欧盟发债开新局 美国解禁舒旧困
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  • 2020-06-03 00:19:50新冠,美国死亡人数过10.5万,6月上旬死亡人数达11万,没有什么悬念了。
    2020-06-02 23:45:07

    周一美国有超过21,000人被诊断患有COVID-19。 从5月25日到5月27日,美国平均每天报告约18,600例COVID-19新发病例 从5月28日到6月1日,这一数字已增加到每天平均约22,500例新发病例。 ABC:US reports over 21,000 new cases amid mass protests

    2020-05-31 14:59:15

    抗议活动是否戴口罩? 新冠,美国死亡人数过10.3万

    2020-05-31 12:16:21


    2020-05-31 12:13:27

    火灾。催泪弹。橡皮子弹这就是现在美国各地正在发生的事情 CNN Live updates:Fires. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. This is what's happening across America now.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 00:39:03观察14天
    Mass protests could lead to a second wave of coronavirus infections
    Did you protest this weekend? Get a COVID-19 test.
    Smoke, tear gas and pepper spray cause coughing, Osterholm explained, and coughing aerosolizes the virus, increasing the risk that it will spread.
    2020-06-02 23:45:07

    周一美国有超过21,000人被诊断患有COVID-19。 从5月25日到5月27日,美国平均每天报告约18,600例COVID-19新发病例 从5月28日到6月1日,这一数字已增加到每天平均约22,500例新发病例。 ABC:US reports over 21,000 new cases amid mass protests

    2020-05-31 14:59:15

    抗议活动是否戴口罩? 新冠,美国死亡人数过10.3万

    2020-05-31 12:16:21


    2020-05-31 12:13:27

    火灾。催泪弹。橡皮子弹这就是现在美国各地正在发生的事情 CNN Live updates:Fires. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. This is what's happening across America now.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 00:45:28陶华碧,地摊 老干妈

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  • 2020-06-03 01:00:59欧盟不给特朗普面子
    EU says Russia should not yet rejoin G7, despite Trump plan
    2020-05-31 10:26:42

    德国总理默克尔不给特朗普面子,拒绝参加6月底在华盛顿举行G7峰会 特朗普不得不改变主意 特朗普再次推迟七国集团会议(9月),计划再邀请四个国家 特朗普总统说,他将邀请澳大利亚、印度、俄罗斯和韩国参加9月份的扩大峰会。 Trump postpones G-7 meeting again, plans to invite four more countries The president said he would invite Australia, India, Russia and South Korea for an enlarged summit in September.

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  • 2020-06-03 02:16:03纽约也有摆地摊,但要有申请“办照”

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  • 2020-06-03 02:34:28纽约地铁大而不能倒,联邦政府救济
    名利场:“The MTA Is Too Big to Fail”: How Coronavirus Is Reshaping New York’s Public Transit
    MTA chief Sarah Feinberg is desperately attempting to keep 51,000 employees safe and in work, with little help from the federal government. Ultimately, though, “I just don’t think it’s an option for the MTA to go bankrupt.”
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 02:40:59纽约商店洗劫一空
    A looted souvenir shop is seen after a night of protest over the death of George Floyd, June 2, 2020 in New York City. New York's mayor Bill de Blasio yesterday declared a city curfew from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am, as sometimes violent protests roil communities nationwide
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  • 2020-06-03 08:52:01问责制
    Cuomo blasts de Blasio: 'The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night'
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  • 2020-06-03 09:03:07纽约世界领先

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  • 2020-06-03 11:32:55美国死亡人数过10.6万。
    2020-06-03 10:23:35


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  • 2020-06-03 11:46:11"它螺旋式失控":面对失败的总统任期,特朗普玩弄政治与抗议
    “It’s Spiraling Out of Control”: Confronting a Failed Presidency, Trump Plays Politics With the Protests
    Teargassing protesters for a photo op, afraid to say anything that will make him look weak, Trump once again feels victimized. “He feels the blue-state governors are letting it burn because it hurts him.”
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 11:48:06特朗普躲进防空洞
    Trump’s sense of victimhood, and his view that the crisis ignited by George Floyd’s gruesome death is largely a political problem, have resulted in a shambolic White House response, veering from Trump’s retreat to the bunker as the protests neared the White House to the culmination of police using teargas on peaceful protestors so that he could walk through a park to stage a photo op in front of St. John’s Church. “He’s paralyzed,” a former West Wing official told me.
    2020-06-03 11:46:11

    "它螺旋式失控":面对失败的总统任期,特朗普玩弄政治与抗议 催泪瓦斯的抗议者拍照,不敢说什么,这将使他看起来软弱,特朗普再次感到受害。"他觉得蓝州州长让它燃烧,因为它伤害了他。 “It’s Spiraling Out of Control”: Confronting a Failed Presidency, Trump Plays Politics With the Protests Teargassing protesters for a photo op, afraid to say anything that will make him look weak, Trump once again feels victimized. “He feels the blue-state governors are letting it burn because it hurts him.”

