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  • 2020-09-23 00:26:02中国家庭储蓄
    China: According to BCA Research, “Chinese households have added a total of 8.3 trillion yuan to their bank deposits so far this year, or about 8% of China’s 2019 national output.”
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 00:30:54经合组织(OECD )公布的二季度全球主要经济体GDP数据
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 00:32:489月24日,富时将宣布中国政府债券是否会加入世界政府债券指数(WGBI)。
    This Thursday, September 24th, FTSE will announce whether Chinese government bonds will be added to the World Government Bond Index (WGBI). There are several premier fixed income benchmarks, including the Bloomberg Barclays Global and US Aggregate indexes, the JP Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index, and the World Government Bond Index (WGBI)
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 01:28:09美国冰箱,洗碗机、烘干机、除湿机,微波炉等短缺
    npr:Shortage Of New Refrigerators Leaves Appliance Shoppers Out In The Cold
    Shortages have hit all kinds of major appliances: dishwashers, dryers, dehumidifiers, even some of the microwaves. That's because the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into both their supply and demand.
    Spikes in coronavirus cases swept through major hubs for shipping and manufacturing of appliances and parts: China, the 美国, Mexico. Many factories had to close or allow fewer people inside, slowing down production.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:12:16根据全球 CEO 的预测,对中国经济最乐观,V型U型复苏
    Shapes of Recovery: When Will the Global Economy Bounce Back?
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:15:18美国可能L型和W型复苏。
    2020-09-23 11:12:16

    根据全球 CEO 的预测,对中国经济最乐观,V型U型复苏 Shapes of Recovery: When Will the Global Economy Bounce Back?

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:20:00到年底,中国出口不会差的。
    2020-09-23 01:28:09

    美国冰箱,洗碗机、烘干机、除湿机,微波炉等短缺 npr:Shortage Of New Refrigerators Leaves Appliance Shoppers Out In The Cold Shortages have hit all kinds of major appliances: dishwashers, dryers, dehumidifiers, even some of the microwaves. That's because the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into both their supply and demand. Spikes in coronavirus cases swept through major hubs for shipping and manufacturing of appliances and parts: China, the 美国, Mexico. Many factories had to close or allow fewer people inside, slowing down production.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:25:44什么工程啊?豆腐渣工程?
    ProPublica:Un nuevo informe de ingeniería encuentra que se derrumbará el muro fronterizo financiado con fondos privados
    No cabe duda de que la valla fronteriza construida con fondos privados sobre la ribera del Río Bravo se va a derrumbar. La cuestión es cuándo. Ésa es la conclusión de un nuevo informe técnico sobre el proyecto presentado ante un tribunal federal la semana pasada.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:44:03为了避免政府关门,美国众议院通过法案
    国会山:House passes bill to avert shutdown
    Trump announced last week during a rally in Wisconsin that his administration would make an additional $13 billion available to help farmers recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump administration has previously allotted billions in aid for farmers — a key rural voter constituency for his reelection hopes — to soften the impact of the president's trade wars with China.
    Democrats, meanwhile, opposed including the CCC funding in the stopgap spending bill and argued that it amounts to a "political slush fund" to help Trump mitigate the effects of his trade policies.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:47:49第一轮救助方案之后,第二轮由于各种各样的原因无法推出,给美国经济构成巨大的不确定性。美国的消费尽管从一个极端情况有所反弹,但接下来的路很难走,由于消费者的资产负债表转差,接下来的月度统计数字也会变差。

    United States: There has been a substantial increase in households that “sometimes or often” go hungry.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 11:50:42付不起账单增加
    Many can’t cover basic expenses.
    2020-09-23 11:47:49

    第一轮救助方案之后,第二轮由于各种各样的原因无法推出,给美国经济构成巨大的不确定性。美国的消费尽管从一个极端情况有所反弹,但接下来的路很难走,由于消费者的资产负债表转差,接下来的月度统计数字也会变差。 美国挨饿家庭增加 United States: There has been a substantial increase in households that “sometimes or often” go hungry.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 12:26:37北半球
    CNBC: As of Monday, new cases were growing by 5% or more, based on a weekly average to smooth out the reporting, in 29 states and Washington D.C., according to a CNBC analysis of data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Nationwide, daily coronavirus cases have grown nearly 20% compared with a week ago, moving above 43,300 new cases on average. 
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 12:30:29北半球
    CNBC:Cases grow in more than half of 美国 states, JHU data shows
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 15:40:51正常,后面长假8天

