惠誉下调巴基斯坦主权评级展望,巴国卢比大跌,又一个新兴市场国家陷于债务危机。 巴基斯坦后。下一个?
美国每天确诊病例是低估的,因为美国人没有享受拜登政府官员核酸检测,家庭免费检测盒抗原检测。 政治:Four questions about Biden's Covid-19 diagnosis Eighteen months into Biden’s presidency, roughly 125,000 people a day are reporting new cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The real number is much higher, as people test at home or never test at all. Nearly 400 people are dying each day.(每天近400人过世)
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (7/23/2022) New Cases: 166,626 Deaths: 589