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 11:54:24"愤怒":特朗普因清除抗议者、威胁使用武力而面临谴责
    ‘Outraged’: Trump faces condemnation for clearing protesters, threatening military force
    Meanwhile, local and state leaders objected to the commander in chief’s push to deploy troops to their communities.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 12:00:04国防部长马克·埃斯珀 周二说,他不知道前一天晚上驱散一群抗议者的计划 特朗普总统 穿过该地区,在圣约翰圣公会教堂前摆姿势拍照。
    Esper says he didn't know about plan to disperse protesters
    2020-06-03 11:54:24

    "愤怒":特朗普因清除抗议者、威胁使用武力而面临谴责 与此同时,地方和州领导人反对总司令向社区部署部队。 唐纳德·特朗普总统在促使对显然和平的抗议者进行暴力入侵数小时后,面临猛烈的批评,以举办政治拍照机会——周二,地方和州行政官员、国会议员、信仰领袖甚至外国政府对在趋同的国家危机中展示的异常武力进行了谴责。 ‘Outraged’: Trump faces condemnation for clearing protesters, threatening military force Meanwhile, local and state leaders objected to the commander in chief’s push to deploy troops to their communities.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 12:05:40咱是吃瓜群众,围观
    国防部在一份声明中说,国务卿 马克·埃斯珀 授权大约1600名士兵从北卡罗来纳州布拉格堡和纽约州鼓堡调动。
    Pentagon moves 1,600 active-duty troops near DC as tensions escalate
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 12:36:08落后,不入流武汉无法与纽约
    Wuhan tests nearly 10 million residents in citywide campaign
    The Chinese city of Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus pandemic, has conducted nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 on 9,899,828 people between May 14 and June 1, officials said at a press conference on Tuesday.
    2020-06-03 09:03:07

    纽约世界领先 新冠病毒检测到目前,一共2167831份

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 12:37:42落后,不入流武汉无法与纽约比
    2020-06-03 12:36:08

    落后,不入流武汉无法与纽约 近半个月对9899828人进行了COVID-19的核酸测试。 自大流行开始以来,武汉市进行的COVID-19试验总数达到1090万次。 Wuhan tests nearly 10 million residents in citywide campaign The Chinese city of Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus pandemic, has conducted nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 on 9,899,828 people between May 14 and June 1, officials said at a press conference on Tuesday.

    2020-06-03 09:03:07

    纽约世界领先 新冠病毒检测到目前,一共2167831份

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 15:28:09官方数据造假
    Over the last three months, more than 40,600 long-term care residents and workers have died of COVID-19 – about 40% of the nation’s death toll attributed to the coronavirus, according to an analysis of state data gathered by USA TODAY. That number eclipses a count released Monday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal government’s first attempt at a comprehensive tally. CMS said 25,923 residents had died, but its number only includes federally regulated nursing homes, not assisted living facilities. 
    2020-06-02 11:26:08

    单天保至尊2 2020-06-02 09:27:53 老朱你太见外,在我眼中华人和华侨没有分别,只系搬左出去住的乡里乡亲 lao-zhu 2020-06-02 03:06:42 哈哈哈!!! 哎,美国老年人死于新冠。。。 Nearly 26,000 nursing home residents died from COVID-19 Nearly 26,000 nursing home residents across the country have died from COVID-19, federal officials said Monday, the first public acknowledgement about the scope of the disease in the care facilities.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 15:31:01今日美国:‘A national disgrace’: 40,600 deaths tied to US nursing homes

    好一个 A national disgrace
    2020-06-03 15:28:09

    官方数据造假 根据《今日美国》收集的一份国家数据分析,在过去三个月中,超过40,600名长期护理居民和工人死于COVID-19,约占美国因冠状病毒而死亡人数的40%。这个数字超过了医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)‎‎周一公布的一项统计‎‎,这是联邦政府首次尝试全面统计。CMS说,有25,923名居民死亡 Over the last three months, more than 40,600 long-term care residents and workers have died of COVID-19 – about 40% of the nation’s death toll attributed to the coronavirus, according to an analysis of state data gathered by USA TODAY. That number eclipses a count released Monday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal government’s first attempt at a comprehensive tally. CMS said 25,923 residents had died, but its number only includes federally regulated nursing homes, not assisted living facilities. 

