联储不动股市跌宕 英国变招汇率受压
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  • 2020-09-20 22:35:52雷虎:脚踢少林,拳打武当[回 复]
  • 2020-09-20 22:36:54那你是个成功人士啰,说说你有多成功呗
    2020-09-20 22:30:41


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  • 2020-09-20 22:37:55主要原因还是因为香港普遍人家里空间都比较小,有些小得可能内地很多人都想像不到。有些人家里连沙发都没有,衣柜要放客厅里的都有……而香港生活节奏快,普遍的人没有静心看书的习惯。所以,闷久了,疫情一稳定就满大街的人了。
    2020-09-20 21:53:05

    香港疫情没结束,人又跑出来。 香港人房子小,在家憋的难受, 到街上去了,街道也逼窄。 香港人对疫情已经自暴自弃了。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-20 22:43:42美国以联合国名义宣布重新对伊朗开启制裁。牛逼,曹操再世![回 复]
  • 2020-09-20 22:50:22一个无赖却又缺乏制约力量的美国,对全球可都不是好事。哪个国家心底会不恐惧呢?美国这么无赖,对我们国家争取日本欧盟的中立会有帮助……
    2020-09-20 22:43:42


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-20 22:53:57好熟悉套路
    ABC:AP source: Envelope addressed to White House contained ricin
    美国 officials have intercepted an envelope addressed to the White House that contained the poison ricin
    2020-09-20 14:15:43

    特朗普大选输了,不让位 纽约分析师:If Donald Trump loses the election – by any margin – does anyone see him actually conceding? Me neither. Biden may not be so fast to concede either, especially given the nature of a pandemic at the polls. The (mostly made up) controversy about mail-in ballots is sure to make this an election to remember. Contested elections have been rare in recent history, but not unheard of. How might the market react, before, during and after?

    2020-09-20 11:46:48

    特朗普希望共和党法官能宣布任何不给他连任的结果无效。 名利场:Trump Warns 2020 Election Will Be “the Scam of All Time” (Unless He Wins) He’s hoping Republican judges will invalidate any results that don’t give him a second term.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-20 22:57:25[cp]BIS 7月报告指出,2015年以来中国银行系统美元负债迅速上升,超过一万亿美元。这还仅仅是可以被观察到的部分。 ​​​[/cp]

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-20 23:03:53[cp]有‭‮个一‬‬商人到了一个山村,‭‮子村‬‬周围的‭‮上山‬‬全是猴子。商人就和‭‮子村‬‬种地的农民说,我买猴子,‭‮001‬‬元一只。村民不知是真是假,试着抓猴子,‭‮人商‬‬果然给了100元。于是全村的人都去抓猴子,‭‮比这‬‬种地合算得多了。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:00:31疫情,网上授课,开学了,美国笔记本电脑和平板电脑短缺,特别廉价电脑
    One reason, according to the Associated Press, is the Trump administration’s sanctions, issued in July, on Chinese companies that are believed to use forced labor. While the ban only applies to American companies selling products to the sanctioned Chinese companies, the New York Times said it was likely that American businesses would stop doing business with those Chinese companies entirely. In letters to educators, Lenovo blamed the sanctions for its backlog of 3 million Chromebooks. HP, on the other hand, told school systems that its shortage of 1.7 million laptops is due to pandemic-related production shortages of components made in China. (HP and Lenovo did not respond to requests for comment from Recode.)
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:06:56订单积压
    School districts from Bozeman, Montana, to Austin, Texas, have reported backlogs in orders of computers needed for their students to participate in remote learning.

    来自VOX:Lower-income students are paying the price for the global laptop shortage
    Students are going back to school — but they may not have everything they need to learn
    2020-09-21 00:00:31

    疫情,网上授课,开学了,美国笔记本电脑和平板电脑短缺,特别廉价电脑 中国因素 One reason, according to the Associated Press, is the Trump administration’s sanctions, issued in July, on Chinese companies that are believed to use forced labor. While the ban only applies to American companies selling products to the sanctioned Chinese companies, the New York Times said it was likely that American businesses would stop doing business with those Chinese companies entirely. In letters to educators, Lenovo blamed the sanctions for its backlog of 3 million Chromebooks. HP, on the other hand, told school systems that its shortage of 1.7 million laptops is due to pandemic-related production shortages of components made in China. (HP and Lenovo did not respond to requests for comment from Recode.)

