每到夏季,美国森林大火 PM2.5爆表! 联邦紧急事务管理局敦促将极端高温、野火烟雾添加到灾难清单中 CBS:FEMA urged to add extreme heat, wildfire smoke to list of disasters
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
快兰斯24小时财经直播 实时播报:【AI和新能源汽车需求旺盛,PCB行业景气度向好】
日本银行业巨头Norinchukin(为日本第五大银行)将清算630亿美元的美国国债和欧洲债券,以填补该银行巨额未实现的亏损。 Japan's Norinchukin Bank to sell $63 bln of US, European government bonds to stem losses TOKYO, June 19 (Reuters) - Japan's Norinchukin Bank said on Wednesday it plans to sell around 10 trillion yen ($63.4 billion) of 美国 and European government bonds to stem losses from bets that went awry when overseas interest rates stayed higher for longer than expected.
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
菲律宾人说:美舰护航 “Coming around to the idea that the next resupply mission to the shoal should be guarded by a deeply disproportionate contingent of US naval assets. A strong message should be sent.”
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
今年3月荷兰首相吕特访华 荷兰首相吕特将出任北约秘书长 FT:Mark Rutte clears last hurdle for Nato top job
本周普京访问朝鲜和越南,美国不快 AP:Russia’s Putin to visit North Korea amid international concerns over their military cooperation
菲律宾人说:美舰护航 “Coming around to the idea that the next resupply mission to the shoal should be guarded by a deeply disproportionate contingent of US naval assets. A strong message should be sent.”
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
每到夏季,美国森林大火 PM2.5爆表! 联邦紧急事务管理局敦促将极端高温、野火烟雾添加到灾难清单中 CBS:FEMA urged to add extreme heat, wildfire smoke to list of disasters
菲律宾人说:美舰护航 “Coming around to the idea that the next resupply mission to the shoal should be guarded by a deeply disproportionate contingent of US naval assets. A strong message should be sent.”
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
菲律宾人说:美舰护航 “Coming around to the idea that the next resupply mission to the shoal should be guarded by a deeply disproportionate contingent of US naval assets. A strong message should be sent.”
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
菲律宾人说:美舰护航 “Coming around to the idea that the next resupply mission to the shoal should be guarded by a deeply disproportionate contingent of US naval assets. A strong message should be sent.”
等着看,美为菲挺身而出 AP:US renews warning it’s obligated to defend the Philippines after its new clash with China at sea
据路透社21日报道,菲律宾商业团体当天发表了一份罕见的声明,对菲律宾军方持续作出的骚扰行为予以强烈谴责。 该团体由马卡蒂商业俱乐部和菲律宾管理协会等17个商业组织构成,其发表的联合声明中写道,“我们呼吁团结一致,以非暴力方式解决问题,尊重我们作为爱好和平国家的权利。” 声明说,菲政府的当务之急是尽快采取措施,将菲律宾军队和海岸警卫队改造成一支自主的现代化力量。“我们对菲律宾武装部队和海岸警卫队的持续骚扰行为表示谴责。”