欧洲浮现能源危机 联储展示紧缩决心
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  • 2022-06-25 23:02:15   市场认为BoJ的这种干预是不可持续的,于是涌现出大量的沽空盘,空日债和日元。理论上讲BoJ可以不断印钱,所以它干预市场的弹药是无穷尽的。但是事实上,1)日本国债数量有限,BoJ不能全买下来。现在国债中40%以上已经在BoJ手上,十年前不到10%。2)央行可以压低日本债收益,大量的日本年金、保险基金就不得不到海外去寻求收益,万一以后日元升值了,这些资金就亏大了,甚至带来系统性风险和社会问题。

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  • 2022-06-25 23:07:49日本cpi
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  • 2022-06-25 23:29:00上次拜登前往欧洲时,俄军撤出基辅(战略撤出),战局堪忧,美欧感觉俄罗斯不行了。


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  • 2022-06-25 23:52:35今天拜登出席德国G7峰会。
    2022-06-25 23:29:00

    上次拜登前往欧洲时,俄军撤出基辅(战略撤出),战局堪忧,美欧感觉俄罗斯不行了。 今天拜登前往欧洲。俄乌战局,俄罗斯占优,北约怎么办? 另外刚结束欧盟峰会,给乌克兰吃了空心汤圆,对俄罗斯没有新制裁。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-26 01:15:54堕胎权
    CNN:A stunning moment in American history decades in the making will reshape politics

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  • 2022-06-26 02:08:25美国五角大楼在最高法院‘堕胎判决‘后’评估‘政策调整
    星条旗:Austin vows to maintain military’s access to abortion despite end of Roe
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  • 2022-06-26 10:37:392021年至今,A股行业(申万)走势
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  • 2022-06-26 11:10:22涨多了,要跌。
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  • 2022-06-26 11:21:12撕裂 分裂美国
    政治:18 Ways the Supreme Court Just Changed America
    2022-06-26 01:15:54

    堕胎权 CNN:A stunning moment in American history decades in the making will reshape politics 谢谢懂王,在任时给我们送农产品送天然气;离任前还潜伏留了zha弹

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-26 11:28:17特朗普提名三位大法官
    特朗普提名美联储主席 鲍叔。
    2022-06-26 01:15:54

    堕胎权 CNN:A stunning moment in American history decades in the making will reshape politics 谢谢懂王,在任时给我们送农产品送天然气;离任前还潜伏留了zha弹

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-26 12:52:46跌多了,要涨
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  • 2022-06-26 20:18:332021年至今,创业板指数与纳斯达克指数走势
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  • 2022-06-26 20:58:39在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会
    Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.”
    French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.”
    “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.
    2022-06-26 13:48:03


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  • 2022-06-26 23:01:082021年至今,沪深300(红线)与标普500走势
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  • 2022-06-26 23:50:422016年美国大选,特朗普与希拉里辩论
    主持人克里斯 华莱士问特朗普,是否希望罗伊诉韦德案被推翻
    2022-06-26 20:58:39

    在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会 美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,英国小金毛加拿大小土豆法国马克龙等谴责 Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.” “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.

    2022-06-26 13:48:03


    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-26 23:53:20在伊利诺伊州集会上。特朗普人气不错
    2022-06-26 20:58:39

    在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会 美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,英国小金毛加拿大小土豆法国马克龙等谴责 Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.” “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.

    2022-06-26 13:48:03


    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-26 23:54:02特朗普:我们要夺回美国。最重要的是,2024年,我们将夺回我们宏伟的白宫
    2022-06-26 23:53:20

    在伊利诺伊州集会上。特朗普人气不错 特朗普:我们要夺回美国。最重要的是,20。24年,我们将夺回我们宏伟的白宫

    2022-06-26 20:58:39

    在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会 美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,英国小金毛加拿大小土豆法国马克龙等谴责 Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.” “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.

    2022-06-26 13:48:03


    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-26 23:57:10特朗普任期内,提名三名大法官,保守派。
    2022-06-26 23:50:42

    2016年美国大选,特朗普与希拉里辩论 主持人克里斯 华莱士问特朗普,是否希望罗伊诉韦德案被推翻 特朗普回答,如果他当选总统,这将自动发生。如果我们再任命两到三名法官,这真的会发生,而且在我看来,这将自动发生,因为我将把反堕胎的法官放在最高法院

    2022-06-26 20:58:39

    在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会 美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,英国小金毛加拿大小土豆法国马克龙等谴责 Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.” “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.