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:11:31惠普,戴尔财报
    If nothing else, the historic demand for Chromebooks has been good for their manufacturers. HP’s most recent earnings report, issued Thursday, said about half of the company’s revenue came from notebook computer sales — a 30 percent revenue increase for notebooks year over year. Dell’s latest earnings report, also released on Thursday, said the company saw a double-digit growth in revenue from Chromebooks.
    2020-09-21 00:00:31

    疫情,网上授课,开学了,美国笔记本电脑和平板电脑短缺,特别廉价电脑 中国因素 One reason, according to the Associated Press, is the Trump administration’s sanctions, issued in July, on Chinese companies that are believed to use forced labor. While the ban only applies to American companies selling products to the sanctioned Chinese companies, the New York Times said it was likely that American businesses would stop doing business with those Chinese companies entirely. In letters to educators, Lenovo blamed the sanctions for its backlog of 3 million Chromebooks. HP, on the other hand, told school systems that its shortage of 1.7 million laptops is due to pandemic-related production shortages of components made in China. (HP and Lenovo did not respond to requests for comment from Recode.)

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:21:47配合这张图
    Part of the reason why is that China dominates the world export market for computer devices, as our new map makes clear.
    2020-09-21 00:00:31

    疫情,网上授课,开学了,美国笔记本电脑和平板电脑短缺,特别廉价电脑 中国因素 One reason, according to the Associated Press, is the Trump administration’s sanctions, issued in July, on Chinese companies that are believed to use forced labor. While the ban only applies to American companies selling products to the sanctioned Chinese companies, the New York Times said it was likely that American businesses would stop doing business with those Chinese companies entirely. In letters to educators, Lenovo blamed the sanctions for its backlog of 3 million Chromebooks. HP, on the other hand, told school systems that its shortage of 1.7 million laptops is due to pandemic-related production shortages of components made in China. (HP and Lenovo did not respond to requests for comment from Recode.)

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:31:08[cp]【央视:建立适度的做空机制对冲市场风险 是长牛慢牛的必要技术条件】央视财经评论称,“天山生物”的爆炒提醒我们,在深化资本市场改革的过程中,交易制度的进一步完善尤为重要,在加强上市公司监管以及投资者教育的同时,建立适度的做空机制,对冲市场风险,也是长牛慢牛的必要的技术条件。A股的市场化改革一步步向深度推进,中国资本市场也将在改革完善中走向成熟。[/cp]

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:33:19驸马爷如何让市场决定美国的新冠命运
    名利场:“That’s Their Problem”: How Jared Kushner Let the Markets Decide America’s COVID-19 Fate
    First-person accounts of a tense meeting at the White House in late March suggest that President Trump’s son-in-law resisted taking federal action to alleviate shortages and help Democratic-led New York. Instead, he enlisted a former roommate to lead a Consultant State to take on the Deep State, with results ranging from the Eastman Kodak fiasco to a mysterious deal to send ventilators to Russia. 
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:41:10在别国制裁下,至今没有解除

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  • 2020-09-21 00:51:06美国国防部报告,主要对手中国。
    2020-09-21 00:41:10

    在别国制裁下,至今没有解除 中国国防工业发展,有目共睹

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 00:54:10中国经济建设发展好不好,看老外反应。
    2020-09-21 00:51:06


    2020-09-21 00:41:10

    在别国制裁下,至今没有解除 中国国防工业发展,有目共睹

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 01:36:22打这货MOLAMOLA148脸

    星条旗:Trump says troops love him, attacks top brass ‘who want to do nothing but fight wars’
    “It's one of the reasons the military  — I'm not saying the military is in love with me; the soldiers are,” he said. “The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 01:50:02加州暂停特朗普微信WeChat禁令

    洛杉矶时报:Trump’s WeChat ban is on hold after judge grants preliminary injunction
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 05:31:31银行系统对美元债务与资产是匹配的,大约维持1%左右。中国银行美元债务较高,是由于美元存款较高,美元贷款较少,因为很多地方为外汇管理,换汇钞业务只能在中国银行。
    2020-09-20 22:57:25

    [cp]BIS 7月报告指出,2015年以来中国银行系统美元负债迅速上升,超过一万亿美元。这还仅仅是可以被观察到的部分。 ​​​[/cp] 借多点美元才好。万一哪天川普发神经,打我们美国国债的主意,就互相抵消算了……