    2020-06-02 11:26:08

    单天保至尊2 2020-06-02 09:27:53 老朱你太见外,在我眼中华人和华侨没有分别,只系搬左出去住的乡里乡亲 lao-zhu 2020-06-02 03:06:42 哈哈哈!!! 哎,美国老年人死于新冠。。。 Nearly 26,000 nursing home residents died from COVID-19 Nearly 26,000 nursing home residents across the country have died from COVID-19, federal officials said Monday, the first public acknowledgement about the scope of the disease in the care facilities.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 15:45:52近5个交易日A股涨幅前20只股票
    002103.XSHE 广博股份 62.21%
    000567.XSHE 海德股份 61.91%
    300431.XSHE 暴风集团 59.18%
    002187.XSHE 广百股份 51.77%
    002071.XSHE 长城影视 51.50%
    600185.XSHG 格力地产 46.39%
    601908.XSHG 京运通 41.41%
    300242.XSHE 佳云科技 40.71%
    300521.XSHE 爱司凯 39.53%
    600415.XSHG 小商品城 38.97%
    002654.XSHE 万润科技 38.68%
    603301.XSHG 振德医疗 37.32%
    600828.XSHG 茂业商业 36.74%
    600865.XSHG 百大集团 35.71%
    002351.XSHE 漫步者 33.90%
    000030.XSHE 富奥股份 33.67%
    603078.XSHG 江化微 33.67%
    300526.XSHE 中潜股份 33.66%
    603969.XSHG 银龙股份 33.33%
    300654.XSHE 世纪天鸿 33.21%
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 21:06:36美国种族贫富差距
    2020-05-31 01:12:32

    疫情,经济停摆失业,警察粗暴执法愤怒,美国陷入危机 华盛顿邮报:Gripped by disease, unemployment and outrage at the police, America plunges into crisis

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 21:09:49净资产中位数,有大学学位的黑人中位数家庭与没有高中文凭的白人中位数家庭的净资产相似。
    2020-06-03 21:06:36

    美国种族贫富差距 净资产中位数,2016年白人家庭与黑人家庭之间的种族贫富差距是10倍

    2020-05-31 01:12:32

    疫情,经济停摆失业,警察粗暴执法愤怒,美国陷入危机 华盛顿邮报:Gripped by disease, unemployment and outrage at the police, America plunges into crisis

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 21:15:5735岁以下美国家庭净资产中位数,黑人和白人
    2020-06-03 21:06:36

    美国种族贫富差距 净资产中位数,2016年白人家庭与黑人家庭之间的种族贫富差距是10倍

    2020-05-31 01:12:32

    疫情,经济停摆失业,警察粗暴执法愤怒,美国陷入危机 华盛顿邮报:Gripped by disease, unemployment and outrage at the police, America plunges into crisis

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 21:21:50马丁·路德·金曾说过:经济问题可能是黑人社区面临的最严重问题,而且,我可以说,这是穷人普遍面临的最严重的问题。
    Consider what Martin Luther King Jr. said on the Tonight Show in February 1968:
    The economic problem is probably the most serious problem confronting the Negro community, and, I might say, the most serious problem confronting poor people generally.
    2020-06-03 21:06:36

    美国种族贫富差距 净资产中位数,2016年白人家庭与黑人家庭之间的种族贫富差距是10倍

    2020-05-31 01:12:32

    疫情,经济停摆失业,警察粗暴执法愤怒,美国陷入危机 华盛顿邮报:Gripped by disease, unemployment and outrage at the police, America plunges into crisis

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  • 2020-06-03 21:30:29俄克拉荷马州运动员说,他在参加抗议活动后对冠状病毒检测呈阳性
    Oklahoma State football player says he tested positive for coronavirus after attending protests
    2020-06-03 10:23:35


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  • 2020-06-03 23:18:05COVID-19给非裔美国人造成的沉重代价,带来了人们期待已久的"道德清算时刻"。
    美国"需要一个触发因素来充分解决医疗差距问题"。"COVID-19 可能是领头羊事件。
    The US has needed a trigger to fully address health care disparities; COVID-19 may be that bellwether event.
    美国医学会杂志:COVID-19 and African Americans
    2020-05-31 01:12:32