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 15:49:57脑洞大开
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 15:55:08美国大选,特朗普参与,精彩纷呈
    国会山:If Biden wins? Peaceful transition of power is not a given
    2020-09-23 15:49:57

    脑洞大开 福布斯:特朗普威胁要签署行政命令来防止拜登当选总统 拜登吸毒,要药检

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 15:59:39近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    双良节能 53.47%
    起步股份 46.49%
    博晖创新 40.66%
    东方中科 33.10%
    湖南投资 32.79%
    赛升药业 32.62%
    新余国科 32.45%
    利通电子 29.36%
    国元证券 29.06%
    安达维尔 28.28%
    金固股份 26.60%
    建科院 26.48%
    科创信息 25.84%
    广信材料 25.05%
    熙菱信息 25.00%
    朗玛信息 24.15%
    江龙船艇 22.77%
    青岛中程 21.70%
    盐田港 21.55%
    鞍重股份 20.62%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 21:44:56昨天,4个科创板50 ETF,抢购一空。
    2020-09-23 16:28:24


    2020-09-23 15:40:51

    正常,后面长假8天 外围不确定因素

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 22:03:04第一轮救助方案之后,第二轮由于各种各样的原因无法推出,给美国经济构成巨大的不确定性。美国的消费尽管从一个极端情况有所反弹,但接下来的路很难走,由于消费者的资产负债表转差,接下来的月度统计数字也会变差。

    The result will be a substantial boost to consumption (chart below) and GDP growth.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 22:03:49救助对消费和GDP影响
    The result will be a substantial boost to consumption (chart below) and GDP growth.
    2020-09-23 22:03:04

    第一轮救助方案之后,第二轮由于各种各样的原因无法推出,给美国经济构成巨大的不确定性。美国的消费尽管从一个极端情况有所反弹,但接下来的路很难走,由于消费者的资产负债表转差,接下来的月度统计数字也会变差。 救助对消费和GDP影响 The result will be a substantial boost to consumption (chart below) and GDP growth.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-23 22:36:00成长股看PE?

    2020-09-23 22:21:33


    2020-09-23 22:15:48


    2020-09-23 21:44:56

    昨天,4个科创板50 ETF,抢购一空。

    2020-09-23 16:28:24


    2020-09-23 15:40:51

    正常,后面长假8天 外围不确定因素

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 01:01:18耐克在中国销售增6%。

    Nike’s geographic revenue percent changes year over year: North America -2%, Europe/Middle East/Africa +5%, China +6%, Asia Pac/Latin America -18%.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 01:06:16波士顿咨询集团新兴市场消费者调查。中国、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚和巴西
    Boston Consulting Group recently released a very interesting survey of emerging markets consumers. A key takeaway across China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil was that consumers currently prefer “cocooning,” i.e. staying at home, over “going out” activities. Emphasis has been on Work From Home, but it appears that there is more to it. Another insight was the pickup in first-time users of e-commerce, e-learning, on-demand video, and mobile payments. We have spoken to the divergence as China’s e-commerce sales have seen a nice rebound while brick-and-mortar stores have come back much slower. It is very clear from the BCG data that the divergence has continued as the habits formed in quarantine are sticking. While China was the first in and first out with regard to coronavirus, there is an interesting lesson for investors to take note of here. It appears that restaurants, stores and traveling may not come back fully until a cure or vaccine is available.   
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 01:49:48波士顿咨询集团新兴市场消费者调查。中国、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚和巴西
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 10:38:15特朗普说,如果我输了大选,不会离开白宫
    国会山:Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transition of power
    President Trump on Wednesday refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power should he lose the election in November, saying he needs to “see what happens," sowing doubt about the security of mail-in ballots.
    2020-09-23 15:55:08

    美国大选,特朗普参与,精彩纷呈 如果拜登赢了大选,权力会不会和平过渡? 国会山:If Biden wins? Peaceful transition of power is not a given

    2020-09-23 15:49:57

    脑洞大开 福布斯:特朗普威胁要签署行政命令来防止拜登当选总统 拜登吸毒,要药检

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 10:45:49没有华为,美国宽带基础设施建设,贵
    根据 皮尤研究,34%的非裔美国人和39%的西班牙人在家里没有宽带。
    联邦通信委员会 估计 1900万美国人(占人口的6%)仍然缺乏以阈值速度获得固定宽带服务的机会。
    国会山:Bipartisan lawmakers call for broadband expansion to eliminate inequities
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 10:49:44降低宽带最后一‎‎英里的成本
    “If we had the strategies that could bring the best of the public sector’s assets and the private sector’s creativity to lower the cost of the last mile of broadband,” he said at the event sponsored by Nokia, Qualcomm and Philip Morris International. “It would deflate some of the political debate about how much to subsidize, for whom and in what circumstance.”
    2020-09-24 10:45:49