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 05:36:11银行系统太笼统,下帖指四大行。空谷幽兰贴应该指政策性银行。
    2020-09-21 05:31:31

    银行系统对美元债务与资产是匹配的,大约维持1%左右。中国银行美元债务较高,是由于美元存款较高,美元贷款较少,因为很多地方为外汇管理,换汇钞业务只能在中国银行。 抵消是不可能的,这辈子都不可能。美元对你行是资产,对美是债务。联储如果购买你抛掉的债,必然发行美元,你资产就贬值了。结果就是,联储负债增加,你行资不抵债。

    2020-09-20 22:57:25

    [cp]BIS 7月报告指出,2015年以来中国银行系统美元负债迅速上升,超过一万亿美元。这还仅仅是可以被观察到的部分。 ​​​[/cp] 借多点美元才好。万一哪天川普发神经,打我们美国国债的主意,就互相抵消算了……

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 05:37:00同意[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 07:48:31而中印冲突就是美国需要利用的又一杠杆,既借此进一步拉拢印度,在中俄印合作中打入楔子,尤其是为了分解三国在“非西方、反西方”组织(金砖国家、上合组织、中俄印三边机制)内开展密切合作,并通过巩固“印太战略”以牵制中俄两国在欧亚地区的强势崛起以及对南亚和印度洋影响力的拓展,继续维持陆海力量均势。美国的这个意向,正是俄罗斯不希望看到的结果。[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 07:51:32夏们街头又旧了,........
    2020-09-21 07:48:31


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  • 2020-09-21 08:00:58巴统、瓦森纳
    2020-09-21 00:54:10


    2020-09-21 00:51:06


    2020-09-21 00:41:10

    在别国制裁下,至今没有解除 中国国防工业发展,有目共睹

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:03:20发个言老是发不出来为啥?[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:04:38「视王侯之位,如过隙尘。」  观察世间王侯将相的富贵地位,有如门缝灰尘般的微小,灰尘随风飘荡,所以王侯将相也是无常无我,善业力还在时,自己是王侯将相,得到别人的尊敬,但这不是常住的,等到善业结束,地位也随之消失,因此世间的荣华富贵有如空中的灰尘,不是安稳常住的。[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:06:46直接全流通,看看那帮龟孙子除了吃里扒外还能干啥。
    2020-09-21 00:31:08

    [cp]【央视:建立适度的做空机制对冲市场风险 是长牛慢牛的必要技术条件】央视财经评论称,“天山生物”的爆炒提醒我们,在深化资本市场改革的过程中,交易制度的进一步完善尤为重要,在加强上市公司监管以及投资者教育的同时,建立适度的做空机制,对冲市场风险,也是长牛慢牛的必要的技术条件。A股的市场化改革一步步向深度推进,中国资本市场也将在改革完善中走向成熟。[/cp] 做深做大金融市场已经成为国策。而单边做多风险太大,想要大力吸引外资,出于对冲风险的需要,做空必然会放开……所以,抱团必然崩溃,而低估必然崛起……

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:09:16日本的F15都掉零件了,需要更新了。美帝也是一半飞机到寿命了。

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  • 2020-09-21 08:12:57快讯!抗议活动继续,美国明尼苏达州国民警卫队:500多名士兵出动!
    2020-09-21 07:51:32


    2020-09-21 07:48:31


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  • 2020-09-21 08:14:092020年9月2日报道,华盛顿市长:美国领导层持续煽动暴力 国家恐陷入种族战争。
    2020-09-21 01:50:02

    加州暂停特朗普微信WeChat禁令 洛杉矶时报:Trump’s WeChat ban is on hold after judge grants preliminary injunction

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:16:09【财政部:1-8月累计全国证券交易印花税1427亿元 同比增长48.6%】财联社9月18日讯,财政部数据显示,1-8月累计,全国一般公共预算收入126768亿元,同比下降7.5%。印花税2271亿元,同比增长27.6%。其中,证券交易印花税1427亿元,同比增长48.6%。 ps:恭喜发财,万税万税万万税。 ​​​

