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  • 2020-09-30 12:16:11特朗普自称亿万富翁
    2020-09-30 12:03:53


    2020-09-30 01:33:40

    里根,老布什,克林顿,小布什,奥巴马和特朗普税单 How Trump’s taxes compare to those of other presidents

    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-30 11:43:42波浪大湿
    2020-09-30 11:36:53


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-30 11:39:20本来想听听美国总统候选人,治国理念,没有想到。。。。。

    2020-09-30 11:17:31

    美国版相声 辩论,二位美国老人,互相指责,你是XX

    2020-09-30 11:06:01

    【总统辩论第一场:吵架 揭短 失控】当地时间29日晚9时,#特朗普#与拜登的第一场电视辩论在俄亥俄州拉开序幕。无需预热,辩论从一开始就陷入了混乱:特朗普不停地插话,拜登则直接喊话对方闭嘴。 据凤凰卫视驻华盛顿记者 @王冰汝 的文字记录,二人的对话很快升级为一场骂战: 拜登:你闭嘴一下!/事实就是,他目前说的每一句话都是谎话,我不会在这里一一指出,因为每个人都知道他是一个骗子/特朗普将是美国历史上第一位总统,在离任的时候美国失业率比他上任的时候高。 特朗普:不要跟我使用“聪明”这个词,Joe, 你根本不聪明/ 我需要让你闭嘴一下/拜登隔着200英尺的距离发表讲话,他还戴着我从来没见过的巨型口罩。 华莱士逼问特朗普:你在2016和2017年是不是支付了750美元联邦个人所得税? 特朗普坚持:我支付了几千万的税。 拜登:公布你的纳税单。特朗普支付的税比学校老师还低。我将会弥补这个税收漏洞。 特朗普:你过去47年干嘛了?我47个月做的都比你多。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-30 11:21:00p民T恤衫写着:我交的税比特朗普多
    But I wonder: What if people start showing up in offices, factories, in malls and stores, with buttons and T-shirts reading: “I Paid More Taxes Than Trump”?
    2020-09-30 10:50:17


    2020-09-30 01:33:40

    里根,老布什,克林顿,小布什,奥巴马和特朗普税单 How Trump’s taxes compare to those of other presidents

    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-30 11:17:31美国版相声
    2020-09-30 11:06:01

    【总统辩论第一场:吵架 揭短 失控】当地时间29日晚9时,#特朗普#与拜登的第一场电视辩论在俄亥俄州拉开序幕。无需预热,辩论从一开始就陷入了混乱:特朗普不停地插话,拜登则直接喊话对方闭嘴。 据凤凰卫视驻华盛顿记者 @王冰汝 的文字记录,二人的对话很快升级为一场骂战: 拜登:你闭嘴一下!/事实就是,他目前说的每一句话都是谎话,我不会在这里一一指出,因为每个人都知道他是一个骗子/特朗普将是美国历史上第一位总统,在离任的时候美国失业率比他上任的时候高。 特朗普:不要跟我使用“聪明”这个词,Joe, 你根本不聪明/ 我需要让你闭嘴一下/拜登隔着200英尺的距离发表讲话,他还戴着我从来没见过的巨型口罩。 华莱士逼问特朗普:你在2016和2017年是不是支付了750美元联邦个人所得税? 特朗普坚持:我支付了几千万的税。 拜登:公布你的纳税单。特朗普支付的税比学校老师还低。我将会弥补这个税收漏洞。 特朗普:你过去47年干嘛了?我47个月做的都比你多。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-30 01:33:40里根,老布什,克林顿,小布什,奥巴马和特朗普税单
    How Trump’s taxes compare to those of other presidents
    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-30 00:36:38期权,大选
    Equities: Options markets have priced in a significant election-related risk.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 22:51:07中国队蝉联国际数学奥赛冠军
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 17:59:27还是
    2020-09-29 17:57:21

    MOLAMOLA153 2020-09-29 17:28:17 拜登是代理人,如同台湾大选的韩国瑜,无跟资源下注了 单天保至尊2 2020-09-29 17:19:02 哈哈哈!!! 拜登,民主党 带领盟友小兄弟围堵中方

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 17:57:21MOLAMOLA153
    2020-09-29 17:28:17
    2020-09-29 17:19:02

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 17:50:43如果特朗普延续奥巴马TPP,现在局面就不一样了,。。。。