    2022-06-26 13:48:03


    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-27 00:13:31如果特朗普赢得2024年大选,那是欧盟北约包括乌克兰噩梦!
    2022-06-26 23:54:02


    2022-06-26 23:53:20

    在伊利诺伊州集会上。特朗普人气不错 特朗普:我们要夺回美国。最重要的是,20。24年,我们将夺回我们宏伟的白宫

    2022-06-26 20:58:39

    在这种背景下,拜登前往德国出席G7峰会 美国最高法院取消宪法规定的堕胎权,英国小金毛加拿大小土豆法国马克龙等谴责 Among the fiercest critics of the decision were some of the world leaders flanking Biden at the German castle on Sunday. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson deemed it “a big step backwards,” while Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declared, “No government, politician or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.” French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in the hours after the ruling that “abortion is a fundamental right for all women.” “I wish to express my solidarity with the women whose liberties are being undermined by the Supreme Court of the United States,” Macron wrote.

    2022-06-26 13:48:03


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  • 2022-06-27 01:15:13食品价格飙升
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  • 2022-06-27 01:30:25拜登支持率
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  • 2022-06-27 13:19:38欢迎进场抬轿子!

    2022-06-06 14:14:05
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  • 2022-06-27 14:50:53molamola328
    2022-06-27 14:03:24

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  • 2022-06-27 15:04:38今年4月至今,人民币大幅贬值
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  • 2022-06-27 21:58:19近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    金刚玻璃 69.48%
    巨轮智能 62.03%
    京山轻机 58.15%
    浙江世宝 51.82%
    威尔泰 49.57%
    秦安股份 47.11%
    松芝股份 46.48%
    安凯客车 43.88%
    铭普光磁 42.89%
    兴民智通 42.17%
    道恩股份 41.11%
    传艺科技 39.09%
    广东鸿图 38.08%
    丰元股份 37.53%
    罗博特科 36.88%
    万集科技 35.66%
    鸣志电器 35.27%
    威唐工业 34.23%
    慈星股份 33.33%
    集泰股份 33.20%
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-27 22:01:04中国对策:内循环和外循环。

    2022-06-27 18:03:22

    中联部原副部长于洪君:中国需要在严峻的国际形势下保持冷静。 “在这个过程中,美国和西方把中国视为战略竞争对手、制度性对手的意识更加统一和加明确,对华政策遏制色彩更加浓郁,对抗性质更加突出。世界经济形势总体日趋严峻,明后年可能发生世界性经济危机,这将给经济全球化带来更大的负面影响。”于洪君说,经济全球化未来走势异常复杂和艰辛,我们要未雨绸缪,防患于未然。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-27 22:05:05警惕!!!

    2022-06-27 13:58:35
    2022-06-27 13:19:38

    欢迎进场抬轿子! molamola326 2022-06-06 14:14:05 今天清仓,月中美国加息后再建仓

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  • 2022-06-28 00:21:13市场情绪
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  • 2022-06-28 00:29:30堕胎权
    Biden has forcefully condemned the Court’s decision and has pledged to use the federal government to protect the ability of women to choose. But there was little under the purview of his executive powers to help millions of American women.
    2022-06-27 22:28:21


    2022-06-27 18:03:22

    中联部原副部长于洪君:中国需要在严峻的国际形势下保持冷静。 “在这个过程中,美国和西方把中国视为战略竞争对手、制度性对手的意识更加统一和加明确,对华政策遏制色彩更加浓郁,对抗性质更加突出。世界经济形势总体日趋严峻,明后年可能发生世界性经济危机,这将给经济全球化带来更大的负面影响。”于洪君说,经济全球化未来走势异常复杂和艰辛,我们要未雨绸缪,防患于未然。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 00:50:43空谷幽兰
    2022-06-27 23:10:24

    President Biden Asks The Saudis To Bail Him Out
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  • 2022-06-28 01:18:44民主党利用国家机器,国会大厦骚乱听证会,打压特朗普。
    政治:Trump fatigue sets in: ‘Some donors are getting sick of the sh--show'
    As the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riots lays out Donald Trump’s obsessive efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, Trump allies have responded with the political equivalent of a collective eye roll.
    But elsewhere in the party, operatives are taking notice. The former president is being damaged, they say — perhaps not fatally, but notably so.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 01:42:17G7 拜登宣布6000亿美元基建计划,其中美国2000亿美元
    FOX:Biden unveils plan to counter China despite paving way for more Chinese solar imports
    White House in June announced 24-month pause on tariffs aimed at protecting US solar industry
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 01:51:58近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 11:21:36财联社APP
    2022-06-28 01:42:17

    G7 拜登宣布6000亿美元基建计划,其中美国2000亿美元 清洁能源太阳能,拉动中国光伏产业链,出口 FOX:Biden unveils plan to counter China despite paving way for more Chinese solar imports White House in June announced 24-month pause on tariffs aimed at protecting US solar industry

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 11:27:24许多技术,在中国掌握之前,都是高高在上,阳春白雪,一旦中国掌握了,就白菜价。所以有一个误区:中国只会做中低端的。这是错误的,应该是中国掌握之后,就变成中低端的,没门槛了。

