中国第一届“供应链博览会”在北京开幕 拜登召开新成立供应链委员会的首次会议,主要任务还是应对通货膨胀 拜登说:“我们知道,对于太多东西来说,价格仍然太高,对太多家庭来说,时代仍然太艰难了。但我们已经取得了进展。” AP:Biden Says He's Helped Lower Inflation as He Hosts First Meeting of His New Supply Chain Council “We know that prices are still too high for too many things, that times are still too tough for too many families,” Biden said. “But we've made progress.”
中国的抗癌新药特瑞普利单抗在美国获批,但价格贵了30倍,在中国,一瓶单剂销售价为280美元,在美国价格8892美元,还算同类药便宜。 China's cancer drug finally approved in the US - but it will cost 30 times more to buy In China, the cost of a single-dose vial of Toripalimab is around 2,000 yuan (US$280), whereas in the US it will cost US$8,892.03 - more than 31 times the price in China, but still 20 per cent less than the current alternative.
自美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准特瑞普利单抗以来,又有两款中国抗癌药物获批在美国上市。 Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Toripalimab, two more Chinese cancer drugs have been approved for distribution in the US.
中国的抗癌新药特瑞普利单抗在美国获批,但价格贵了30倍,在中国,一瓶单剂销售价为280美元,在美国价格8892美元,还算同类药便宜。 China's cancer drug finally approved in the US - but it will cost 30 times more to buy In China, the cost of a single-dose vial of Toripalimab is around 2,000 yuan (US$280), whereas in the US it will cost US$8,892.03 - more than 31 times the price in China, but still 20 per cent less than the current alternative.
哦,问问这货老苹果,阿根廷农产品矿资源出口给谁? 老苹果 2023-11-28 22:18:24 阿根廷才精呢! 签了个货币互换协议,拿废纸--阿根廷比索换了大把软妹币 然后,偿还了债务 接下来,废弃比索,本币用美元了 某厉害国干赔了几百亿软妹币 毛豆没捞到一根哦
给这货mo涨涨知识 在放开疫情限制之后的秋冬季节,由于人体机能并未完全康复,造成流感和肺炎比平常年份高不少,这种现象在全世界都发生过,美国去年就比较明显。 政治:5 questions about the latest disease outbreak in China It’s more likely the bill is coming due for China’s prolonged Covid lockdown than a novel virus emerging.
餐饮行业 据国家统计局11月15日发布的数据,2023年10月,全国餐饮收入4800亿元,同比增长17.1%;限额以上单位餐饮收入1205亿元,同比增长18.0%。2023年1—10月,全国餐饮收入41905亿元,同比上升18.5%;限额以上单位餐饮收入10941亿元,同比上升18.8%。
哦,没办法,瑞银瑞信高薪聘请陶博,这货北岸子,对吧! 北岸子 2023-12-01 21:06:25 经济学这种文科, 和心理学差不多, 本身的科学性就可疑。 他们说牛津剑桥的物理学牛人,对经济学的教授都不正眼儿看,哈哈
拜登是以色列胜利的主要障碍 现在是讨论拜登政府与以色列关系的时候了。随着时间的流逝,有两件事变得显而易见。首先,如果没有美国对以色列国防军的补给,以色列就无法打仗。因此,以色列受制于政府的指令。其次,如果以色列听从拜登政府的指示,它将输掉这场战争. Biden is the primary obstacle to Israeli victory The time has come to discuss the Biden administration’s relationship with Israel. With each passing day, two things become obvious. First, Israel cannot fight the war without US resupply of the Israel Defense Forces. As a consequence, Israel is beholden to the administration’s directives. And second, if Israel follows the Biden administration’s directives, it will lose the war.
卡塔尔外交部发言人:以色列和哈马斯停火再延长两天 ABC:Agreement reached to extend truce for 2 more days: Qatar foreign minister
布林肯敦促以色列遵守国际法,在与哈马斯的战争中避免平民伤亡 Blinken urges Israel to 停火期满后,以色列袭击加沙 Israel 袭击 Gaza after truce expires
拜登是以色列胜利的主要障碍 现在是讨论拜登政府与以色列关系的时候了。随着时间的流逝,有两件事变得显而易见。首先,如果没有美国对以色列国防军的补给,以色列就无法打仗。因此,以色列受制于政府的指令。其次,如果以色列听从拜登政府的指示,它将输掉这场战争. Biden is the primary obstacle to Israeli victory The time has come to discuss the Biden administration’s relationship with Israel. With each passing day, two things become obvious. First, Israel cannot fight the war without US resupply of the Israel Defense Forces. As a consequence, Israel is beholden to the administration’s directives. And second, if Israel follows the Biden administration’s directives, it will lose the war.
卡塔尔外交部发言人:以色列和哈马斯停火再延长两天 ABC:Agreement reached to extend truce for 2 more days: Qatar foreign minister