    2020-09-29 16:56:16


    2020-09-29 16:24:39

    三场辩论会,可以拜登对中方态度了(公开场合,选民听着) 只有这货MOLAMOLA153认为拜登会帮中方

    2020-09-29 16:15:52

    美国下任总统,特朗普也好,拜登也好 围堵中方,不会变 中方做好预案,就可以了。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 17:45:18德国默克尔二次到访美国。特朗普与她会见,拒绝握手。[回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 16:26:26三场辩论会,可以听到拜登对中方态度了
    2020-09-29 16:24:39

    三场辩论会,可以拜登对中方态度了(公开场合,选民听着) 只有这货MOLAMOLA153认为拜登会帮中方

    2020-09-29 16:15:52

    美国下任总统,特朗普也好,拜登也好 围堵中方,不会变 中方做好预案,就可以了。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 16:24:39三场辩论会,可以拜登对中方态度了(公开场合,选民听着)

    2020-09-29 16:15:52

    美国下任总统,特朗普也好,拜登也好 围堵中方,不会变 中方做好预案,就可以了。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 16:15:52美国下任总统,特朗普也好,拜登也好

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 16:04:42实际上,美国大选,拜登机会是特朗普给的。
    2020-09-29 15:45:41

    拜登竞选团队抓住机会,跟进,广告特朗普支付的税款比普通美国学校教师或消防员少 Democrats, believing the report could bolster their chances in November, seized on the news, and the Biden campaign released a new ad noting that Trump was paying less in taxes than the average 美国 school teacher or firefighter.

    2020-09-29 15:08:04


    2020-09-29 14:27:57

    拜登获得和平奖提名,理由是拜登在席卷全美的暴力抗议中缓解了政治紧张局势。 ​​​

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 16:02:28近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    锋龙股份 29.52%
    新余国科 29.27%
    江龙船艇 26.40%
    恒星科技 24.65%
    金雷股份 20.60%
    盛讯达 20.45%
    广哈通信 19.49%
    晶澳科技 18.76%
    光启技术 16.75%
    迦南科技 16.36%
    捷捷微电 16.31%
    恒通股份 16.03%
    晶瑞股份 15.84%
    百润股份 15.60%
    金海环境 15.17%
    蓝海华腾 14.94%
    中船应急 13.67%
    建科院 13.36%
    安达维尔 13.21%
    安居宝 12.97%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 15:45:41拜登竞选团队抓住机会,跟进,广告特朗普支付的税款比普通美国学校教师或消防员少
    Democrats, believing the report could bolster their chances in November, seized on the news, and the Biden campaign released a new ad noting that Trump was paying less in taxes than the average 美国 school teacher or firefighter.
    2020-09-29 15:08:04


    2020-09-29 14:27:57

    拜登获得和平奖提名,理由是拜登在席卷全美的暴力抗议中缓解了政治紧张局势。 ​​​

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 15:41:35拜登竞选团队抓住机会,广告:特朗普支付的税款比普通美国学校教师或消防员少。
    Democrats, believing the report could bolster their chances in November, seized on the news, and the Biden campaign released a new ad noting that Trump was paying less in taxes than the average U.S. school teacher or firefighter.
    2020-09-29 15:08:04


    2020-09-29 14:27:57

    拜登获得和平奖提名,理由是拜登在席卷全美的暴力抗议中缓解了政治紧张局势。 ​​​

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 15:19:25纽约时报还将曝光
    There are thousands of words in the New York Times account of Donald Trump’s taxes, and tens of thousands more will be published in the coming weeks.
    政治:Yes, A Tax Scandal Can Take Down a Politician(是的, 税收丑闻可以打倒一个政客)
    What does the story of Bill Brock foretell for Trump?
    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 15:10:24共和党罗姆尼教训
    But the image of a man flying around in private jets from one luxury property to another and paying less in taxes than millions of Americans with far more modest lifestyles could prompt a backlash similar to the one 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney faced after he was secretly recorded at a closed-door fundraiser saying that the 47% of Americans who don’t pay income taxes were “dependent upon government” and would never vote for him.
    ″(M)y job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives,” Romney said.
    2020-09-29 01:43:06

    蓝领选民 ABC:Trump's tax revelation could tarnish image that fueled rise The bombshell revelations that President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for office and paid no income taxes at all in many others threaten to undercut a pillar of his appeal among blue-collar voters

    2020-09-28 22:01:44


    2020-09-28 21:48:47


    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 10:57:54新冠打击
    npr:Nearly Two-Thirds Of U.S. Households Struck By COVID-19 Face Financial Trouble
    2020-09-29 10:49:19


