前不久,乌克兰外长库列巴要求欧盟制裁俄罗斯天然气,当俄罗斯主动减少对欧盟的天然气供应了,库列巴又称“普京对欧洲的天然气战争”。 Kuleba: We’re getting closer to imposition of sanctions on Russian gas 多读点书吧! molamola331 2022-07-26 13:13:27 俄罗斯总统普京上周才警告,有可能进一步减供输往德国的天然气,俄罗斯天然气工业公司(Gazprom)25日宣布,自27日开始,透过“北溪天然气1号管线”(Nord Stream1)输往德国的天然气总量将再砍半至20%欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)上周说:“俄罗斯正在敲诈我们。俄罗斯正在利用能源作为一种武器。因此,在任何情况下,无论俄罗斯是部分切断天然气供应,还是完全切断供应,欧洲都需要做好准备。”
得阳,总不能带病上班 美国7月初因新冠生病或需要照顾新冠病人,近400万人未工作,去年同期该数字180万人。 因新冠申请病假数的超出顶峰25%(部分也因为新冠常态化请假了) WSJ:Covid or Vacation? Workers Aren’t Showing Up For the period from June 29 to July 11, 3.9 million Americans said they didn’t work because they were sick with Covid-19 or were caring for someone with it, according to Census Bureau data. In the comparable period last year, 1.8 million people missed work for those reasons.
美国每天确诊病例是低估的,因为美国人没有享受拜登政府官员核酸检测,家庭免费检测盒抗原检测。 政治:Four questions about Biden's Covid-19 diagnosis Eighteen months into Biden’s presidency, roughly 125,000 people a day are reporting new cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The real number is much higher, as people test at home or never test at all. Nearly 400 people are dying each day.(每天近400人过世)
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (7/23/2022) New Cases: 166,626 Deaths: 589
美国每天确诊病例是低估的,因为美国人没有享受拜登政府官员核酸检测,家庭免费检测盒抗原检测。 政治:Four questions about Biden's Covid-19 diagnosis Eighteen months into Biden’s presidency, roughly 125,000 people a day are reporting new cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The real number is much higher, as people test at home or never test at all. Nearly 400 people are dying each day.(每天近400人过世)
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (7/23/2022) New Cases: 166,626 Deaths: 589
另外注意这货有仓位! molamola328 2022-06-27 13:58:35 现在是月底不是月中,早已进场数钱中,抹黑居然分不清月底月中,就这本事,呵呵
冬季能源危机,数百万英国人关灯,来避免停电 Millions of Britons could be told to turn off lights to stop blackouts Back to the dark ages? Now millions of Britons could be told to switch off the lights and turn down the thermostat to avoid blackouts this winter under emergency plans 多读点书吧! 北岸子 2022-07-24 19:52:09 就是欧洲崩了,还有老美、英、加、奥、日撑着,哼,看谁先撑不住,哈哈 话说,欧洲是活该,谁让当初默奶奶与俄眉来眼去呢。 其实放在现在还是有大把的办法早点让俄国认输,可惜左派们都是无胆鼠类,连个战斗机都不敢给,活该让普京看不起
立陶宛于7月22日解除了对俄罗斯加里宁格勒的铁路运输禁令 Lithuania resumes transit to Kaliningrad 多读点书吧! molamola331 2022-07-14 00:24:19 我看到立陶宛拆掉铁轨的视频
美国每天确诊病例是低估的,因为美国人没有享受拜登政府官员核酸检测,家庭免费检测盒抗原检测。 政治:Four questions about Biden's Covid-19 diagnosis Eighteen months into Biden’s presidency, roughly 125,000 people a day are reporting new cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The real number is much higher, as people test at home or never test at all. Nearly 400 people are dying each day.(每天近400人过世)
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (7/23/2022) New Cases: 166,626 Deaths: 589
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (7/23/2022) New Cases: 166,626 Deaths: 589
疫情 美国 US Yesterday's data (7/23/2022) New Cases: 166,626 Deaths: 589