德国拒绝给乌克兰坦克,乌克兰外长和大使骂个不停 Ukraine’s FM Kuleba slams Germany over arms supplies Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba accused Germany on Tuesday of ignoring Kyiv’s pleas for Leopard tanks and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, saying Berlin offered only “abstract fears and excuses” for not providing such military hardware.
下一个看点,G20领导人峰会。 中美领导人会晤
除了美元 美欧股市汇市,高台跳水。
鲍叔,咬住cpi不放松,75基点。 美国8月CPI同比上涨8.3%,高于市场预期的8.1%,前值8.5% 8月核心CPI同比上涨6.3%,高于市场预期的6.1%,前值5.9%
中俄印 9月15日至16日,印度总理莫迪访问乌兹别克,出席上海合作组织成员国领导峰会 Prime Minister’s visit to Uzbekistan for the SCO Summit (September 15-16, 2022)
印度退出拜登的TPP(印太经济贸易谈判IPEF) India opts out of trade talks with US-led Indo-Pacific group IPEF nations met for the first time this week to define their main negotiation tracks
美国基本国策围堵中方 美俄交恶,拜登硬把俄罗斯推向中方一边
鲍叔,咬住cpi不放松,75基点。 美国8月CPI同比上涨8.3%,高于市场预期的8.1%,前值8.5% 8月核心CPI同比上涨6.3%,高于市场预期的6.1%,前值5.9%
鲍叔,咬住cpi不放松,75基点。 美国8月CPI同比上涨8.3%,高于市场预期的8.1%,前值8.5% 8月核心CPI同比上涨6.3%,高于市场预期的6.1%,前值5.9%
美帝那些数据我觉得都是扯蛋,目的就是加息 88年加息:日本泡沫破灭 94年 亚洲金融海啸 99 *** 2004 *** 2015 *** 2022
在美国,有研究结果表明,染上新冠病毒的美国人中,有五分之一的人患有后遗症 国会山:Census: 1 in 5 people who had COVID-19 report having long COVID
在美国,有研究结果表明,染上新冠病毒的美国人中,有五分之一的人患有后遗症 国会山:Census: 1 in 5 people who had COVID-19 report having long COVID
美国媒体老是打我的脸 洛杉矶时报:即使在2022年,洛杉矶的新冠死亡率也比车祸高 今年1~4月,洛杉矶每10万人有31.8人死于新冠,是同一时期车祸死亡人数的9倍,流感和肺炎加起来的5倍 Even in 2022, 洛杉矶 COVID death rate is worse than car crashes. Here’s why
疫情,美国累计死亡人数超过105万 Confirmed Cases 95,242,750 Deaths 1,050,318 多读点书吧! 老苹果 2022-09-12 13:59:27 翟山鹰:2021年跳楼46万,40%人口神经病
疫情,美国累计死亡人数超过105万 Confirmed Cases 95,242,750 Deaths 1,050,318 多读点书吧! 老苹果 2022-09-12 13:59:27 翟山鹰:2021年跳楼46万,40%人口神经病
能源危机 高昂能源费用,意大利的商店关灯点蜡烛 商店关冷藏柜,节电。 Italy turns to candles amid energy price hikes - The Counter Signal Stores in Italy are turning off their lights and opting for candles amid a massive increase in energy bills. Amid the price spike, some stores also removed food items that require cold storage because it costs too much to power refrigerators.
关灯省电吃面 高昂的能源账单,德国数百家面包店在黑暗中出售面包和糕点, Hundreds of bakeries in Germany sell bread and pastries in the dark to turn the spotlight on sky-high energy bills
中国发展太快了 拜登想了想,加大限制美国芯片和工具出口 CNBC:Biden to hit China with broader curbs on 美国 chip and tool exports: Reuters, citing sources
卫报:俄切断哈尔科夫地区的电力和用水 Russian strikes knock out power and water in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region - The Guardian
印度退出拜登的TPP(印太经济贸易谈判IPEF) India opts out of trade talks with US-led Indo-Pacific group IPEF nations met for the first time this week to define their main negotiation tracks
关灯省电吃面 高昂的能源账单,德国数百家面包店在黑暗中出售面包和糕点, Hundreds of bakeries in Germany sell bread and pastries in the dark to turn the spotlight on sky-high energy bills
关灯省电吃面 高昂的能源账单,德国数百家面包店在黑暗中出售面包和糕点, Hundreds of bakeries in Germany sell bread and pastries in the dark to turn the spotlight on sky-high energy bills