搜查特朗普庄园。 FOX:GOP slams 'weaponization' of DOJ after Trump's Mar-a-Lago raided by FBI; Dems call it 'accountability' FBI raid is related to materials Trump allegedly brought to his Florida residence after his presidency
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (8/7/2022) New Cases: 106,925 Deaths: 636(几个操场)
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (8/6/2022) New Cases: 128,936 Deaths: 696(几个操场)
大国国内的事儿才是真正的大事儿 撕裂美国,分裂美国 FBI搜查特朗普庄园。 FOX:GOP slams 'weaponization' of DOJ after Trump's Mar-a-Lago raided by FBI; Dems call it 'accountability' FBI raid is related to materials Trump allegedly brought to his Florida residence after his presidency
中国7月出口增长快于预期,与全球需求减弱拖累贸易的预期相反 China’s Export Growth Beats Expectations, Offering Support (Bloomberg) -- China’s exports grew faster than expected in July, bucking expectations waning global demand would weigh on trade and providing support for an economy battling sporadic Covid outbreaks and a property downturn
A股 光伏行业涨停潮 美国将对从东盟进口的太阳能组件免征进口关税。 中国太阳能组件出口东盟。
美国新冠患者有五分之一有后遗症 Recent CDC data found that nearly one in five people who have been infected with Covid-19 have some form of long Covid, including tens of millions of working-age adults, contributing to the current labor shortage in many sectors. Symptoms can range from loss of smell to breathing problems to debilitating fatigue and even death.
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (8/6/2022) New Cases: 128,936 Deaths: 696(几个操场)
中国7月出口增长快于预期,与全球需求减弱拖累贸易的预期相反 China’s Export Growth Beats Expectations, Offering Support (Bloomberg) -- China’s exports grew faster than expected in July, bucking expectations waning global demand would weigh on trade and providing support for an economy battling sporadic Covid outbreaks and a property downturn
新冠相當於一場中型戰爭, 中美實力的此消彼長大幅提前了.
军演后,中国军方不接五角大楼的电话 政治:Pentagon chiefs’ calls to China go unanswered amid Taiwan crisis Officials and experts say Beijing's silence is a dangerous move.
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (8/6/2022) New Cases: 128,936 Deaths: 696(几个操场)
军演后,中国军方不接五角大楼的电话 政治:Pentagon chiefs’ calls to China go unanswered amid Taiwan crisis Officials and experts say Beijing's silence is a dangerous move.