哦,新房改方案,刚需归刚需,改善归改善,这货北岸子,对吧! 北岸子 2023-10-30 17:51:27 这篇文章在搞笑吧,如果在保障性住房方向发力,那么商品房这边死得更快。 经济通版主 2023-10-30 15:16:51 “新房改方案”重新确认了住宅的双轨制模式发展方向,房地产市场保障向下,商品房向上的两极分化似已成定局,
昨天(周二)白宫新闻发言人皮埃尔说,拜登期待拜习会晤 政治:Biden will meet Xi Jinping in coming weeks, White House says White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed the Biden-Xi meeting during a press briefing on Tuesday, although she seemed to accidentally reveal the announcement. Previously, a White House readout from Friday said the two countries were working toward such a meeting. “This is going to be an important diplomatic conversation,” Jean-Pierre said, describing the “intense” competition between the 美国 and China. “It’s going to be in San Francisco. It’s going to be a constructive meeting. The president’s looking forward to it.”
接下来看,老大是访问南美路过美国,出席旧金山APEC峰会;还是正式访美。 近8年中方领导人没有正式访美,上次老大访问南美路过美国,佛州庄园会晤,特朗普拿了大订单愉快接受中方邀请,访华。
昨天(周二)白宫新闻发言人皮埃尔说,拜登期待拜习会晤 政治:Biden will meet Xi Jinping in coming weeks, White House says White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed the Biden-Xi meeting during a press briefing on Tuesday, although she seemed to accidentally reveal the announcement. Previously, a White House readout from Friday said the two countries were working toward such a meeting. “This is going to be an important diplomatic conversation,” Jean-Pierre said, describing the “intense” competition between the 美国 and China. “It’s going to be in San Francisco. It’s going to be a constructive meeting. The president’s looking forward to it.”
AI人工智能 拜登签署行政命令 人工智能安全 政治:White House offers a new strategy for AI — and picks new fights A new executive order uses AI to push a raft of policy priorities on an industry not used to being regulated.
现在市场有个特点,业绩一旦好转,直接跳空高开,封涨停,不给建仓机会。 底部这种涨停板能封一整天,要重视。
近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 300210 68.14% 603266 64.57% 000628 61.04% 002889 60.98% 300291 54.61% 300709 52.41% 002898 48.25% 000676 43.08% 300630 39.17% 300735 36.74% 603929 36.63% 300583 34.64% 300063 32.47% 603108 32.41% 300533 31.95% 300337 31.08% 300269 28.31% 300299 27.58% 603338 26.40% 300398 25.09%
如果想追涨停或快速上涨,研究涨幅榜或每天涨停票票股价K线图形态 再找股票,潜伏
近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 300210 68.14% 603266 64.57% 000628 61.04% 002889 60.98% 300291 54.61% 300709 52.41% 002898 48.25% 000676 43.08% 300630 39.17% 300735 36.74% 603929 36.63% 300583 34.64% 300063 32.47% 603108 32.41% 300533 31.95% 300337 31.08% 300269 28.31% 300299 27.58% 603338 26.40% 300398 25.09%
Netanyahu may not last, Biden and aides increasingly believe The Israeli prime minister’s political obituary has been written before. But 美国 officials are already gauging potential successors.
大选在即,拜登压力 美国年轻人不看主流媒体,看手机,看加沙视频,反对以色列 政治:Colleges under pressure to address antisemitism on campuses The strife has been pronounced on college campuses, with students and staff warning of feeling unsafe and clashing with administrators and protestors.
美众议长约翰逊上任第一把火,众议院推出一揽子紧急援助计划。 援助以色列,没有援助乌克兰,消减国税局开支。 本来拜登增加国税局开支,增加人员查表偷漏税,增加国库收入
美众议长约翰逊上任第一把火,众议院推出一揽子紧急援助计划。 援助以色列,没有援助乌克兰,消减国税局开支。 本来拜登增加国税局开支,增加人员查表偷漏税,增加国库收入
给拜登添麻烦 美国众议院以226票对196票通过143亿美元援助以色列,0元援助乌克兰,消减国税局开支143亿美元紧急援助法案。 国会山:House approves GOP’s $14.3 billion Israel aid package
美众议长约翰逊上任第一把火,众议院推出一揽子紧急援助计划。 援助以色列,没有援助乌克兰,消减国税局开支。 本来拜登增加国税局开支,增加人员查表偷漏税,增加国库收入
问问这货北岸子,未来人均收入增加,房子涨还是跌? 北岸子 2023-11-03 10:01:49 过二年回头看,先走的同学卖的原来是最高价。 如果最近吵吵扰的新房改落地,城中村大建廉租房,你发现租都租不出
美国真正该用钱的地方,打嘴炮没用的 为了削减中方对南美影响力,美国举办首届美洲经济繁荣伙伴关系领导人峰会 ABC:Yellen calls for more US-Latin America trade, in part to lessen Chinese influence President Joe Biden is trying to increase trade with Latin America
美国真正该用钱的地方,打嘴炮没用的 为了削减中方对南美影响力,美国举办首届美洲经济繁荣伙伴关系领导人峰会 ABC:Yellen calls for more US-Latin America trade, in part to lessen Chinese influence President Joe Biden is trying to increase trade with Latin America
如果想追涨停或快速上涨,研究涨幅榜或每天涨停票票股价K线图形态 再找股票,潜伏
近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 300210 68.14% 603266 64.57% 000628 61.04% 002889 60.98% 300291 54.61% 300709 52.41% 002898 48.25% 000676 43.08% 300630 39.17% 300735 36.74% 603929 36.63% 300583 34.64% 300063 32.47% 603108 32.41% 300533 31.95% 300337 31.08% 300269 28.31% 300299 27.58% 603338 26.40% 300398 25.09%