暗箭难防 美国军舰,多艘商船在红海遭到袭击 国会山:American warship, multiple commercial vessels come under attack in Red Sea
恒大清算? 周一香港法院举行恒大资产重组避免清算听证会 AP:Chinese Developer Evergrande Risking Liquidation if Creditors Veto Its Plan for Handling Huge Debts
中国发展好不好,看美国反应 在里根国防论坛上,美国商务部长雷蒙多着急 美国商务部需要更多钱阻止中国追赶尖端半导体芯片AI,商务部预算只有2亿美元,只相当于几架战斗机的价格(2架F35) ForTure:‘We cannot let China get these chips’: Commerce Secretary Raimondo says more funding needed for AI export controls “I have a $200 million budget. That’s like the cost of a few fighter jets. Come on,” she said. “If we’re serious, let’s go fund this operation like it needs to be funded.”