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  • 2022-08-28 02:15:3520 Million US Homes Are Behind on Energy Bills
    2022-08-28 02:05:53

    英国财政大臣说,年薪4万5千英镑的英国人将需要政府帮助来支付他们的能源账单 Cost of living crisis: Britons on £45,000 will need help paying energy bills, chancellor says Britons on £45,000 salaries will need government help to pay their energy bills – not only people on benefits, the chancellor has warned.

    2022-08-28 01:14:53

    能源成本飙升,英国开始熄灯餐馆酒吧屠场咖啡馆和商店等小企业被迫关门歇业 Britain starts to turn out the lights: Restaurants, pubs, butchers, cafes and shops are among small businesses forced to close as soaring energy bills begin to bite

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  • 2022-08-28 23:49:59很多非必需消费品,打折清仓也卖不掉,美国的底层P民真的是没钱了。
    2022-08-28 19:51:18

    严重通胀,美国各地的食品银行和旧货店的需求激增 FOX:Higher-income earners visit food banks and shop at Walmart as food inflation rises Food banks and thrift stores across the country are seeing surging demand amid historic inflation

    2022-08-28 02:15:35

    20 Million US Homes Are Behind on Energy Bills 六分之一的美国家庭交不起电费

    2022-08-28 02:05:53

    英国财政大臣说,年薪4万5千英镑的英国人将需要政府帮助来支付他们的能源账单 Cost of living crisis: Britons on £45,000 will need help paying energy bills, chancellor says Britons on £45,000 salaries will need government help to pay their energy bills – not only people on benefits, the chancellor has warned.

    2022-08-28 01:14:53

    能源成本飙升,英国开始熄灯餐馆酒吧屠场咖啡馆和商店等小企业被迫关门歇业 Britain starts to turn out the lights: Restaurants, pubs, butchers, cafes and shops are among small businesses forced to close as soaring energy bills begin to bite

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