弱人民币有利出口,中国不可能签署广场协议 FT:Renminbi likely to draw fire as trade tensions mount It’s been almost 40 years since the signing of the Plaza Accord when the leaders of the five leading industrial economies agreed to adjust domestic policies to correct misalignments in exchange rates. It is difficult to envisage a similar accord being reached today. Without a resolution, it can’t be long before concern over the strong dollar and its impact is flipped to worries that Chinese exporters are gaining an unfair advantage thanks to a weak renminbi.
美国追求强美元,追求资产升值,已经是阳谋,官员们不仅不讳言,还大声疾呼,偶尔遇到不听话的汇率政策甚至不惜发出威胁。另一方面,依赖出口的日本、德国等国家则乐见本币贬值。欧洲央行率先减息,其中就包含着引导汇率走弱的政策意图,来提高出口竞争力和进一步促进旅游业。 弱人民币,有利出口 中国增加免签国,曾至单方免签,促进老外来华旅游。