    没有华为,美国宽带基础设施建设,贵 根据 皮尤研究,34%的非裔美国人和39%的西班牙人在家里没有宽带。 联邦通信委员会 估计 1900万美国人(占人口的6%)仍然缺乏以阈值速度获得固定宽带服务的机会。 美国前首席技术官阿内什•乔普拉(AneeshCho普拉)强调,宽带基础设施的成本昂贵,但可以实现。 国会山:Bipartisan lawmakers call for broadband expansion to eliminate inequities

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 11:07:53MOLAMOLA149
    2020-09-24 10:31:58

    "两次衰退的故事": 随着富有的美国人越来越富有, 穷人挣扎
    政治:‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles
    The trend is on track to exacerbate dramatic wealth and income gaps in the 美国, where divides are already wider than any other nation in the G-7.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 11:11:57美股创新高,而失业率8.4%
    The result is a splintered economic picture characterized by high highs — the stock market has hit record levels — and incongruous low lows: Nearly 30 million Americans are receiving unemployment benefits, and the jobless rate stands at 8.4 percent. And that dichotomy, economists fear, could obscure the need for an additional economic stimulus that most say is sorely needed.
    2020-09-24 11:07:53

    MOLAMOLA149 2020-09-24 10:31:58 彭博社报导,据美联储(Fed)周一(21)公布的报告显示,美国家庭净资产在第二季度增加了7.6万亿美元,增幅为6.8%,达到119万亿美元;超过2019年第四季的118.5万亿美元,反映家庭净资产已恢复到疫情前水平。 哈哈哈!!! 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 "两次衰退的故事": 随着富有的美国人越来越富有, 穷人挣扎 两极分化,在G7国家中最差 政治:‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles The trend is on track to exacerbate dramatic wealth and income gaps in the 美国, where divides are already wider than any other nation in the G-7.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 11:25:37股市中备受吹捧的上涨只帮助了最富有的10%左右的家庭,因为大多数家庭都很少或没有股票。
    Highly touted gains in the stock market, meanwhile, help only the wealthiest 10 percent or so of households, as most others own little or no stock.
    The disconnect between the stock market and the broader economy has been stark. On the same day in late August that MGM Resorts announced it would be laying off a quarter of its workforce, throwing some 18,000 workers into unemployment, its stock price jumped more than 6 percent, reaching its highest closing price since the start of March.
    2020-09-24 11:07:53

    MOLAMOLA149 2020-09-24 10:31:58 彭博社报导,据美联储(Fed)周一(21)公布的报告显示,美国家庭净资产在第二季度增加了7.6万亿美元,增幅为6.8%,达到119万亿美元;超过2019年第四季的118.5万亿美元,反映家庭净资产已恢复到疫情前水平。 哈哈哈!!! 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 "两次衰退的故事": 随着富有的美国人越来越富有, 穷人挣扎 两极分化,在G7国家中最差 政治:‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles The trend is on track to exacerbate dramatic wealth and income gaps in the 美国, where divides are already wider than any other nation in the G-7.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 15:05:52科创50指数基金ETF,与上证50ETF一样,并市场共存

    2020-09-24 11:55:48


    2020-09-24 11:49:53

    成长股看 PEG

    2020-09-23 22:36:00

    成长股看PE? 另外销售4只科创50ETF,封闭1个月建仓。

    2020-09-23 22:21:33


    2020-09-23 22:15:48


    2020-09-23 21:44:56

    昨天,4个科创板50 ETF,抢购一空。

    2020-09-23 16:28:24


    2020-09-23 15:40:51

    正常,后面长假8天 外围不确定因素

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 15:10:03科创板,门槛高

    2020-09-24 15:05:52

    科创50指数基金ETF,与上证50ETF一样,并市场共存 过一个月,二级市场可交易

    2020-09-24 11:55:48


    2020-09-24 11:49:53

    成长股看 PEG

    2020-09-23 22:36:00

    成长股看PE? 另外销售4只科创50ETF,封闭1个月建仓。

    2020-09-23 22:21:33


    2020-09-23 22:15:48


    2020-09-23 21:44:56

    昨天,4个科创板50 ETF,抢购一空。

    2020-09-23 16:28:24


    2020-09-23 15:40:51

    正常,后面长假8天 外围不确定因素

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 15:31:57本世纪初,小布什与戈尔
    2020-09-24 11:36:09


    2020-09-24 10:38:15

    特朗普说,如果我输了大选,不会离开白宫 国会山:Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transition of power President Trump on Wednesday refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power should he lose the election in November, saying he needs to “see what happens," sowing doubt about the security of mail-in ballots.

