机会又来了。 赚波动钱
昨夜雨疏风骤,浓睡不消残酒。 试问卷帘人,却道海棠依旧。 知否?知否?应是绿肥红瘦。
中证50不服! 武林 2024-04-09 15:29:05 A 50期指当月,二分之一均值回归12125已近完成,接下来,一路朝南......
周二鲍叔说,今年还是有可能降息滴 AP:Fed's Powell: Elevated Inflation Will Likely Delay Rate Cuts This Year Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell cautioned that persistently elevated inflation will likely delay any Fed interest rate cuts until later this year, opening the door to a period of higher-for-longer rates
拜登说,通胀是国内的首要任务 FOX:Biden says inflation is top domestic priority, but Fed admits lack of progress Fed chair Jerome Powell says latest economic data doesn't give 'confidence'
周二鲍叔说,今年还是有可能降息滴 AP:Fed's Powell: Elevated Inflation Will Likely Delay Rate Cuts This Year Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell cautioned that persistently elevated inflation will likely delay any Fed interest rate cuts until later this year, opening the door to a period of higher-for-longer rates
波音又有吹哨人波音工程师萨利普尔,希望所有787停飞 近年来波音生产管理中为了提升产能系统性绕过规章,留下很多安全隐患 国会山:Boeing whistleblower says 787 fleet should be grounded Boeing engineer Sam Salehpour said in a Tuesday interview that he thinks all 787 jets should be grounded to allow for proper safety checks of the plane, which has come under fire in recent months following a slew of incidents.
光刻机 荷兰ASML公布Q1财报,第一季度,对中国的销售额占ASML总销售额的49%,创下历史新高 中国客户占该公司订单积压的20%。 路透:ASML Executives Expect Chinese Demand to Remain Strong
中证50不服! 武林 2024-04-09 15:29:05 A 50期指当月,二分之一均值回归12125已近完成,接下来,一路朝南......
特朗普在纽约曼哈顿法院庭审,一名男子抗议庭审特朗普,自焚 国会山:Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse