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  • 2020-11-10 23:57:43当知道选举结果,当知道我们将有疫苗,股票走势与前几个月不同
    We know the results from the election, and we know that we will have a defense against this virus
    The last few months have been a groundhog day in the markets. Growth up, value down. Stay at home up, reopen down. Today was the anti groundhog day. In a year full of crazy market moves, today stands out
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 00:00:35标普100
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 00:06:48当尘埃落定时
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 00:11:14这货MOLAMOLA172,输得底裤都没有了

    2020-04-15 22:20:00
    2020-04-15 11:17:02
    2020-04-15 13:37:35
    2020-11-11 00:06:48


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 00:27:32特朗普没有花头,缺证据
    npr:Trump Election Lawsuits Have Mostly Failed. Here's What They Tried
    Pennsylvania: Extended deadlines, observers
    Michigan: Unfounded claims of lack of transparency
    Arizona: Baseless Sharpie conspiracies
    Georgia: No evidence of late ballots counted
    Nevada: Rejected requests to stop machine verification, processing of mail ballots
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 00:42:35密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》
    No evidence invalid ballots were smuggled into Detroit counting hub
    Viral video and imagespurported to show a man bringing late-arriving ballots into the TCF Center, where Detroit election workers were processing and counting absentee ballots cast by the city’s voters. The video shows a man carting a wagon into Detroit’s counting hub and photos show men with suitcases and women carrying coolers in Detroit’s convention center.

    The man in the video is a photographer with WXYZ-TV, and he was bringing in equipment for early morning news coverage of the counting process. The men shown in the video were correspondents with NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, and the women carrying coolers appear to be election workers bringing food with them to get through a long shift of processing and tabulating absentee ballots.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 00:48:52密歇根州是选举相关错误信息的温床: 这里有 17 个关键事实检查
    Detroit Free Press :Michigan was a hotbed for election-related misinformation: Here are 17 key fact checks
    Software glitch in Antrim County misreported unofficial election results
    2020-11-11 00:42:35

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 没有证据表明无效选票被偷运到底特律计票中心 No evidence invalid ballots were smuggled into Detroit counting hub Viral video and imagespurported to show a man bringing late-arriving ballots into the TCF Center, where Detroit election workers were processing and counting absentee ballots cast by the city’s voters. The video shows a man carting a wagon into Detroit’s counting hub and photos show men with suitcases and women carrying coolers in Detroit’s convention center. The man in the video is a photographer with WXYZ-TV, and he was bringing in equipment for early morning news coverage of the counting process. The men shown in the video were correspondents with NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, and the women carrying coolers appear to be election workers bringing food with them to get through a long shift of processing and tabulating absentee ballots.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 01:39:19将要过去5年规划,中国发生那些战略转变
    China: The latest five-year plan reflects a shift in key strategies, focusing on areas such as security and technology.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 01:58:13宾夕法尼亚州当地媒体《THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER》
    Do Trump’s legal challenges have any chance of changing Pa.’s election results? A look aat the suits he hopes can do it.
    Even before Election Day, President Donald Trump had been vowing to swarm Pennsylvania and its largest city with lawyers to contest the results in a state that has proven decisive to the outcome of the election. Those threats have only been amplified in the days since the president’s loss.
    But despite red-hot rhetoric in recent days from the president and many of his surrogates, including lawyer Rudy Giuliani, about a Democratic conspiracy to steal the election through fraud, the campaign and its lawyers have yet to make even a single allegation in court of any vote being deliberately cast illegally. Instead, the suits have sought to raise suspicions surrounding Pennsylvania’s process for voting and tallying the results — much of it governed by laws passed by the state’s Republican-held Legislature
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 09:18:02MOLAMOLA172
    2020-11-11 04:56:37

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 09:41:40共和党民主党双方监督的。
    2020-11-11 08:49:21

    关键是谁的大数据,给谁用的。数据都是可以修改的。 包括你告诉我比特币账号密码或者我盗用下密码。

    2020-11-11 00:48:52

    密歇根州是选举相关错误信息的温床: 这里有 17 个关键事实检查 Detroit Free Press :Michigan was a hotbed for election-related misinformation: Here are 17 key fact checks 安特里姆县的软件故障误报非官方选举结果 Software glitch in Antrim County misreported unofficial election results

    2020-11-11 00:42:35

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 没有证据表明无效选票被偷运到底特律计票中心 No evidence invalid ballots were smuggled into Detroit counting hub Viral video and imagespurported to show a man bringing late-arriving ballots into the TCF Center, where Detroit election workers were processing and counting absentee ballots cast by the city’s voters. The video shows a man carting a wagon into Detroit’s counting hub and photos show men with suitcases and women carrying coolers in Detroit’s convention center. The man in the video is a photographer with WXYZ-TV, and he was bringing in equipment for early morning news coverage of the counting process. The men shown in the video were correspondents with NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, and the women carrying coolers appear to be election workers bringing food with them to get through a long shift of processing and tabulating absentee ballots.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 11:33:43巴西圣保罗省长和总统是政敌
    圣保罗省卫生部长说,本月20日12万中国疫苗运到,还有生产4000万的原料 ​​11月27日运抵
    CNBC:Brazil suspends trials of China’s Sinovac coronavirus vaccine, citing ‘adverse, serious event’
    Earlier Monday, Sao Paulo state’s health secretary, Jean Gorinchteyn, said the first 120,000 CoronaVac shots would arrive at Sao Paulo’s international airport Nov. 20.
    Sao Paulo is also importing raw material for the production of 40 million CoronaVac shots, which is due to start arriving Nov. 27.
    2020-11-11 10:17:58


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 11:45:51解职国防部长马克·埃斯珀,蓬胖子的同学
    2020-11-11 11:40:18

    特朗普推特:“这就是迈克蓬佩奥在西点军校是他们班上第一名的原因! 哈哈哈哈哈

    2020-11-11 10:15:26

    美国国务卿蓬佩奥:美国准备过渡到特朗普政府第二任 “美国将顺利过渡到特朗普政府第二任。我们已经准备好了。世界正在观察这里发生的事情。我们将计算所有选票。我收到了来自世界各地的电话。这些人正在观看我们的选举。他们了解我们有一个法律程序。他们了解这需要时间。好吧?早在2000年的选举中,我们花了37天以上的时间,那时我们进行了一次成功的过渡。我非常有信心,我们将计好票,而且我们必须计号合法的投票。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 12:08:37给这货MOLAMOLA172上上课
    2020-11-11 09:18:02

    MOLAMOLA172 2020-11-11 04:56:37 所以现在正在进行重新计票。我们知道,在佐治亚州,有一个选票的数字列表只有乔·拜登在选票上,这样的有九万八千张在宾夕法尼亚州,八万到九万在佐治亚州,另外四万二千在亚利桑那州,六万九千到十一万五千在密歇根州,六万二千在威斯康辛州。 哈哈哈!!! 重新计票是有条件的,知道吗???

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 12:38:42佐治亚州将重新计票,就算特朗普赢,16张票

    2020-11-11 12:08:37

    给这货MOLAMOLA172上上课 重新计票,按照规则1%以内可以重新点票,但在0.25%以上必须交3百万美元的费用

    2020-11-11 09:18:02

    MOLAMOLA172 2020-11-11 04:56:37 所以现在正在进行重新计票。我们知道,在佐治亚州,有一个选票的数字列表只有乔·拜登在选票上,这样的有九万八千张在宾夕法尼亚州,八万到九万在佐治亚州,另外四万二千在亚利桑那州,六万九千到十一万五千在密歇根州,六万二千在威斯康辛州。 哈哈哈!!! 重新计票是有条件的,知道吗???

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 15:38:43波浪大湿
    2020-11-11 13:02:36
    2020-11-11 12:58:40

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 16:02:29选票数据网上可查的
    2020-11-11 14:32:28


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 16:02:50近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    掌阅科技 46.41%
    智慧农业 40.00%
    尚纬股份 33.15%
    银都股份 31.15%
    移为通信 30.21%
    捷捷微电 28.66%
    河钢资源 28.61%
    中远海发 27.75%
    金徽酒 26.76%
    苏常柴A 25.97%
    滨海能源 25.19%
    云铝股份 23.97%
    同益股份 23.82%
    富满电子 23.39%
    旗滨集团 22.47%
    神马股份 22.38%
    索通发展 21.54%
    津膜科技 20.67%
    合盛硅业 20.30%
    南岭民爆 20.08%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 16:04:33从涨幅榜,看A股风格转换
    2020-11-11 16:02:50

    近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 掌阅科技 46.41% 智慧农业 40.00% 尚纬股份 33.15% 银都股份 31.15% 移为通信 30.21% 捷捷微电 28.66% 河钢资源 28.61% 中远海发 27.75% 金徽酒 26.76% 苏常柴A 25.97% 滨海能源 25.19% 云铝股份 23.97% 同益股份 23.82% 富满电子 23.39% 旗滨集团 22.47% 神马股份 22.38% 索通发展 21.54% 津膜科技 20.67% 合盛硅业 20.30% 南岭民爆 20.08%

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 22:01:16新冠
    特朗普 拜登
    How Politics Has Pulled the Country in Different Directions
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-11 22:22:29美国国防部长马克·埃斯珀辞职
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 00:42:43一旦世界恢复正常,市场将发生巨大的巨变
    Tech stock dominance is over. Once the world returns to normal there is going to be an enormous sea change in the market to those sectors and stocks that were hit the hardest.
    2020-11-10 23:57:43

    当知道选举结果,当知道我们将有疫苗,股票走势与前几个月不同 We know the results from the election, and we know that we will have a defense against this virus The last few months have been a groundhog day in the markets. Growth up, value down. Stay at home up, reopen down. Today was the anti groundhog day. In a year full of crazy market moves, today stands out

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 00:52:19选举日已过去一周,特朗普称将揭露选票腐败,没花头
    Why? Part of the explanation is narcissism. Trump is having a hard time acknowledging that he lost, even though it is obvious. But another big factor is money. The proof is in the emails. 
    After Election Day, the Trump campaign sent more than 130 emails soliciting campaign contributions, according to a tally maintained by the Twitter account @TrumpEmail. Most of those emails appear to be soliciting funds to support the legal effort that Trump claims will reverse the results of the election.
    2020-11-11 00:27:32

    特朗普没有花头,缺证据 特朗普选举诉讼大多失败了。 特朗普的竞选团队在过去一周大部分时间都在法庭上度过,但收效甚微,也没有发现任何接近证据,证明结果存在欺诈行为。 宾夕法尼亚州,密西根州,亚利桑那,佐治亚州,内华达州 npr:Trump Election Lawsuits Have Mostly Failed. Here's What They Tried Pennsylvania: Extended deadlines, observers Michigan: Unfounded claims of lack of transparency Arizona: Baseless Sharpie conspiracies Georgia: No evidence of late ballots counted Nevada: Rejected requests to stop machine verification, processing of mail ballots

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 01:04:07密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》
    Judge throws out Trump lawsuit over counting of Michigan ballots
    2020-11-11 00:48:52

    密歇根州是选举相关错误信息的温床: 这里有 17 个关键事实检查 Detroit Free Press :Michigan was a hotbed for election-related misinformation: Here are 17 key fact checks 安特里姆县的软件故障误报非官方选举结果 Software glitch in Antrim County misreported unofficial election results

    2020-11-11 00:42:35

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 没有证据表明无效选票被偷运到底特律计票中心 No evidence invalid ballots were smuggled into Detroit counting hub Viral video and imagespurported to show a man bringing late-arriving ballots into the TCF Center, where Detroit election workers were processing and counting absentee ballots cast by the city’s voters. The video shows a man carting a wagon into Detroit’s counting hub and photos show men with suitcases and women carrying coolers in Detroit’s convention center. The man in the video is a photographer with WXYZ-TV, and he was bringing in equipment for early morning news coverage of the counting process. The men shown in the video were correspondents with NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, and the women carrying coolers appear to be election workers bringing food with them to get through a long shift of processing and tabulating absentee ballots.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 01:11:21密西根州法官说,计票结果显示民主党的乔·拜登比共和党的唐纳德·特朗普多15万张选票。
    Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens said the ballot counting in Michigan, which shows Democrat Joe Biden receiving about 150,000 more votes than Republican Donald Trump, was completed Thursday morning.
    2020-11-12 01:04:07

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 法官驳回特朗普关于密歇根州选票计数的诉讼 Judge throws out Trump lawsuit over counting of Michigan ballots

    2020-11-11 00:48:52

    密歇根州是选举相关错误信息的温床: 这里有 17 个关键事实检查 Detroit Free Press :Michigan was a hotbed for election-related misinformation: Here are 17 key fact checks 安特里姆县的软件故障误报非官方选举结果 Software glitch in Antrim County misreported unofficial election results

    2020-11-11 00:42:35

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 没有证据表明无效选票被偷运到底特律计票中心 No evidence invalid ballots were smuggled into Detroit counting hub Viral video and imagespurported to show a man bringing late-arriving ballots into the TCF Center, where Detroit election workers were processing and counting absentee ballots cast by the city’s voters. The video shows a man carting a wagon into Detroit’s counting hub and photos show men with suitcases and women carrying coolers in Detroit’s convention center. The man in the video is a photographer with WXYZ-TV, and he was bringing in equipment for early morning news coverage of the counting process. The men shown in the video were correspondents with NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, and the women carrying coolers appear to be election workers bringing food with them to get through a long shift of processing and tabulating absentee ballots.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 01:20:34特朗普竞选团队一条路走不通,换另一条路走,阻止密西根州公布结果
    Detroit Free Press:Trump campaign says new lawsuit seeks to stop certification of Michigan election results
    2020-11-12 01:11:21

    密西根州法官说,计票结果显示民主党的乔·拜登比共和党的唐纳德·特朗普多15万张选票。 Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens said the ballot counting in Michigan, which shows Democrat Joe Biden receiving about 150,000 more votes than Republican Donald Trump, was completed Thursday morning.