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 10:53:45明天这时间特拜第一场辩论会
    You can practically mouth the script: On stage at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland (and before a limited audience), former Vice President Joe Biden lambastes Trump for the nation’s disastrous pandemic response and for failing the American people. Trump tries to convince millions of viewers that the 美国 has turned a corner — that his administration defeated the virus and is this close to a vaccine.
    2020-09-29 10:18:40


    2020-09-29 06:03:00

    写了半天,被网站吃了。 只好简单说下:特朗普差得太远太远。不过,民主党更差,比烂,特还强点

    2020-09-29 01:55:41


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 02:48:00用某人话,用墙内思维看墙外事看不懂,还常识。[回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 02:11:38政府雇员不得利用职务之便为政党谋利,不得使用政府资源介入政党活动。
    2020-09-29 01:56:48

    蓬胖子为老板赤膊上阵,用反中方言论带到特朗普连任集会,煽动选民,违反 《Hatch Act》,遭调查。 因为蓬胖子是公务员,在公务时不能选边。 ABC:Pompeo takes Trump's anti-China message to election swing state Wisconsin In the final weeks before the election, Pompeo's become increasingly political.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 01:56:48蓬胖子为老板赤膊上阵,用反中方言论带到特朗普连任集会,煽动选民,违反 《Hatch Act》,遭调查。
    ABC:Pompeo takes Trump's anti-China message to election swing state Wisconsin
    In the final weeks before the election, Pompeo's become increasingly political.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 01:43:06蓝领选民
    ABC:Trump's tax revelation could tarnish image that fueled rise
    The bombshell revelations that President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for office and paid no income taxes at all in many others threaten to undercut a pillar of his appeal among blue-collar voters
    2020-09-28 22:01:44


    2020-09-28 21:48:47


    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 00:32:07新浪私有化要约
    Sina’s board approved a privatization offer from Chairman Charles Cao. Cao’s is a great story. He joined the company as an accountant and led Sina’s IPO back in April 12, 2000. I believe Sina was the first Chinese company to list publicly in the US. Post-IPO, Cao rose to become the CEO. He spun off Weibom China’s Twitter, in April of 2014 after stating that investors weren’t valuing Sina properly. When Sina’s stock still failed to rise, he borrowed a few hundred million and bought Sina’s stock himself. Gotta love a CEO like that! I will miss Sina, but I assume the company will return to public markets with a Hong Kong listing at some point.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-29 00:28:31京东分拆上市 rose +2.76% on news its online pharmacy JD Health will raise $3 billion in a 香港 IPO
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 23:38:40用某人话,用墙内思维看墙外事看不懂,还常识。
    2020-09-28 22:34:53


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 22:33:51唐纳德·特朗普比生活在贫困线以下的人少交税, 很可能是因为他是个骗子‎
    名利场:Report: Donald Trump Pays Less In Taxes Than People Living Below the Poverty Line, Most Likely Because He’s A Crook
    He paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 and $0 in 10 of the last 15 years. 
    2020-09-28 22:21:47

    白宫成了避税商议地。 2017年只交了750美元税。。。确实名不虚传

    2020-09-28 22:18:03


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 22:16:38民意调查:摇摆的州选民认为头等问题新冠疫情,不是中国
    国会山:Swing state voters cite pandemics as top concern, less worried by China threat: poll
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 22:08:58咱们吃瓜群众,看戏。
    2020-09-28 21:24:42


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 22:07:08特朗普越来越有趣
    特朗普呼吁辩论前 “药检
    国会山:Trump renews call for pre-debate 'drug test'
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 22:01:44选票
    2020-09-28 21:48:47


    2020-09-28 21:44:52

    特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单 何必怒吼啊! npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes

    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 21:59:25戈培尔,宣传部长,洗脑。[回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 21:44:52特朗普想回击纽约时报报道,很简单,公布税单
    npr:Trump Dismisses 'New York Times' Report That He Paid Little In Federal Income Taxes
    2020-09-28 21:37:27

    今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题 ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017 President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times

    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 21:37:27今天看美国主流媒体都是特朗普,税收问题
    ABC:NY Times: Trump paid $750 in US income taxes in 2016, 2017
    President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes the year he ran for president and in his first year in the White House, according to a report in The New York Times
    2020-09-28 21:25:53

