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  • 2023-11-18 01:54:43关心日元,融资货币。
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  • 2023-11-18 00:05:57离岸人民币,又跳水!
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 22:19:50苏联和南斯拉夫解体,美国基本国策围堵中方。
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  • 2023-11-17 22:11:00近5个交易日A股行业指数(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2023-11-17 16:06:01伊朗称拜登虚张声势
    国会山:Iran is calling Biden’s bluff
    2023-11-17 16:01:14

    拜登又给伊朗100亿美元 美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)周二“将制裁豁免延长了四个月,这将允许伊拉克继续从伊朗购买电力。它还“使伊朗获得购买人道主义物资的收益受到限制”。 因此,德黑兰现在可以在账本的一侧获得100亿美元, 伊朗称拜登虚张声势 国会山:Iran is calling Biden’s bluff Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday “extended by four months a sanctions waiver that will allow Iraq to continue to purchase electricity from Iran.” It also “gives Iran limited access to the proceeds to buy humanitarian goods.” As a result, Tehran now has access to $10 billion on one side of the ledger,。。。

    2023-11-14 22:21:19

    巴以冲突,伊朗不要介入,给糖吃 拜登会不会将周二到期的之前的封存在伊拉克属于伊朗的100亿美元还给伊朗 Biden Considers Sending Another $10 Billion to Iran

    2023-11-12 08:54:45


    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 16:01:14拜登又给伊朗100亿美元

    美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)周二“将制裁豁免延长了四个月,这将允许伊拉克继续从伊朗购买电力。它还“使伊朗获得购买人道主义物资的收益受到限制”。

    国会山:Iran is calling Biden’s bluff
    Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday “extended by four months a sanctions waiver that will allow Iraq to continue to purchase electricity from Iran.” It also “gives Iran limited access to the proceeds to buy humanitarian goods.”
    As a result, Tehran now has access to $10 billion on one side of the ledger,。。。
    2023-11-14 22:21:19

    巴以冲突,伊朗不要介入,给糖吃 拜登会不会将周二到期的之前的封存在伊拉克属于伊朗的100亿美元还给伊朗 Biden Considers Sending Another $10 Billion to Iran

    2023-11-12 08:54:45


    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 15:47:25拜登在APEC峰会的欢迎招待会说:加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)可以从事任何他想要的工作,包括可能成为总统,
    国会山:Biden quips Newsom could ‘have the job I’m looking for’
    President Biden late Wednesday quipped that California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) could have any job he wants, including potentially being president, a tongue-in-cheek reference to the governor’s much-discussed White House ambitions.
    2023-11-17 09:38:36


    2023-11-17 01:33:57

    美国加州州长纽森访华,东道主州长纽森到机场接机 大熊猫将到加州 ABC:Chinese president signals more pandas will be coming to the United States “We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples,” Xi said Wednesday during a dinner speech with business leaders.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 15:41:37近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    002786 77.41%
    603528 60.41%
    600775 59.83%
    002584 56.75%
    300707 49.58%
    300242 45.15%
    603496 42.73%
    000550 41.33%
    002178 40.77%
    000572 36.57%
    600506 36.33%
    603991 35.26%
    600126 33.57%
    603002 31.05%
    603283 30.02%
    300093 28.27%
    603037 28.19%
    603388 26.48%
    002559 26.28%
    300609 26.11%
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 12:54:08出席旧金山APEC峰会,另外与拉美墨西哥秘鲁等会晤发展经济

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  • 2023-11-17 12:47:34神算?

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 12:37:25抖音下载最多的应用程序
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  • 2023-11-17 11:16:57转给这货北岸子看看,沙特抛美债
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  • 2023-11-17 11:13:45中东土豪沙特抛美债吧!

    2023-11-17 09:48:41全世界?

    2023-11-17 11:11:23

    哦,增持黄金! 赵国经济大萧条24 2023-11-17 11:02:23 北京护汇率的弹药越打越少,呵呵!

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 11:11:23哦,增持黄金!