    2020-11-12 01:04:07

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 法官驳回特朗普关于密歇根州选票计数的诉讼 Judge throws out Trump lawsuit over counting of Michigan ballots

    2020-11-11 00:48:52

    密歇根州是选举相关错误信息的温床: 这里有 17 个关键事实检查 Detroit Free Press :Michigan was a hotbed for election-related misinformation: Here are 17 key fact checks 安特里姆县的软件故障误报非官方选举结果 Software glitch in Antrim County misreported unofficial election results

    2020-11-11 00:42:35

    密歇根州当地媒体《Detroit Free Press 》 没有证据表明无效选票被偷运到底特律计票中心 No evidence invalid ballots were smuggled into Detroit counting hub Viral video and imagespurported to show a man bringing late-arriving ballots into the TCF Center, where Detroit election workers were processing and counting absentee ballots cast by the city’s voters. The video shows a man carting a wagon into Detroit’s counting hub and photos show men with suitcases and women carrying coolers in Detroit’s convention center. The man in the video is a photographer with WXYZ-TV, and he was bringing in equipment for early morning news coverage of the counting process. The men shown in the video were correspondents with NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster, and the women carrying coolers appear to be election workers bringing food with them to get through a long shift of processing and tabulating absentee ballots.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 01:38:15宾夕法尼亚州11月3日之后只收到1万张选票,这个数字太小了,无法削弱当选总统乔·拜登在关键战场州的胜率。
    政治:Pennsylvania’s top election officer says just 10,000 ballots were received after Nov. 3
    The number is far too small to undermine President-elect Joe Biden’s margin of victory in a critical battleground state.
    2020-11-11 01:58:13

    宾夕法尼亚州当地媒体《THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER》 选票欺诈,证据,证据还是证据 Do Trump’s legal challenges have any chance of changing Pa.’s election results? A look aat the suits he hopes can do it. Even before Election Day, President Donald Trump had been vowing to swarm Pennsylvania and its largest city with lawyers to contest the results in a state that has proven decisive to the outcome of the election. Those threats have only been amplified in the days since the president’s loss. But despite red-hot rhetoric in recent days from the president and many of his surrogates, including lawyer Rudy Giuliani, about a Democratic conspiracy to steal the election through fraud, the campaign and its lawyers have yet to make even a single allegation in court of any vote being deliberately cast illegally. Instead, the suits have sought to raise suspicions surrounding Pennsylvania’s process for voting and tallying the results — much of it governed by laws passed by the state’s Republican-held Legislature

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 01:59:18风格转换
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 02:07:15余下日子,特朗普破罐子破摔

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 10:11:00密歇根州,证据,证据还是证据
    DAILY BEAST:Experts: Trump’s New Michigan Lawsuit Is Recycled Junk
    Giuliani claimed allegations of vote fraud in Detroit would sink Biden—but experts say the latest legal action is a non-starter.
    2020-11-12 09:36:45


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 10:17:15目前A股涨停排行榜,创业板和科创板股票少许多
    2020-11-12 10:07:50

    高盛称目光该从科技转到周期了. 周期股上涨应该得到经济复苏的支撑,这个是不是有待商榷?

    2020-11-12 01:59:18


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 11:26:09在发达经济体中,美国预期寿命最低,医疗保健支付最多
    Why is life expectancy in the 美国 lower than in other rich countries?
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 15:32:46美美
    2020-11-12 14:29:20
    潜在的钓鱼执法:美国国务院不給正式通道給拜登团队联系外國,拜登太飄了自己去联系还探討了美国国策,可能觸犯Logan Act .(啊哈哈)

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 15:36:18折腾,内耗

    2020-11-12 15:15:11


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 15:43:49中国对策:外循环和内循环
    2020-11-12 14:02:03