    2020-09-23 15:55:08

    美国大选,特朗普参与,精彩纷呈 如果拜登赢了大选,权力会不会和平过渡? 国会山:If Biden wins? Peaceful transition of power is not a given

    2020-09-23 15:49:57

    脑洞大开 福布斯:特朗普威胁要签署行政命令来防止拜登当选总统 拜登吸毒,要药检

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 15:43:43近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    东方中科 46.41%
    正川股份 40.92%
    双良节能 37.44%
    博晖创新 31.65%
    万方发展 30.14%
    青岛中程 29.63%
    熙菱信息 28.79%
    国元证券 28.35%
    安达维尔 23.89%
    建科院 23.03%
    科创信息 22.30%
    湖南投资 22.30%
    盐田港 21.78%
    英特集团 21.61%
    起步股份 19.83%
    赛升药业 19.39%
    西藏药业 18.85%
    海汽集团 18.73%
    冠城大通 18.55%
    汉鼎宇佑 18.03%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 15:48:54近11个交易日A股跌幅前20只股票
    天银机电 -24.27%
    弘宇股份 -24.53%
    天邑股份 -24.85%
    路畅科技 -25.25%
    恒泰艾普 -28.23%
    渤海股份 -28.44%
    汉邦高科 -28.61%
    我乐家居 -28.75%
    祥和实业 -30.07%
    安妮股份 -30.10%
    合金投资 -30.93%
    金利华电 -31.04%
    ST网力 -31.04%
    天山生物 -31.48%
    古鳌科技 -34.36%
    长方集团 -35.90%
    东宝生物 -36.45%
    银邦股份 -37.27%
    万里股份 -38.22%
    暴风退 -59.46%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 23:09:50绝望
    mpr:'Desperation And Fear' For Millions With Congress Deadlocked Over Pandemic Assistance
    Gonzalez doesn't understand why Congress hasn't approved more help yet. "I wasn't surprised that the government wasn't there for us when we needed it," he says. "But what the difference was is that it's so big and it affects so many people that it's to a point where when people can't spend money, it's affecting the economy. And so I was really surprised that they didn't act because of that."
    2020-09-24 11:07:53

    MOLAMOLA149 2020-09-24 10:31:58 彭博社报导,据美联储(Fed)周一(21)公布的报告显示,美国家庭净资产在第二季度增加了7.6万亿美元,增幅为6.8%,达到119万亿美元;超过2019年第四季的118.5万亿美元,反映家庭净资产已恢复到疫情前水平。 哈哈哈!!! 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 "两次衰退的故事": 随着富有的美国人越来越富有, 穷人挣扎 两极分化,在G7国家中最差 政治:‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles The trend is on track to exacerbate dramatic wealth and income gaps in the 美国, where divides are already wider than any other nation in the G-7.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 23:12:01特朗普联合国发言,就知道了
    2020-09-24 22:18:33

    这个病毒到底哪里先出来的还没有定论吧? 149快变369了

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 23:18:18Twitter, which has a strict policy on tweets containing disputed claims about COVID-19, suspended Yan's account this week.[回 复]
  • 2020-09-24 23:53:34美国哑铃短缺,涨价
    VOX:The extremely profitable (and ethically murky) business of reselling dumbbells
    Dumbbells are impossibly expensive right now, thanks in large part to resellers taking advantage of a shortage.
    Understanding the lucrative dumbbell resale market means understanding the shortage. The pandemic resulted in gym shutdowns across the country in March. With their fitness plans in limbo, people started ordering weights from retailers, which burned through their inventory and placed orders that most likely went through China (according to my sources, the country accounts for 95 percent of cast-iron weights). At the same time, China’s winter and spring lockdowns gummed up the supply chain. Retailers’ stock remains sporadic, sometimes taking months to ship.
    2020-09-23 01:28:09

    美国冰箱,洗碗机、烘干机、除湿机,微波炉等短缺 npr:Shortage Of New Refrigerators Leaves Appliance Shoppers Out In The Cold Shortages have hit all kinds of major appliances: dishwashers, dryers, dehumidifiers, even some of the microwaves. That's because the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into both their supply and demand. Spikes in coronavirus cases swept through major hubs for shipping and manufacturing of appliances and parts: China, the 美国, Mexico. Many factories had to close or allow fewer people inside, slowing down production.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 00:05:32特朗普将接受最高法院的裁决
    国会山:Trump says he would accept Supreme Court election ruling after declining to commit to peaceful transfer
    2020-09-24 11:36:09


    2020-09-24 10:38:15

    特朗普说,如果我输了大选,不会离开白宫 国会山:Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transition of power President Trump on Wednesday refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power should he lose the election in November, saying he needs to “see what happens," sowing doubt about the security of mail-in ballots.