    2023-11-17 11:02:23
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  • 2023-11-17 11:00:56美国宣布解除对中方公安部鉴定中心制裁[回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 10:49:42难得
    US offered Russia to hold back-room talks at APEC summit, Russian MFA says
    "Nevertheless, Washington's policy of fruitless verbal altercations still prevails," Maria Zakharova said
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 09:38:36加州州长纽森会不会代表民主党参加总统大选?拭目以待
    2023-11-17 01:33:57

    美国加州州长纽森访华,东道主州长纽森到机场接机 大熊猫将到加州 ABC:Chinese president signals more pandas will be coming to the United States “We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples,” Xi said Wednesday during a dinner speech with business leaders.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 09:36:16拜登亚历山大
    ABC:Police, cease-fire protesters blame each other for violent clash outside DNC
    Police disputed the groups' claim that members were protesting peacefully.
    2023-11-17 09:18:24

    拜登亚历山大 昨天,美国亲巴勒斯坦的抗议者封堵了海湾大桥,阻碍了所有西行车道,造成地铁地区的交通混乱

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 09:35:25抗议者围堵华盛顿民主党总部,要求停火
    ABC:Police, cease-fire protesters blame each other for violent clash outside DNC
    Police disputed the groups' claim that members were protesting peacefully.
    2023-11-17 09:18:24

    拜登亚历山大 昨天,美国亲巴勒斯坦的抗议者封堵了海湾大桥,阻碍了所有西行车道,造成地铁地区的交通混乱

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 09:20:45据说这次活动是由索罗斯赞助dAROC组织的
    2023-11-17 09:18:24

    拜登亚历山大 昨天,美国亲巴勒斯坦的抗议者封堵了海湾大桥,阻碍了所有西行车道,造成地铁地区的交通混乱

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 09:18:24拜登亚历山大
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  • 2023-11-17 01:56:55礼节
    国会山:The Hill’s Alex Gangitano pointed out in her pool report that Biden wished Xi’s wife a happy birthday — she and Biden have the same birthday. “Xi said he was embarrassed, had been working so hard and had forgotten that his wife’s birthday was next week. He thanked Biden for reminding him.”
    2023-11-16 10:52:43

    中美领导人会晤后,拜登记者会 拜登骂也没用的。 “Look, he is. He’s a dictator in the sense that he’s a guy who runs a country that is a communist country,” Biden said during a news conference following his four-hour session with Xi.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 01:36:41商界领袖的晚宴,特斯拉CEO马斯克,苹果CEO库克等出席。
    2023-11-17 01:33:57

    美国加州州长纽森访华,东道主州长纽森到机场接机 大熊猫将到加州 ABC:Chinese president signals more pandas will be coming to the United States “We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples,” Xi said Wednesday during a dinner speech with business leaders.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-17 01:33:57美国加州州长纽森访华,东道主州长纽森到机场接机
    ABC:Chinese president signals more pandas will be coming to the United States
    “We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples,” Xi said Wednesday during a dinner speech with business leaders.
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  • 2023-11-17 00:42:11美国10年期国债收益率
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  • 2023-11-16 23:38:02美国10月PPI
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  • 2023-11-16 23:13:27离岸人民币
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  • 2023-11-16 23:06:48人民币兑俄罗斯卢布
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  • 2023-11-16 23:01:06美元兑俄罗斯卢布
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  • 2023-11-16 22:52:30问问这货老苹果,股票用什么买的?

    2023-11-16 16:09:20

    2023-11-16 15:51:51
    没有想到俄罗斯股市,这样涨! 制裁n次,俄罗斯经济竟然不崩!
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  • 2023-11-16 22:34:27近5个交易日A股行业指数(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2023-11-16 15:56:38今天日韩越股市跌。
    2023-11-16 15:41:52


    2023-11-16 10:52:43

    中美领导人会晤后,拜登记者会 拜登骂也没用的。 “Look, he is. He’s a dictator in the sense that he’s a guy who runs a country that is a communist country,” Biden said during a news conference following his four-hour session with Xi.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-16 15:51:51没有想到俄罗斯股市,这样涨!
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-16 15:41:52哦,今天日韩越股市,看来这届APEC峰会不行,这货mo,对吧!
    2023-11-16 10:52:43

    中美领导人会晤后,拜登记者会 拜登骂也没用的。 “Look, he is. He’s a dictator in the sense that he’s a guy who runs a country that is a communist country,” Biden said during a news conference following his four-hour session with Xi.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-16 15:37:09近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    002786. 54.36%
    002584 48.14%
    600775 44.40%
    603528 43.98%
    300707 42.09%
    603388 40.46%
    600506 40.36%
    603496 37.78%
    300637 36.75%
    300093 35.87%
    300609 34.63%
    000056 31.87%
    600792 31.30%
    300446 28.99%
    000550 28.10%
    603991 25.21%
    002178 24.95%
    600126 24.76%
    300554 23.81%
    600766 22.85%
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  • 2023-11-16 12:50:47India-Middle East- Europe Corridor Project
    2023-11-16 12:42:47