    交易的艺术 特朗普10年没缴纳所得税,损失的钱比他赚的钱多 USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 21:25:53交易的艺术
    USD TODAY:Top seven revelations from New York Times report on Trump income taxes
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 15:38:14新冠,印度确诊病例过600万,死亡人数过9万
    Infections rose by more than 80,000 and now stand at 6,074,702, according to data released by the health ministry. Some 95,542 people in India have died from the disease.
    2020-09-28 15:30:03

    印度会不会群体免疫?,也许 如果新冠病毒变异快,也许他们抗疫成本最低,但对世界经济破坏最大

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 15:35:45新冠,印度确诊病例过600万,死亡人数过9万
    彭博:India’s Cases Top 6 Million (12:04 p.m. HK)
    India’s coronavirus infections crossed the six million mark as the outbreak accelerates through the world’s second-most populous country. Infections rose by more than 80,000 and now stand at 6,074,702, according to data released by the health ministry. Some 95,542 people in India have died from the disease.
    2020-09-28 15:30:03

    印度会不会群体免疫?,也许 如果新冠病毒变异快,也许他们抗疫成本最低,但对世界经济破坏最大

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 15:32:57近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    博晖创新 31.44%
    新余国科 31.12%
    迦南科技 29.27%
    科创信息 27.09%
    赛升药业 26.04%
    锋龙股份 23.89%
    正川股份 23.28%
    金海环境 20.70%
    江龙船艇 19.26%
    百润股份 18.87%
    曙光股份 18.81%
    嘉寓股份 17.99%
    楚天科技 17.44%
    金力泰 17.42%
    捷捷微电 17.01%
    英特集团 16.35%
    青岛中程 15.50%
    澳洋顺昌 14.84%
    恒星科技 14.18%
    3 易成新能 13.95
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 12:22:50美国政府网站(USDA,United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service)
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 02:20:27根据调查机构Survation的民意调查,91位机构投资者中六成认为拜登可以获胜,不过他们越来越担心权力交接未必顺利,选举结果可能不是选举日出来,而可能要等“选举月”结束

    福布斯:Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 01:33:09民间组织10月4日在华盛顿举行纪念活动
    On Monday night, a DC group called the COVID Memorial Project began placing 20,000 American flags on the National Mall in honor of the 200,000 people who have died. And on Oct. 4, the National COVID Remembrance, a protest day created by Covid Survivors for Change, a national community of families of COVID victims and survivors, will take place at the Ellipse in Washington, DC, calling for a national moment of silence.
    2020-09-28 01:19:26

    新冠,美国失去20万人生命,为啥没有全国正式哀悼,默哀一分钟 因为举行哀悼活动,特朗普承认疫情问题严重性和控制疫情失败 Buzzfeed:We Aren’t Nationally Mourning The 200,000 COVID-19 Victims Because If We Did It Would Be A Reckoning “If you actually recognize the horrific toll this is taking,” one history professor told BuzzFeed News, “then you’re acknowledging the weight of the problem and the failure of the response.”

    2020-09-27 10:08:59

    新冠,美国死亡人数 2020-09-26 209177 下周过21万

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 01:19:26新冠,美国失去20万人生命,为啥没有全国正式哀悼,默哀一分钟
    Buzzfeed:We Aren’t Nationally Mourning The 200,000 COVID-19 Victims Because If We Did It Would Be A Reckoning
    “If you actually recognize the horrific toll this is taking,” one history professor told BuzzFeed News, “then you’re acknowledging the weight of the problem and the failure of the response.”
    2020-09-27 10:08:59

    新冠,美国死亡人数 2020-09-26 209177 下周过21万

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-28 01:05:47不懂逻辑的人一个特征,就是喜欢用驴唇不对马嘴的类比[回 复]
  • 2020-09-27 21:57:58特朗普政府的新冠病毒成员安东尼·福西博士一再强调,所有证据表明该病毒不是人为的。
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Trump administration’s coronavirus point-person, has stressed repeatedly that all evidence indicates the virus was not man-made.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-27 21:43:58183612
    2020-09-27 18:13:23
    2020-09-27 14:32:04

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-27 21:14:34班农,黑手
    Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID
    The study goes against basically all scientific evidence and expert opinion. But it fits with the former Trump adviser’s anti-China posture.
    2020-09-27 21:02:00

    班农与欺诈公司有关,高价出售金条,诈骗美国老人1.85亿美元 DAILY BEAST:Steve Bannon’s Dodgy Nonprofit Teamed Up With Company Linked to Accused Gold Scammers Platinum Advertising, which worked for Bannon’s Citizens of the American Republic, tied to firm accused of defrauding seniors of $185 million.

    [回 复]
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