    2020-09-23 15:55:08

    美国大选,特朗普参与,精彩纷呈 如果拜登赢了大选,权力会不会和平过渡? 国会山:If Biden wins? Peaceful transition of power is not a given

    2020-09-23 15:49:57

    脑洞大开 福布斯:特朗普威胁要签署行政命令来防止拜登当选总统 拜登吸毒,要药检

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 00:19:35美国财长说,他和佩洛西已同意重启冠状病毒刺激谈判
    Mnuchin says he and Pelosi have agreed to restart coronavirus stimulus talks
    Pelosi hopeful COVID-19 relief talks resume 'soon'
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 01:50:07特朗普贸易战,加关税

    洛杉矶时报:Tesla sues to block Trump tariffs on trade with China
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 01:53:05现在看特朗普加关税,绝大多数是美国企业付的。

    2020-09-25 01:50:07

    特朗普贸易战,加关税 特斯拉向纽约美国国际贸易法院提起诉讼,要求下令宣布特朗普关税为非法,并退还其已经支付的金额,并支付利息。 洛杉矶时报:Tesla sues to block Trump tariffs on trade with China

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 01:56:04TikTok 要求法官阻止 9 月 27 日特朗普禁令

    THE VERGE:TikTok asks judge to block September 27th Trump ban
    TikTok says it’s made ‘extraordinary efforts’ to address security concerns
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 10:16:21法官说,特朗普政府要么推迟禁止美国应用商店提供TikTok下载,要么在周五之前提交证据,为这项决定辩护。
    Judge says 美国 must defend or delay TikTok app store ban by Friday
    A 美国 judge said Thursday the Trump administration must either delay a ban on 美国 app stores offering TikTok for download or file legal papers defending the decision by Friday.
    2020-09-25 01:56:04

    TikTok 要求法官阻止 9 月 27 日特朗普禁令 THE VERGE:TikTok asks judge to block September 27th Trump ban TikTok says it’s made ‘extraordinary efforts’ to address security concerns

    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 10:21:34短期最大风险,长假国内休市,510900
    2020-09-25 09:00:41


    2020-09-24 21:11:05


    2020-09-24 20:47:23


    2020-09-24 11:54:14


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 10:45:49这几天沪股通深股通,北向资金流出
    2020-09-23 15:40:51

    正常,后面长假8天 外围不确定因素

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 15:21:47204014,逆回购,高位

    2020-09-23 15:40:51

    正常,后面长假8天 外围不确定因素

    2020-09-23 15:20:47

    两市成交量只有6600亿 是7月份高峰时期一半不到

    2020-09-23 14:24:47


    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 15:26:47近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    新余国科 48.12%
    江龙船艇 42.97%
    正川股份 38.30%
    青岛中程 33.47%
    博晖创新 33.36%
    安达维尔 31.56%
    锋龙股份 29.31%
    科创信息 26.33%
    英特集团 25.63%
    赛升药业 23.42%
    广哈通信 20.27%
    东方中科 19.78%
    全信股份 19.19%
    金力泰 14.61%
    金海环境 14.45%
    智飞生物 14.11%
    通光线缆 13.90%
    国元证券 13.74%
    星期六 13.46%
    楚天科技 13.43%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-09-25 15:28:05超跌,比较好玩

    2020-09-25 15:26:47

    近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票 新余国科 48.12% 江龙船艇 42.97% 正川股份 38.30% 青岛中程 33.47% 博晖创新 33.36% 安达维尔 31.56% 锋龙股份 29.31% 科创信息 26.33% 英特集团 25.63% 赛升药业 23.42% 广哈通信 20.27% 东方中科 19.78% 全信股份 19.19% 金力泰 14.61% 金海环境 14.45% 智飞生物 14.11% 通光线缆 13.90% 国元证券 13.74% 星期六 13.46% 楚天科技 13.43%

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