    为了与中方一带一路竞争及中方对中东影响,印度G20峰会,拜登提出‘印度-中东-欧洲走廊’ 巴以冲突,印度中东欧洲走廊要OVER。

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-16 12:42:47为了与中方一带一路竞争及中方对中东影响,印度G20峰会,拜登提出‘印度-中东-欧洲走廊’
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  • 2023-11-16 11:28:5010月美国的零售额下滑
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  • 2023-11-16 10:52:43中美领导人会晤后,拜登记者会
    “Look, he is. He’s a dictator in the sense that he’s a guy who runs a country that is a communist country,” Biden said during a news conference following his four-hour session with Xi.
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-16 01:39:22如果中国人也像美国人信用Card消费,消费暴涨
    Total US Credit Card debt hit a record $1.08 trillion in the 3rd quarter, rising 16.6% over the last year.
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-16 01:22:34为了防零元购,美国超市的货架上原本应该摆放卫生纸,现在是一个相框里放着卫生纸照片,如需要叫服务员
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  • 2023-11-15 23:52:36苹果与微软,标普500指数权重
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  • 2023-11-15 22:15:39近5个交易日A股行业指数(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2023-11-15 15:47:32近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    300554 88.51%
    002584 63.17%
    603991 61.61%
    000056 60.96%
    600520 42.99%
    002786 41.94%
    300446 39.55%
    300093 35.65%
    603388 33.89%
    300609 33.41%
    600775 31.83%
    000572 31.69%
    603528 29.88%
    300184 29.25%
    600792 29.09%
    002238 28.71%
    600126 27.63%
    002657 26.24%
    600506 25.92%
    000697 25.50%
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  • 2023-11-15 14:20:44中美预期寿命差不多 78岁
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  • 2023-11-15 13:40:24拜登中东政策,美国抽身
    American officials have struggled to articulate a “Biden doctrine” in the region, but Sullivan came closest in his September speech: “We want to depressurize, deescalate and ultimately integrate the Middle East region,” he said. To do that the administration relied on three strands of policy: promote Arab-Israeli normalization, pursue diplomacy with Iran and push efforts at economic integration. These strands were meant to reinforce one another. They would ease the tensions of the Trump years, forge a new security alliance in the region and lock everyone in a virtuous circle of stability and growth.
    2023-11-15 13:31:37

    拜登中东政策OVER! 拜登的中东混乱局面 拜登政府认为它可以忽视中东的坏事。现在,他的中东学说正在崩溃。 政治:Joe Biden’s Middle East Mess The Biden administration thought it could ignore the bad in the Middle East. Now his Middle East doctrine is collapsing.

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-15 13:31:37拜登中东政策OVER!

    政治:Joe Biden’s Middle East Mess
    The Biden administration thought it could ignore the bad in the Middle East. Now his Middle East doctrine is collapsing.
    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-15 12:01:22陶博:人大常委会批准了国务院增发特别国债和调整今年的财政预算。此举对第四季度和明年上半年加大财政刺激的力度十分重要,今年中国达成年初设定的增长目标应该悬念不大。此方案平衡了中央与地方之间的财权事权分配,对分税制改革后愈显突出的地方财政赤字问题作出了重要的探索。中央政府加杠杆负债,然后通过支付转让来充实地方财政,削减地方债务,降低融资成本,这是一个非常有益的尝试。

    2023-11-15 11:58:34


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  • 2023-11-15 11:38:45问问这货北岸子,上海城中村改造,中央政府给钱吗?
    2023-11-15 11:27:39

    哦,城中村改造是超级大城市,与一万亿无关。这货北岸子,对吧! 北岸子 2023-11-15 11:24:41 彭博社称,中国提供的资金支持总规模将至少达到1万亿,以支持“三大工程”建设,最终金额可能会发生变化。“三大工程”即保障性住房、城中村改造和平急两用基础设施。 ——哈哈拿出了一万亿,且看效果如何,拿小板凳

    [回 复]
  • 2023-11-15 11:27:39哦,城中村改造是超级大城市,与一万亿无关。这货北岸子,对吧!

    2023-11-15 11:24:41

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