    比如没有中国制造,新能源汽车和光伏这两大产业,再过几十年,都没法发展到今天这般程度。 ​
    2022-06-28 01:42:17

    G7 拜登宣布6000亿美元基建计划,其中美国2000亿美元 清洁能源太阳能,拉动中国光伏产业链,出口 FOX:Biden unveils plan to counter China despite paving way for more Chinese solar imports White House in June announced 24-month pause on tariffs aimed at protecting US solar industry

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 11:53:13PPP购买力平价 占全球GDP
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  • 2022-06-28 11:56:14过去几十年,中国成为制造中心和最大的商品出口国
    Over the past few decades, China has grown to become the world’s manufacturing hub and largest goods exporter by a significant margin, turning it from emerging market into economic superpower
    2022-06-28 11:53:13

    PPP购买力平价 占全球GDP 中国,美国,欧洲

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  • 2022-06-28 12:19:48蓬胖子好久不见,瘦了。
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 12:44:56特斯拉,上汽集团
    2022-06-28 11:27:24

    许多技术,在中国掌握之前,都是高高在上,阳春白雪,一旦中国掌握了,就白菜价。所以有一个误区:中国只会做中低端的。这是错误的,应该是中国掌握之后,就变成中低端的,没门槛了。 比如没有中国制造,新能源汽车和光伏这两大产业,再过几十年,都没法发展到今天这般程度。 ​

    2022-06-28 01:42:17

    G7 拜登宣布6000亿美元基建计划,其中美国2000亿美元 清洁能源太阳能,拉动中国光伏产业链,出口 FOX:Biden unveils plan to counter China despite paving way for more Chinese solar imports White House in June announced 24-month pause on tariffs aimed at protecting US solar industry

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 12:48:24再比如,如果没有中国制造 全球4G手机很难普及。
    2022-06-28 11:27:24

    许多技术,在中国掌握之前,都是高高在上,阳春白雪,一旦中国掌握了,就白菜价。所以有一个误区:中国只会做中低端的。这是错误的,应该是中国掌握之后,就变成中低端的,没门槛了。 比如没有中国制造,新能源汽车和光伏这两大产业,再过几十年,都没法发展到今天这般程度。 ​

    2022-06-28 01:42:17

    G7 拜登宣布6000亿美元基建计划,其中美国2000亿美元 清洁能源太阳能,拉动中国光伏产业链,出口 FOX:Biden unveils plan to counter China despite paving way for more Chinese solar imports White House in June announced 24-month pause on tariffs aimed at protecting US solar industry

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 15:52:40近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    金刚玻璃 78.47%
    京山轻机 67.61%
    秦安股份 61.88%
    巨轮智能 61.65%
    威尔泰 59.50%
    道恩股份 56.36%
    广东鸿图 55.89%
    安凯客车 55.83%
    丰元股份 55.60%
    传艺科技 50.99%
    兴民智通 49.52%
    宝馨科技 47.10%
    松芝股份 46.51%
    合力科技 44.42%
    泰嘉股份 43.11%
    银宝山新 41.26%
    罗博特科 40.34%
    亚玛顿 40.15%
    集泰股份 40.07%
    浙江世宝 38.93
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 15:54:52领导说:房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的

    2022-06-28 15:15:24

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 15:58:37领导说:绿水青山就是金山银山

    2022-06-28 12:34:13
    2022-06-28 15:54:52

    领导说:房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的 多读点书吧! molamola328 2022-06-28 15:15:24 以前,外资对中国房企是区别对待的。尤其是对碧桂园、融创等几家头部企业,容忍度较高。但从融创开始,外资颠覆了自己的认知,他们得出结论:现在中国民营房企不存在好学生了…… 6月21日,世界三大评级机构中的穆迪干了一件事,将宇宙第一房企碧桂园的评级,从Baa3级下调到了Ba1级,也就是从投资级降到了所谓垃圾级。

    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-28 16:15:45市场情绪
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  • 2022-06-28 22:49:53近5个交易日A股行业(申万)涨跌幅
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  • 2022-06-28 22:54:44疫情 美国
    Yesterday's data (‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2022)
    New Cases: 124,834
    Deaths: 270
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-29 01:04:56美联储主席鲍叔,麻烦的事,服务价格飙升,光靠商品价格回落是不够的
    Inflation has decoupled from commodities as service prices surge.
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-29 01:23:30G7峰会结束,CNN报道
    1 在拜登英明领导下,拨乱反正,G7峰会是团结大会,胜利大会
    CNN:Opinion: 'Show them our pecs!' The G7 'boys club' is back
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-29 01:29:342 特朗普把G7搞得乌烟瘴气
    [回 复]
  • 2022-06-29 11:35:49VIX
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