特朗普说,他延迟执行 TikTok 禁令的时间可能会延长 Trump says his delay on enforcement of a TikTok ban could be extended
特朗普2.0,梳理一下: 特朗普邀请老大出席就职典礼,老大不出席,派特使出席。 特朗普就职总统前夕,老大与特朗普通电话,肯定谈中美贸易问题。 特朗普对中加墨加关税。 中方对美部分产品加关税。 不知什么原因,朝令夕改:1 美国邮政包裹事件,不到24小时,2 暂停对包裹加关税 朝令夕改,已经过去一周。 .欲知后事如何,且听下回分解
特朗普2.0,梳理一下: 特朗普邀请老大出席就职典礼,老大不出席,派特使出席。 特朗普就职总统前夕,老大与特朗普通电话,肯定谈中美贸易问题。 特朗普对中加墨加关税。 中方对美部分产品加关税。 不知什么原因,朝令夕改:1 美国邮政包裹事件,不到24小时,2 暂停对包裹加关税 特朗普对钢铝加关税 特朗普对等关税 特朗普延迟执行 TikTok 禁令的时间可能会延长 欲知后事如何,且听下回分解
特朗普想与老大和普京会晤,商讨军费削减一半 “One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia. And I want to say, ‘let’s cut our military budget in half.’ And we can do that. And I think we’ll be able to.” AP:Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China, hopes for defense spending cuts
特朗普想与老大和普京会晤,商讨军费削减一半 “One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia. And I want to say, ‘let’s cut our military budget in half.’ And we can do that. And I think we’ll be able to.” AP:Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China, hopes for defense spending cuts