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:29:07国金证券以及国联证券合并拉开券商重组的序幕,那么除了市场预期很大的中信证券以及中信建投证券合并以外,还有哪些券商也有合并预期,请说明有这种预期的原因?$中信证券(SH600030)$ $东方财富(SZ300059)$ $国金证券(SH600109)$
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:30:55有“国家队”在,谁敢做空?就算有天大的本事,也斗不过上帝之手。
    2020-09-21 00:31:08

    [cp]【央视:建立适度的做空机制对冲市场风险 是长牛慢牛的必要技术条件】央视财经评论称,“天山生物”的爆炒提醒我们,在深化资本市场改革的过程中,交易制度的进一步完善尤为重要,在加强上市公司监管以及投资者教育的同时,建立适度的做空机制,对冲市场风险,也是长牛慢牛的必要的技术条件。A股的市场化改革一步步向深度推进,中国资本市场也将在改革完善中走向成熟。[/cp] 做深做大金融市场已经成为国策。而单边做多风险太大,想要大力吸引外资,出于对冲风险的需要,做空必然会放开……所以,抱团必然崩溃,而低估必然崛起……

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 08:55:59上帝捏死苏联不费力。
    2020-09-21 08:30:55


    2020-09-21 00:31:08

    [cp]【央视:建立适度的做空机制对冲市场风险 是长牛慢牛的必要技术条件】央视财经评论称,“天山生物”的爆炒提醒我们,在深化资本市场改革的过程中,交易制度的进一步完善尤为重要,在加强上市公司监管以及投资者教育的同时,建立适度的做空机制,对冲市场风险,也是长牛慢牛的必要的技术条件。A股的市场化改革一步步向深度推进,中国资本市场也将在改革完善中走向成熟。[/cp] 做深做大金融市场已经成为国策。而单边做多风险太大,想要大力吸引外资,出于对冲风险的需要,做空必然会放开……所以,抱团必然崩溃,而低估必然崛起……

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 10:01:18湖南投资[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 10:19:32今天下午要去行骗,会见佛山陶瓷行业的10个大老板,不知那位同学有这行业的问题,可以帮助现场问提问一下。[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 10:38:58【英测试两款新冠疫苗吸入式给药效果】据英国帝国理工学院官网近日消息,该校研究人员主导的团队将开展一项临床试验,以验证通过向呼吸道喷射的方式使用新冠疫苗的效果。他们表示,通过探索其他递送方法和靶点,有望加速有效新冠疫苗的研发进度。

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  • 2020-09-21 11:34:59用爱发电早就称霸宇宙[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:08:41等着看,特朗普的微信WeChat禁令取消。

    2020-09-21 08:14:09

    2020年9月2日报道,华盛顿市长:美国领导层持续煽动暴力 国家恐陷入种族战争。

    2020-09-21 01:50:02

    加州暂停特朗普微信WeChat禁令 洛杉矶时报:Trump’s WeChat ban is on hold after judge grants preliminary injunction

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:12:17给特朗普寄含蓖麻毒素信的嫌犯被捕
    国会山:Authorities arrest woman suspected of sending Trump letter containing poison
    2020-09-20 22:53:57

    好熟悉套路 寄给特朗普的包裹中发现蓖麻毒素 ABC:AP source: Envelope addressed to White House contained ricin 美国 officials have intercepted an envelope addressed to the White House that contained the poison ricin

    2020-09-20 14:15:43

    特朗普大选输了,不让位 纽约分析师:If Donald Trump loses the election – by any margin – does anyone see him actually conceding? Me neither. Biden may not be so fast to concede either, especially given the nature of a pandemic at the polls. The (mostly made up) controversy about mail-in ballots is sure to make this an election to remember. Contested elections have been rare in recent history, but not unheard of. How might the market react, before, during and after?

    2020-09-20 11:46:48

    特朗普希望共和党法官能宣布任何不给他连任的结果无效。 名利场:Trump Warns 2020 Election Will Be “the Scam of All Time” (Unless He Wins) He’s hoping Republican judges will invalidate any results that don’t give him a second term.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:18:10从加拿大寄毒,还从加拿大入境美国,居然还携带武器
    2020-09-21 14:12:17

    给特朗普寄含蓖麻毒素信的嫌犯被捕 国会山:Authorities arrest woman suspected of sending Trump letter containing poison

    2020-09-20 22:53:57

    好熟悉套路 寄给特朗普的包裹中发现蓖麻毒素 ABC:AP source: Envelope addressed to White House contained ricin 美国 officials have intercepted an envelope addressed to the White House that contained the poison ricin

    2020-09-20 14:15:43

    特朗普大选输了,不让位 纽约分析师:If Donald Trump loses the election – by any margin – does anyone see him actually conceding? Me neither. Biden may not be so fast to concede either, especially given the nature of a pandemic at the polls. The (mostly made up) controversy about mail-in ballots is sure to make this an election to remember. Contested elections have been rare in recent history, but not unheard of. How might the market react, before, during and after?