    疫情,经济停摆失业,警察粗暴执法愤怒,美国陷入危机 华盛顿邮报:Gripped by disease, unemployment and outrage at the police, America plunges into crisis

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  • 2020-06-03 23:27:57特朗普说,我没有躲进防空洞,我是视察参观
    Trump claims he visited bunker briefly during the day to 'inspect' it
    President Trump on Wednesday denied that he was rushed to an underground bunker at the White House as protests grew violent on Friday evening, claiming he only visited the space briefly during the day.
    2020-06-03 22:39:29

    请问被美国人吓得躲地堡的总统有几位? 答:俩位,伊拉克总统萨达姆和美国总统特朗普

    2020-06-03 22:34:00


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  • 2020-06-03 23:44:31美国禁止中国航空公司飞往美国,同样中国禁止美国航空公司飞往中国。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-03 23:49:30疫情,美国各大航空公司靠联邦政府救济
    2020-06-03 23:44:31

    美国禁止中国航空公司飞往美国,同样中国禁止美国航空公司飞往中国。 疫情期间,中国航班是基本单向载客,只从美国运回中国留学生和公民,而且全程防护。美国航空公司以为可以赚到钱就眼红,问题是它们能做得到不往中国带毒吗?美国疫情这么严重。

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-04 01:24:43美国国防部长马克·埃斯珀说,他不支持使用现役部队来平息抗议,直接反对特朗普
    CNN:Defense chief breaks with Trump on response to protests
    Mark Esper says he doesn't support using active duty troops to quell protests, directly contradicting Trump
    2020-06-03 12:00:04

    国防部长马克·埃斯珀 周二说,他不知道前一天晚上驱散一群抗议者的计划 特朗普总统 穿过该地区,在圣约翰圣公会教堂前摆姿势拍照。 Esper says he didn't know about plan to disperse protesters

    2020-06-03 11:54:24

    "愤怒":特朗普因清除抗议者、威胁使用武力而面临谴责 与此同时,地方和州领导人反对总司令向社区部署部队。 唐纳德·特朗普总统在促使对显然和平的抗议者进行暴力入侵数小时后,面临猛烈的批评,以举办政治拍照机会——周二,地方和州行政官员、国会议员、信仰领袖甚至外国政府对在趋同的国家危机中展示的异常武力进行了谴责。 ‘Outraged’: Trump faces condemnation for clearing protesters, threatening military force Meanwhile, local and state leaders objected to the commander in chief’s push to deploy troops to their communities.

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-04 01:30:50研究公司Canalys的数据显示,今年前三个月,中国智能手机制造商小米和Vivo是印度销量最高的公司,占据了一半以上的市场。三星名列第三,另外两个中国品牌——Realme和Oppo——位列前五。
    In the first three months of this year, Chinese smartphone makers Xiaomi and Vivo were the top sellers in India, accounting for more than half the market, according to research firm Canalys. Samsung was third, and two other Chinese brands — Realme and Oppo — rounded out the top five.
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-04 01:59:57国防部官员告诉美联社,为应对抗议而带到华盛顿地区的现役部队正在返回基地
    Defense officials tell AP that active-duty troops brought to DC area in response to protests are returning to home bases
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense officials tell AP that active-duty troops brought to DC area in response to protests are returning to home bases.
    2020-06-03 12:05:40

    咱是吃瓜群众,围观 五角大楼周二宣布,由于针对乔治·弗洛伊德之死的紧张局势和抗议不断升级,五角大楼正在华盛顿附近启用现役部队。 国防部在一份声明中说,国务卿 马克·埃斯珀 授权大约1600名士兵从北卡罗来纳州布拉格堡和纽约州鼓堡调动。 Pentagon moves 1,600 active-duty troops near DC as tensions escalate

    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-04 02:05:05纽约医护人员在时代广场,悼念黑人受害者和警察暴力的受害者。
    Doctors gathered in Times Square for a 7 p.m. twist: They honored black protesters
    [回 复]
  • 2020-06-04 02:10:14医护人员说,不要公开身份,因为担心雇主会报复她。
    One doctor, a 30-year-old emergency room doctor from Brooklyn who immigrated to the United States as a teenager, said she was frustrated by what she said were racist double standards in the country. She asked not to be publicly identified, fearing retaliation by her employer.
    2020-06-04 02:05:05

    纽约医护人员在时代广场,悼念黑人受害者和警察暴力的受害者。 Doctors gathered in Times Square for a 7 p.m. twist: They honored black protesters

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