    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 15:48:36近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    掌阅科技 46.41%
    智慧农业 42.42%
    金徽酒 39.13%
    捷捷微电 35.21%
    河钢资源 32.97%
    吉林森工 29.85%
    路通视信 28.95%
    硅宝科技 28.82%
    神马股份 27.28%
    旗滨集团 25.29%
    正源股份 24.76%
    鲁阳节能 24.62%
    贤丰控股 23.68%
    津膜科技 23.39%
    金力泰 22.86%
    润禾材料 22.49%
    合盛硅业 21.25%
    金浦钛业 20.88%
    中材节能 20.86%
    新安股份 20.84%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 17:40:45你们不能强迁!你们不能强迁!
    And according to a new report, the absolute best we can probably hope for is that the soon-to-be ex-president will refuse to concede until the day he dies, but won’t, like, declare squatters’ rights to the White House on January 21, or scream, “You can’t make me leave! You can’t! I won’t!” as the Secret Service pries his fingers off the doorframe of the Oval Office, calling for backup as he tries to bite one agent and kick another in the shins before being tackled to the ground.
    2020-11-12 15:32:46

    美美 2020-11-12 14:29:20 潜在的钓鱼执法:美国国务院不給正式通道給拜登团队联系外國,拜登太飄了自己去联系还探討了美国国策,可能觸犯Logan Act .(啊哈哈) 哈哈哈!!! 特朗普不搬出白宫,那就更好玩了!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 17:43:30特朗普郁闷啊!
    npr:President Trump Makes No Remarks During Veterans Day Observance At Arlington
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 17:51:02特勤局把特朗普强迁到。。。。
    At this point it’s not clear if Trump needs to be thrown in prison or a mental institution.
    2020-11-12 17:40:45

    你们不能强迁!你们不能强迁! And according to a new report, the absolute best we can probably hope for is that the soon-to-be ex-president will refuse to concede until the day he dies, but won’t, like, declare squatters’ rights to the White House on January 21, or scream, “You can’t make me leave! You can’t! I won’t!” as the Secret Service pries his fingers off the doorframe of the Oval Office, calling for backup as he tries to bite one agent and kick another in the shins before being tackled to the ground.

    2020-11-12 15:32:46

    美美 2020-11-12 14:29:20 潜在的钓鱼执法:美国国务院不給正式通道給拜登团队联系外國,拜登太飄了自己去联系还探討了美国国策,可能觸犯Logan Act .(啊哈哈) 哈哈哈!!! 特朗普不搬出白宫,那就更好玩了!

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 23:44:09选举日赌博公司赔率跌宕起伏
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-12 23:45:49随着时间推移,对特朗普越来越不利。
    2020-11-12 18:31:22


    2020-11-12 17:43:30

    特朗普郁闷啊! 特朗普总统在阿灵顿退伍军人节纪念活动期间不发表任何讲话 npr:President Trump Makes No Remarks During Veterans Day Observance At Arlington

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 00:40:13这次的财政赤字在很多国家都是非战争时期最大规模的,新增货币量都是史无前例的

    Global Stock Markets = $95 Trillion
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 10:50:15新冠,美国日增死亡人数大幅增加
    2020-11-12 02:07:15

    余下日子,特朗普破罐子破摔 新冠,美国确诊病例10290284 死亡人数246130

    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 11:41:56HBO拍摄影片《RECOUNT》,讲述小布什与戈尔选票风波
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 15:31:58近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    润禾材料 53.87%
    普丽盛 44.00%
    掌阅科技 40.45%
    正源股份 39.13%
    金浦钛业 32.40%
    德方纳米 31.66%
    吉林森工 31.64%
    硅宝科技 30.55%
    金徽酒 28.94%
    津膜科技 28.93%
    朗姿股份 28.70%
    河钢资源 27.82%
    恒立实业 24.80%
    新安股份 23.30%
    青青稞酒 22.41%
    天山铝业 21.67%
    智慧农业 21.11%
    澳柯玛 21.05%
    吉药控股 20.91%
    鲁阳节能 20.35%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 15:40:55本周A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
    涨幅前三:化工 3.53;钢铁 3.51;采掘 2.80
    跌幅前三:汽车 -3.47;传媒 -2.34;商业贸易 -1.64
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 22:16:13夏季,软银买美股,并用衍生工具
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 23:45:41特斯拉老板马斯克一天四次新冠检测两次阳性,两次阴性
    Musk questions coronavirus tests, saying they gave opposite results on same day
    [回 复]
  • 2020-11-13 23:55:49拜登正式拿下亚利桑那州[回 复]
  • 2020-11-14 00:01:44美国告别渣男,特朗普
    DAILY BEAST:America Finally Breaks Up With Her Abusive Boyfriend
    Will everything be perfect? Obviously not—we’re looking at divided government, and half the country needs to be deprogrammed. But now, the madness has an end date.
    [回 复]
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