    2020-09-20 11:46:48

    特朗普希望共和党法官能宣布任何不给他连任的结果无效。 名利场:Trump Warns 2020 Election Will Be “the Scam of All Time” (Unless He Wins) He’s hoping Republican judges will invalidate any results that don’t give him a second term.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:21:39无论川普会否送上跟中国有关的“十月惊吓”,国会山对中国的关注及对中美关系的影响未来数年都将持续扩大,杀机四伏下的长远震撼或远超川普的即兴出牌……
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:26:17字节跳动、甲骨文、沃尔玛将分别拥有新公司TikTok Global的80%、12.5%、7.5%股权。
    2020-09-21 14:21:39


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:32:48美国先把4G网络建好,再谈5G吧
    国会山:The US needs a broadband reboot
    Now more than ever, access to reliable and affordable broadband is a necessity of daily life. But throughout the country, there are millions of households without a dependable connection. That means there are millions of children who won’t have access to their online classrooms and resources. There are millions of elderly individuals who will have to go to a physical location, potentially putting themselves in danger, because they aren’t able to access a virtual doctor’s appointment. There are millions more who will lose out on job opportunities because of a lack of connection. 
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  • 2020-09-21 14:35:49美国在宽带互联网连接方面落后于世界的部分原因在于缺乏竞争和足够的覆盖。和许多美国人一样,我亲眼目睹了这个问题的后果
    Part of the reason why the United States is falling behind the world on broadband internet connectivity is a lack of competition and adequate coverage. Like many Americans, I have witnessed the consequences of that problem firsthand. I moved my 90-year-old parents out of New York City when the pandemic worsened in March, and from the woods of upstate New York I began to experience what people across the country have dealt with when my virtual world became pixelated, slowed and frozen. 
    2020-09-21 14:32:48

    美国先把4G网络建好,再谈5G吧 美国需要村村通宽带 国会山:The US needs a broadband reboot Now more than ever, access to reliable and affordable broadband is a necessity of daily life. But throughout the country, there are millions of households without a dependable connection. That means there are millions of children who won’t have access to their online classrooms and resources. There are millions of elderly individuals who will have to go to a physical location, potentially putting themselves in danger, because they aren’t able to access a virtual doctor’s appointment. There are millions more who will lose out on job opportunities because of a lack of connection. 

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  • 2020-09-21 14:37:20So what ! 旧金山地区法院否决国家大统领,一个小小法官签个名就成有力的法律文件直接把国家领导人打趴下,这点美帝真TM牛叉
    2020-09-21 14:08:41

    等着看,特朗普的微信WeChat禁令取消。 特朗普滥用权利。

    2020-09-21 08:14:09

    2020年9月2日报道,华盛顿市长:美国领导层持续煽动暴力 国家恐陷入种族战争。

    2020-09-21 01:50:02

    加州暂停特朗普微信WeChat禁令 洛杉矶时报:Trump’s WeChat ban is on hold after judge grants preliminary injunction

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  • 2020-09-21 14:38:04拜登会唔会系演戏迷惑川川,照数计民主党无理由咁失策。睇过几个视频,拜登真系好搞笑[回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:39:21张一呜這一"跪“多值钱,男兒膝下有黄金
    2020-09-21 14:26:17

    字节跳动、甲骨文、沃尔玛将分别拥有新公司TikTok Global的80%、12.5%、7.5%股权。 甲骨文和沃尔玛总共投资125亿美元 这样TikTok的市值比以前500亿美元还多,达到625亿美元 #TikTok开启IPO融资

    2020-09-21 14:21:39


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-21 14:40:08powong1
    2020-09-21 14:37:20
    So what ! 旧金山地区法院否决国家大统领,一个小小法官签个名就成有力的法律文件直接把国家领导人打趴下,这点美帝真TM牛叉
    2020-09-21 14:08:41

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